The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 254 The abbot returns to Beijing

"I'm sorry."

"But my father didn't feel sorry for you, right? My father valued you a lot and valued inkstones very much. This is his eldest grandson!"

"You don't have to come back, but Yan Shu must recognize his ancestor and return to the clan. He can only be from my Zhongyong Hou Mansion!" Lu Yuanze's expression was cold and he no longer tried to hide it.

Xu was almost happy.

"Zhongyong Houfu? You don't even have a plaque. What kind of Houfu is it? Stop putting gold on your face!"

"I'm sorry, old man, but it's not me!"

"It's you! Don't kidnap me morally!" Xu spat, spitting directly on Lu Yuanze's face.

Fortunately, I wrote the divorce letter in the first place, otherwise, he would really have taken advantage of me!

"This old man has a son like you, I'm afraid he will die in peace!"

"If you want to recognize your son, let's do it in the next life!"

"Dengzhi, see off the guests!" Mrs. Xu shouted sharply.

Lu Yuanze wanted to say more, but Dengzhi came directly with his guards. He pushed Lu Yuanze directly and couldn't get any closer.

"Yanshu is also my son!" Lu Yuanze shouted loudly with veins bulging on his forehead.

Lu Yanshu was wearing a long gown and standing under the corridor.

Lu Yuanze's eyes lit up with joy: "Yanshu, come home with dad quickly. Let's open a ancestral temple to worship our ancestors. When dad was alive, you were the one who loved you the most."

"He has suffered the disadvantage of being uneducated in his life, and he talks about his future generations being literate all day long. You are the most promising person of this generation, he must be happy."

"Back then, you were his favorite."

Lu Yanshu was holding a book and standing under the corridor with a calm expression.

"You go back. I will give my grandfather a stick of incense when I have time."

Lu Yuanze's eyes brightened slightly.

"It's impossible to recognize your ancestors and return to your clan."

Recognizing his ancestors and returning to his clan would be another betrayal of his mother. He would never be able to recognize his ancestors and return to his clan.


"Master Lu, please show some respect. His Majesty has personally read the divorce letter that he wrote back then!"

"You exchanged Lu Jinghuai for inkstones. Who in the capital wouldn't know?"

Rong Che took Lu Chaochao's hand and came in from the door.

Lu Yuanze's eyes were dark: "What does it have to do with you that I'm talking to my son?"

"Son? I didn't even hear a word of father!" The presence of the old god Rong Che made Lu Yuanze roll his eyes in anger.

"Chaochao, come and give me a hug." Lu Yuanze clapped his hands towards Chaochao.

Lu Chaochao muttered in disgust: "What kind of father do you think you are?"

"There are so many people who want to be my father. You are not missing."

Lu Yuanze suppressed his anger: "Chaochao, you are still young and don't understand. How can your stepfather compare to your biological father? Your biological father has broken bones and connected tendons, how come we are all part of the same family!"

"Then let's crush the bones and spread the ashes." Lu Chaochao said seriously.

"There are no muscles or bones left."

"Unfilial daughter! You evil daughter, aren't you afraid of thunder and lightning?" Lu Yuanze was so angry that he pointed at Lu Chaochao and cursed.

Rong Che blocked Chao Chao behind him: "Master Lu, she doesn't even have a family tree, what an unfilial daughter!"

"Isn't it you who was struck by lightning? When you and Mr. Pei stole someone, your hair was singed and even your buttocks were exposed."

"get out!"

"Don't be an eyesore here."

Lu Yuanze felt ashamed and angry, rolled up his sleeves and left.

Mrs. Xu, on the other hand, took her children to entertain guests to celebrate Lu Yanshu's passing in Sanyuan.

The two families are in stark contrast.

Lu Yuanze returned home angrily. Mrs. Pei sat in front of the hall and said in a cold tone: "Are you looking for Mrs. Xu again?"

"Mrs. Xu, Mrs. Xu, you only remember Mrs. Xu! Where do you put my face? I am your real wife!"

"Lu Yuanze, where do you want to put my face and my child's face? That is your ex-wife He Li, you are slapping me in the face!" Mr. Pei's face turned red, with tears in his eyes.

The whole capital laughed at her.

"Face? What face do you want?!"

"You were shameless when you were my concubine. What kind of shame do you want now? If you can't teach your children well and manage your children well, what's the use of marrying you?"

"You are an outsider, why do you have any dignity?"

The most hurtful words always come from those closest to you.

At this moment, Lu Yuanze could not have imagined that one day he and Mr. Pei would slander each other.

Mrs. Pei was so angry that he covered her heart and pointed at his shaky figure.

He looked very angry.

Lu Jingyao cursed secretly, it was useless.

"Dad, don't scold mother."

"The abbot of Huguo Temple said that Jingyao is extremely precious. When Jingyao grows up, he will give face to his parents." Lu Jingyao tried to persuade him with tears in his eyes.

Lu Yuanze snorted coldly and stopped cursing.

"Jingyao doesn't understand why our family's life has become worse and worse after having sister Chaochao."

"There is no court, my parents are in harmony, my brother has an excellent reputation, my grandmother has never been paralyzed, and our family still has a plaque of the Marquis' Mansion..."

"But since the birth of Chaochao, my father and mother have been at odds, my brother has had accidents one after another, my grandmother has suffered a stroke, my aunt was beaten to death in public, and our hereditary marquis has also disappeared..."

"Is it Cha Chao Ke's family?"

"Look, she became a princess instead."

"It's like she sucked our family's luck."

Lu Yuanze was thoughtful, and Lu Jingyao suddenly covered his mouth after saying: "Dad, don't take it to heart what Jingyao is talking about. How could Chao Chao get luck? It might be a coincidence."

Lu Yuanze was silent and said nothing.


"It was after she was born that everything went wrong."

"I was struck by lightning, demoted, and everything happened after she was born." Lu Yuanze's heart sank, and everything was possible.

"Jingyao, you are really my father's lucky star."

Lu Jingyao sighed: "Chaochao can even defeat his own father, so His Majesty accepts her as his daughter, so he won't defeat Beizhao, right?"

Lu Yuanze raised his eyebrows.

"Tomorrow, March 3rd, there will be a Dharma gathering. The abbot of Huguo Temple returns to Beizhao to give lectures. I will take you to find him."

"Back then, when you were still in your mother's arms, the abbot of the Huguo Temple predicted that your future life would be extremely precious, beyond words. He even gave you Buddhist beads that had never left your body and were blessed by the Dharma. It can be seen that for you, You attach great importance to..."

Lu Yuanze looked at his daughter happily: "Jingyao, you are really my father's daughter."

"That unfilial daughter Lu Chaochao!"

Lu Jingyao leaned in his father's arms and looked at his father with admiration.

"Chaochao is so ignorant. You are his father, yet you are so unfilial. Jingyao must be filial to his father and not make him sad..."

"Okay, okay, Jingyao is so good!"

Lu Yuanze felt depressed.

In the evening, he even had dinner with Lu Jingyao and his daughter in a very good mood.

March three.

It is a Dharma event.

Lu Yuanze had dressed up early. He was taking a shower today, so he didn't need to ask for leave.

He took Lu Jingyao directly and went out with his head held high.

"Today, Lu Chaochao's good days have come to an end!"

The purpose of the Dharma Dharma Conference is to exchange Dharma and save all sentient beings.

Most people are busy making money to support their families and have no time to listen to scriptures.

Almost all aristocratic families bring their children to listen to the scriptures and pray for blessings. Even the King of Jingxi and his wife were sitting on the futon with pious faces on their faces.

The abbot of Huguo Temple is a contemporary eminent monk and the abbot of the royal temple, with a very high status.

At this moment, Lu Yuanze was stopped by the young novice monk under the high platform.

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