"Donors, you are not allowed to go near the Buddhist altar. You can listen to sutras and pray for blessings with other benefactors." The young novice monk stopped him.

Many noble people looked at Lu Yuanze.

Lu Yuanze's eyebrows were smiling.

"Master Lu, not everyone can get on the Buddhist altar."

Being able to sit across from the eminent monks of Huguo Temple and listen to sutras is the treatment of an emperor.

King Jingxi's eyebrows showed disdain.

A man who sucks the blood of his wife and feeds his wife is despised.

Although he Xie Jingxi was not a good person, he could not do such a shameless thing.

Lu Yuanze saluted Xie Jingxi.

"My daughter has some connection with the abbot, so she should come forward to pay homage." Lu Yuanze saw everyone's looks and sneered in his heart.

What do you know?

Jing Yao was valued by the abbot even before she was born. She was different!

"Excuse me, little master, please report to the abbot. I am Lu Yuanze. Back then, he also gave a string of Buddhist beads to my daughter. Today I brought my daughter here to express my gratitude."

The little novice monk looked surprised. Is this the destined person to whom the abbot gave the beads?

He glanced at Lu Jingyao.

Lu Jingyao smiled sweetly at the little novice monk.

The young novice returned the greeting with folded hands.

"Please wait a moment, Donor Lu." The little novice monk walked towards the high platform.

The nobles below were quite surprised.

"Master Lu actually has such a fate with the abbot of Huguo Temple? Madam Jiang, do you know?" Princess Jingxi asked Madam Jiang beside her.

Mrs. Jiang looked embarrassed and said with a smile, "I don't know much about the Lu family's affairs."

"Didn't your daughter marry Lu Jinghuai? You are related by marriage." Princess Jingxi looked suspicious.

Not long after Princess Jingxi returned to Beijing, her son was put into solitary confinement because she disliked the appearance of Prince Jingxi.

I only heard a rough outline of the matter of Zhongyong Hou Mansion and Li.

Mrs. Jiang frowned slightly, her heart filled with depression.

"I heard Jin Niang mention it."

"It was said that Jing Yao was still in the womb, so she received the approval of the abbot of Huguo Temple. Her destiny is as high as the sky and is indescribably precious. At that time, the abbot gave her a Buddhist bead blessed by Buddhist teachings."

"It seems that the abbot values ​​her extremely."

Princess Jingxi covered her mouth in surprise.

"Lu Yuanze is so lucky."

Mrs. Jiang raised the corner of her mouth and smiled, but her eyes were extremely gloomy.

How could she have imagined that she would have to cancel the marriage of the paralyzed man alive, but when she turned around, the paralyzed man would stand up again and win the third prize!

And the marriage she tried so hard to get was not even dared to enter the entrance examination! !

Still unclear with men!

Thinking of Jiang Yunjin crying and going back to her parents' home, clamoring for a divorce, Jiang's mother felt dizzy.

How could the paralytic who she despised get a pass with just three yuan!

Lu Jinghuai's failure is not terrible.

What’s scary is Lu Yanshu’s success.

Xie Yuzhou, the eldest son of King Jingxi, was sitting on the futon. When his mother and concubine looked over, he immediately shrank his neck.

"Mother, look, that is Jing Yao..."

"Jing Yao is smart and cute, and is not at all different from Lu Chaochao. Lu Chaochao is a barbarian!" Xie Yuzhou was scared when he mentioned Lu Chaochao.

Princess Jingxi secretly glanced at the prince and glared at her son: "Shut up, you, didn't you beat me enough last time?"

"How can you call Princess Zhaoyang by her first name?"

Xie Yuzhou hurriedly looked around, fearing that Lu Chaochao would find him.

"Just don't tell me."

Princess Jingxi glanced at Lu Jingyao. Lu Jingyao was over two years old, a little taller and quite well-behaved. I have been paying attention to this place since I thought about it, and when I felt the gaze of Princess Jingxi, I smiled at the princess.

Xie Yuzhou waved his arms to say hello.

King Jingxi looked calm.

"Stop interacting with her."

"You are so young, but your eyes are too philistine. She can sell you out." The princess was furious. Is this child short-sighted?

"Although Princess Zhaoyang is not easy to mess with, her eyes are pure and not scheming at all." Someone said that although she didn't like Princess Zhaoyang, she had no good character.

"Mother, how can you say that about Jingyao! Jingyao is only over two years old. It is already difficult for her to survive in the cracks under the main room. Moreover, the abbot also gave her Buddhist beads... She must have great fortune." Xie Yuzhou He looked at his mother dissatisfied.

Princess Jingxi slightly curled her fingers and knocked directly on his head.

The pain was so painful that Xie Yuzhou clutched his head and screamed.

"I think your brain was caught in the door! Her mother squeezed the main wife away and entered the house to become the main wife. What a fool!" Princess Jingxi couldn't help but scolded her angrily.

No real wife in the world would like an outside wife.

Naturally hostile relationship.

"Did I lose your mind when I gave birth to you? She was only more than two years old and she was already fooling you around. How could she be better when she was older?" The princess hated the iron.

The princess ignored Lu Jingyao's overtures.

Which child over two years old has a look of fawning and fawning in his eyes?

Lu Jingyao gave her a deep sense of disobedience.

His eyes look like those of a child who doesn't understand the world.

On the contrary...

Like a scheming girl trapped in a child's body?

Princess Jingxi shuddered, she was really thinking nonsense. Maybe she followed Mr. Pei to see Zhu Zhechi and failed to learn from it.

"As for the Buddhist beads, they were broken on the spot. Maybe it was retribution!" The princess curled her lips. The daughter born to an outsider of the Pei family was actually valued by the abbot.

What a price!


No main wife would like to see the daughter of a foreign wife being extremely valuable!

"Is the abbot very powerful?" Princess Jingxi gently pulled the prince's sleeve.

She lowered her head slightly, revealing her beautiful and slender neck. Her face was cautious and she looked at the prince expectantly.

The King of Jingxi is not very handsome, but his wife is very beautiful.

King Jingxi glanced at her. Although there were some conflicts, the friendship between husband and wife for many years could not be let go.

"Although Huguo Temple is a royal temple, the emperor abides by the rules in front of the abbot."

"The abbot is a rare eminent monk in the world. No one dares to make a mistake in front of him..."

"Lu Yuanze, where does he get the face?" King Jingxi scolded.

"Why did the abbot become blind?" the princess asked.

King Jingxi shook his head: "No one knows why he suddenly became blind. The abbot said it was because he spoke rudely and revealed the secret of heaven."

At this moment, the young novice monk stepped onto the high platform.

He whispered something in the abbot's ear.

The abbot's hand waved the beads for a moment, as if he had said something. The little novice monk smiled and walked towards Lu Yuanze.

"Donor, the abbot would like to ask the benefactor to take a seat." The young monk's face was full of surprise.

Lu Yuanze held Lu Jingyao's hand and strode proudly up the stairs.

Everyone was talking and looking at him in surprise.

Who would have thought that Lu Yuanze would fall into the abbot's eyes?

What's even more shocking is that.

When Lu Yuanze came to the stage with his daughter, the abbot actually stood up to greet him.

"Lord Lu..." The abbot clasped his hands together.

Lu Yuanze hurriedly returned the gift.

"Three years ago, my father-in-law gave me Buddhist beads to my daughter. I brought my daughter here today to express my gratitude."

"Fortunately, with the blessing of Buddhist beads, I have not been harmed by evil spirits in the past few years."

After Mr. Pei got the Buddhist beads, evil spirits were not allowed to come even half a step closer during the Hungry Ghost Festival in the past few years.

Unfortunately, the beads were broken.

Lu Yuanze felt very sorry.

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