Xu Yiting was confused.

He has been feeling cold these past few days and is taking medicine. He has not touched any alcohol today and is just here to keep him company.

He watched Rong Che drinking one glass after another, drunkenly expressing his feelings while drinking.

And at this moment...

Lu Chaochao's thoughts filled his ears.

Xu Yiting raised his hand and touched his nose, covering the slightly raised corners of his lips.

He secretly looked at his sister again, and saw that she also couldn't hide her smile.

Xu Yiting looked at General Rong's performance with a smile on his face.

"Mother Yun...can I come to your house?" Rong Che said pitifully.

At first he didn't pay much attention to appearance and always thought of being a man. Appearance was the most useless thing.

But now in order to make Yun Niang happy.

Even his beard was clean shaven and his hair was combed meticulously, like a peacock spreading its tail.

Xu Yiting looked at his sister.

Xu and her eldest brother looked at each other and nodded gently.

"Then you come to propose marriage." Xu Yiting said softly.

The drunken man was suddenly startled, holding Xu Yiting's hand and paused for a moment.

Hey, he didn't dare offend Yun Niang.

Then get her big brother.

"Really?" Rong Che jumped up suddenly, his eyes shining brightly, not even the slightest bit drunk.

Xu finally couldn't hold it back: "Yes."

Rong Che jumped up suddenly and saw Lu Chaochao at the table: "Chaochao, did you hear that? Yun Niang asked me to propose marriage!!" Rong Che couldn't believe it, Yun Niang actually nodded! !

"From now on, you will be my dad!"

"Ah, that's not right. From now on, I will be your father..."

Rong Che smiled, his eyes red. Lu Yuanze hurt Yun Niang so much that he was ready not to marry for the rest of his life.

But he didn't expect that Yun Niang would give him such a big surprise.

Seeing that he was happy, Xu Yiting was a little confused: "It's getting late, go back and get ready."

Rong Che still wanted to spend more time with Yun Niang, but he also understood that he was not justified and staying at night would only bring criticism to Yun Niang.

Immediately blushing, he turned back three times and reluctantly went out.

Lu Chaochao lay at the table: "Hey, I forgot..."

"I poured the water into the jug and drank from it..."

"Then...why is Uncle Rong so drunk?"

Xu Yiting picked up Chaochao with a smile and said, "Uncle Rong, you are expressing your love for Yun Niang through wine." He had a deep love for Yun Niang, and he seemed to be in love.

Lu Chaochao didn't understand.

At this moment, Rong Che was crazy with joy.

I just felt a sense of joy in my chest, I couldn't hold it back no matter what, I wanted to vent it out.

"General Rong, why don't you go back home so late?" As he was walking on the street, a colleague sat in a sedan to greet him.

"Yes, yes, how did you know that I was getting married?" Rong Che laughed loudly.

Colleagues? ?

"She is willing to let me marry her, and she agreed!" Rong Che looked happy.

"Do you understand this feeling? She is the only one who can do it in this life, and you would rather lack it than have it in vain? Have you ever truly loved someone?"

"Hey, hey, why are you leaving?" Rong Che wanted to say more, but the other party left without looking back.

It seemed like a ghost was chasing me.

He walked to the street vendor with a smile: "Do you know I'm getting married?"

A street vendor? ?

No, is he sick?

Rong Che even kicked the dog on the roadside: "I'm getting married, are you happy?"

Rong Che's face was red, he raised his head and chest, and returned to the Zhenguo Duke's Mansion with a proud look on his face.

Bang bang bang, the door banged loudly.

"Come on, come on, be gentle! Who is knocking so hard?" The concierge hurriedly came to open the door.

Once the door is opened.

"General, why are you back? You knocked on the door so hard..." The concierge looked at him suspiciously.

When I go home, I feel like I am a thief.


Something doesn't look right.

His eyebrows were dancing with joy, and his tail was almost raised to the sky.

Rong Che raised his chin: "Where are your parents?"

"Just lie down, please keep your voice down. If you wake them up, you may get scolded again." The concierge couldn't help but advise.

Rong Che waved his hand and his voice was full of anger.

Finally feel proud and proud, whisper? nonexistent!

Rong Che strode inside, and the maids and slaves were shocked by his bold behavior.

"Dad...Dad...are you asleep?"

"Mom, mother, wake up quickly..." Rong Che lay down in front of the bed.

As soon as the Duke of Zhen and the old lady opened their eyes, they saw a big face in front of them. The two elders were so frightened that they jumped up: "You traitor! Who do you want to scare to death?"

"If you can't give a reasonable reason today, I'll ask you to go see your ancestors!" Zhen Guo Gong gritted his teeth.

Treason, this traitor!

"What are you doing so late at night?" The old lady glared at him.

Old God Rong Che was watching them, no longer afraid at all.

The two elders looked at each other and said, "Are you so angry that you are going crazy because you can't get a wife?" asked the Duke of Zhen.

Rong Che coughed dryly and cleared his throat.

"Me! I want a wife!"

"Mother Yun nodded and agreed that I would come!" Rong Che raised his chin with a proud look on his face.

The Duke of Zhen and his wife looked startled.

The two elders burst into ecstasy in their eyes: "Are you serious? Can you really come to the door?"

"Oh, my son is so awesome!!"

"Just now, you said you wanted me to meet my ancestors?" Rong Che snorted.

"You are the ancestor, you are the ancestor, right? By the way, have you asked Yun Niang if you can bring your parents with you when you come to visit?" Zhenguo Gong asked eagerly.

"Dad, that's so presumptuous. I haven't proposed marriage yet."

"Yes, yes, don't be in a hurry."

Duke Zhen Guo immediately got out of bed.

"Where are you going, dad?"

"Let's take stock of the family property. When you come to visit us in the future, you are not allowed to bring any property with you?" It would be better if you could bring us two old bones with you.

At night, the town government kept an inventory of the family's property.

Early the next morning.

The Duke of Zhenguo prepared his horses and entered the palace early.

It's the Queen Mother's birthday today and she will attend a palace banquet.

As soon as Rong Che entered the palace, Lord Jiang stepped forward with a smile: "General Rong, I heard that you are going to the Xu family to be your son-in-law?"

Mr. Jiang is Jiang Yunjin’s biological father.

Rong Che doesn't like Lord Jiang.

Jiang Yunjin betrayed his trust and abandoned his fiancé, but he was still his savior. Master Jiang inevitably added fuel to the flames.

But in the court, you have to give some thin noodles.

"General Rong, you are confused! You are the only son of the Rong family and the only legitimate son of the Duke of Zhenguo. The Queen is still your biological sister. Xu Shiyun is a divorced woman with three sons and one daughter. How can you marry her? "Master Jiang groaned repeatedly.

"If you tell me, wouldn't it make the world laugh at you?"

Mr. Jiang has a concubine named Jiang Yuan, who is twenty-eight years old and is still in the boudoir.

She had been obsessed with Rong Che when she was young.

He once said that he would not marry anyone but Rong Che.

Last night, after hearing that Rong Che asked to marry Xu Shiyun, it was said that a lot of ornaments were smashed.

Rong Che looked at him in surprise.

"Master Jiang, what nonsense are you talking about! Yun Niang is very good, no one can compare with her!"

"Besides, who spread the rumor that I'm going to marry her?" Rong Che was furious.

"Don't hurt me!"

"I know, Brother Che, you despise Xu Shiyun. You are the God of War of Beizhao, and you have frightened the surrounding countries. How could you marry Xu Shiyun!" Jiang Yuan was wearing a long dress and looked at him lovingly.

Rong Che: "Stay away from me. The fragrance on your body is smelling like me."

"I will not marry Yun Niang."

"I'm going to the door!"

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