"What did you say?!!"

Jiang Yuan had a shrill voice and looked at him as if he had seen a ghost.

"Are you going to visit? Become Xu Shiyun's son-in-law? How can she be qualified!" Jiang Yuan had just grown hair at that time, and had been rescued by Rong Che when he ran away from home and was in danger.

That year, Lu Yanshu fell into the water, and Rong Che was worried about Yun Niang.

He secretly ran back from the border and saved her on the way, and Jiang Yuan became deeply in love with her from then on.

I won’t marry anyone but him.

Whenever there was a rumor that the Duke of Zhenguo wanted to look after Rong Che, she would interfere with it and harmed many girls.

A few years ago, there was a little girl who only said that General Jurong was brave and unparalleled, and that he was a good match in a woman's heart.

She looked for an excuse and slapped the other person in public. The other party was a young girl who had just grown hair. She was thin-skinned, ashamed, and her family background was not as good as hers. She was angry and married away from Beijing.

She has always regarded Rong Che as her own.

Unexpectedly, Xu Shiyun appeared halfway.

Rong Che's expression was indifferent, his eyes seemed to be filled with frost, and he was refusing to let people stay thousands of miles away.

"Be polite to Yun Niang! If you sound rude again, I'll smash your mouth!" His tone was stern, and his eyes were dangerous, making people feel numb.

Jiang Yuan's eyes were red and she was biting her lower lip with tears in her eyes.

She just liked Rong Che's appearance as a majestic, aloof, unattainable iron-blooded general.

With the power in hand, the support of the Duke of Zhenguo, and his own sister being the queen, he was one of the best in the capital.

"You clearly said back then, Beizhao Weiping, that you didn't want to get married!! You didn't want to worry about the love between your children!"

"I just don't want to be with you forever."

"I just want to be with Yun Niang and my daughter!" Rong Che said in a serious tone.

"You..." Jiang Yuan was so angry that she was shaking all over.

"You have a prominent family background and great power. She must be interested in your power!" Jiang Yuan was unwilling to give in, and she was even more unwilling to lose to the Xu family.

"There are so many powerful people in the world, why did she marry me? I must be the one who is different!" Rong Che knows how to PUA himself.

"Don't waste your time on me!" Rong Che didn't want to talk to her at all.

Jiang Yuan cried out in anger.

"But I, but I have loved you for many years...I have waited for you for many years, and I only want to marry you in this life." Jiang Yuan sobbed.

"You and I have no grievances or grudges..."

"Why do you want to repay kindness with hatred?" Rong Che looked at her solemnly.

Jiang Yuan! ! !

Jiang Yuan's face was horribly pale, as if he had been beaten to pieces by Rong Che.

"What's wrong with me... Would you rather come here than marry me?" She looked at Rong Che sadly, but Rong Che didn't look at her at all, his eyes searched everywhere.

Looking for his Yun Niang.

"I don't like women's incense..."

"I don't like yellow either. You always wear a light yellow dress."

"I also don't like women talking too much. I get bored listening to them."

"You look like you are reading a lot of poems and books, and I look like a big boss. You and I are not compatible in any way, so don't worry about me!" Every time Rong Che said a word, Jiang Yuan's face turned ugly.

"Miss Jiang, I have someone in my heart, and I hope you won't interfere with my marriage. Please stay away from me. I am the one who is proposing marriage, so I should keep myself clean." Rong Che felt that he was three meters away from her and could not speak. Rely on roaring.

Jiang Yuan looked at him unwillingly.

Rong Che's eyes suddenly lit up, he left Jiang Yuan behind and headed towards the door.

In the eyes of everyone, General Rong, who had always been taciturn and indifferent by nature, had a smile on his face and greeted him like a flower.

"Yunniang...be careful of the slippery floor." Her voice was soft, for fear of startling the other person.

Today, Mrs. Xu happened to be wearing a yellow shirt.

"Yun Niang, yellow is gentle and elegant, it really suits you. You look good in yellow..."

"What kind of incense does Yun Niang use on weekdays? It smells refreshing and pleasant, but it's quite artistic." Rong Che racked his brains to praise Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu held the handkerchief and sighed that he was a fool.

"It's agarwood." Dengzhi replied with a smile.

Jiang Yuan took a deep breath, agarwood! !

I obviously use agarwood too! She is also wearing yellow, and Xu has read a lot of poetry and books, so why are they treated so completely differently!

Rong Che walked toward Xu's seat.

She was a first-grade imperial concubine, and she happened to be sitting with the old lady of Zhen Guogong.

"Sit next to me. Are you tired from this journey?" The old lady looked at her eagerly.

Last night, the whole family was so excited that they stayed up all night and cried all night while holding the ancestor's memorial tablet.

I'm finally looking forward to a daughter-in-law.

Although, I haven’t gotten it yet…

"Old madam, you're not tired. It's only a few steps..."

The old lady watched eagerly, grabbing Xu's hand and placing it in her palm.

Rong Che glanced at her again and again. He hadn't touched his little hand yet.

The old lady glanced at him, then patted Mrs. Xu, with a proud look on her face, and I touched my daughter-in-law's hand.

"There are women here, what are you doing here? Why don't you leave quickly?" The old lady gave him a sideways look.

Rong Che had to leave reluctantly.

But her eyes were always locked on Yun Niang.

Jiang Yuan's eyes were red with anger and full of resentment. She bit her lip and wanted to walk towards Mrs. Xu.


A frightening murderous aura looked towards her, full of hostility and coercion. Her heart clenched suddenly, and in the blink of an eye...

His face turned pale, his teeth chattered and trembled.

My scalp was numb and I was sweating all over.

It seemed as if if she took one more step, blood would be splattered on the spot.

She turned her head stiffly.

Then he saw Rong Che looking at her indifferently, with murderous intent in his eyes, looking at her coldly.

Jiang Yuan was trembling all over and couldn't say a word.

She was shrouded in murderous intent. She had never seen such a terrifying formation before!

Rong Che wanted to kill her.

Just because she wanted to get close to Xu.

Rong Che wants to kill her!

He didn't allow himself to hurt that woman even a little bit! He can't even appear in her sight!

"Tao'er, help me..." Jiang Yuan whispered, not daring to look directly into Rong Che's eyes.

She found a corner, far away from the Xu family.

Only then did Rong Che look away.

When he looked up again, he was already holding his face in his hands, with thousands of stars gathering in his eyes, looking at Xu Shiyun dreamily.

"I thought he was unemotional, but it turns out..."

"All his tenderness is only for Mrs. Xu."

"He even wanted to kill me..."

Lu Chaochao sat obediently next to Mrs. Xu, glancing at Jiang Yuan from time to time.

[That person has ill intentions towards my mother...]

[However, she seems to be afraid of Uncle Rong...]

Today is the Queen Mother's birthday banquet, and everyone in the palace is celebrating her birthday.

Lu Chaochao couldn't take his eyes away from the dazzling array of congratulatory gifts.

After a while, the eunuch was heard shouting: "The emperor has arrived..."

When the emperor came in with his queen, everyone knelt down and shouted loudly: "Long live your Majesty, long live your Majesty."

"The empress is a thousand years old, a thousand years old."

"Sit down." The emperor raised his hand gently.

He pulled the queen to the throne, with a gentle tone and an intimate gesture, which surprised all the civil and military officials.

When did the relationship between emperor and empress get so good? ? ?

Emperor: Knock out your teeth and swallow them in your stomach. You will be miserable and cannot tell you.

Everything starts with Concubine Hui raising fish.

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