Xie Yuzhou panicked.

Lu Chaochao's cheeks were red, his eyes were dazed, and he was grinning in a silly manner, which frightened him out of his wits.

He just got beaten! !

"Why do you pour it in just one drop? You are so awesome, how can you pour it in one drop! This is not in line with your status!!!" Xie Yuzhou's scalp went numb.

He was really scared that he would be beaten by a mix of people.

"Don't shake, it will make Chaochao want to vomit..." Lu Chaochao's face wrinkled into a bitter melon.

"Shhhhhh, keep your voice down. Father will beat me to death if he knows..." The sixth prince was also afraid. He tasted a drop and found it spicy and delicious, but not as powerful as Lu Chaochao.

"It's so noisy, so noisy. Do they seem to be fighting? It's so noisy!" Lu Chaochao covered his ears with his hands.

"I'm going out to break up the fight." Lu Chaochao said and was about to go out.

Xie Yuzhou hurriedly stopped her, no, no, no, if you go out, I will be beaten to death.

"What should I do?" Xie Yuzhou was running around anxiously.

"Can you drink more water? You drink some water and some milk to sober up?" Xie Yuzhou is only a half-year-old child and doesn't understand what sobering soup is.

I personally thought that drinking more milk and water would relieve my drunkenness.

Tons, tons, tons, I drank a few sips, still grinning silly.

He was talking about going out and smashing the heads of the emperor and Yuan Shoufu.

"Those indifferent bitches make me study every day... I'm going to smash their heads!"

Xie Yuzhou couldn't help but cover his head: "Ancestor, please feel sorry for my head first."

"Look, this is the head. This is not a Japanese melon..."

"Hey, Japanese melon, Japanese melon..."

"Big Japanese melon..." Lu Chaochao grinned like a fool.

"It's over, it's over...don't let her out." The sixth prince grabbed Lu Chaochao, fearing that she would run out.

Lu Chaochao suddenly became quiet.

He tilted his ears, seeming to be concentrating on something.

"Someone is calling me..." Lu Chaochao suddenly said seriously.

"Are you hallucinating? It's so noisy outside, how can anyone call you?" Xie Yuzhou lay under the table and listened carefully, but no one called her at all.

"I didn't hear it either. No one called you." The sixth prince shook his head.

Lu Chaochao's cheeks puffed up, and his red face looked so cute.

Xie Yuzhou's hands were itchy and he squeezed them secretly.

Wow, so soft and cute.

"Obviously someone called me, told me to come... Listen, someone called me all the time."

"No, I want to go out. I want to take a look..." Lu Chaochao said and was about to crawl out.

"Hey, hey, ancestor, please. Can I take you here?" How dare Xie Yuzhou let her climb out like this.

He lifted half of the tablecloth, but the maid did not dare to stand in front of the emperor, staying several meters away.

"Keep your head down and don't talk." He led Lu Chaochao and climbed out from under the table.

"These three skinny monkeys were fighting fiercely not long ago, but they can't help but wear a pair of trousers." The Queen Mother couldn't help but joke.

"Relationships with children come and go as quickly as they come. You won't believe it, but we'll have another falling out soon." The queen frowned. Seeing the objections from the courtiers, she couldn't help but look at her brother worriedly.

She has a very good relationship with her younger brother, and she also knows that his younger brother has a temperament that would rather be in need than excess.

Otherwise, there would be no way of not getting married at the age of thirty-five.

But when two people get married, one of them, Lu Yanshu or Rong Che, will inevitably have to step aside.

With both civil and military affairs in hand, how can a noble family be willing to do so?

The emperor was so angry that he didn't care, but these old men thought more.

He wished he could be tied to death with Lu Chaochao.

Seeing Lu Chaochao crawling out, Bai Guan suddenly became silent.

The originally noisy banquet suddenly became quiet.

The Protector remained neutral.

Yuan Shoufu also kept a calm face and said nothing. Although he did not have a master-disciple relationship with Lu Yanshu, he actually taught him and was regarded as half a disciple. Furthermore, Lu Chaochao was his closed disciple, so he naturally closed his eyes and said nothing.

Xie Yunan was the emperor's uncle. He played with the wine glass and said nothing. He did not take sides and remained neutral.

Master Chen wanted to get up, but the eldest princess looked at him coldly, stretched out her hand and pinched the soft flesh of his waist.

Master Chen grimaced in pain and had no choice but to sit down in frustration.

The eldest princess put a pair of children into his arms.

Hum, Chao Chao gave me a pair of children. She would never allow her consort to stand on the opposite side of Lu Chaochao.

She is just a little girl, not like those old scholars.

Opposite Lu Yanshu were the opposing civil and military officials.

Mr. Zhou and Mr. Fang, who were standing at the head, had their heads buzzing and their heads shrank in fear.

Mr. Zhou, the Minister of Civil Affairs, was Rong Zhenzhen's father-in-law and was related by marriage to the Rong family.

Lu Chaochao also found out that he was wearing women's clothes, and Mr. Zhou's face turned pale with fright.

Master Fang, the Minister of Rites, Lu Chaochao found his lost daughter for him. Lu Chaochao was kind to him.

But grace is grace.

A country is a country.

Their kindness to Lu Chaochao was a private act.

If the Rong family and the Lu family join forces, who will compete with them in the future?

The emperor believed that Lu Chaochao didn't care, but the civil and military officials did. With such a big mountain above their heads, they will never be able to get ahead, and the loss will be the interests of the courtiers.

What's more, there are countless courtiers behind them.

Lu Chaochao rubbed his eyes. She was so drunk that she couldn't see the situation clearly.

Xie Yuzhou's scalp was numb and he squeezed Lu Chaochao's chubby hand tightly: "Grandma, sister Chaochao wants to go out for some air. I'll take her for a walk..."

He glanced at the banquet vaguely.

"Save my sister from being sad." Civil and military officials bullied their family.

Everyone stood against Lu Yanshu and did not want him to get closer to the prince.

Mrs. Xu was already wiping tears from her eyes.

The Queen Mother sighed softly: "Pay attention to safety and let the minions follow."

No one noticed Lu Chaochao's flushed face and inexplicable naive expression.

Xie Yuzhou and the Sixth Prince carefully led her out of the palace gate.

"You are not allowed to get too close, we have to keep a secret. This is our secret..." Xie Yuzhou instructed his servants.

"Yes, don't get too close." The sixth prince also shouted at his attendants.

But no one dared to go far, so Yushu Yuqin and others followed behind them from a distance.

Don't let them out of sight.

The Sixth Prince secretly breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "I finally brought my sister out of the hall. I was so afraid that she was talking nonsense..."

Xie Yuzhou nodded.

"How do you sober her up?"

"I heard that boy's urine is a good thing. Why don't you give me some for my sister?" The sixth prince vaguely heard from the palace people that boy's urine was a good thing.

But I don’t know exactly where it is.

Anyway, just put all the good things in her mouth.

What if it works?

Xie Yuzhou hesitated, boy peeing? real or fake?

Lu Chaochao touched his ears from time to time, and from time to time he tilted his head and looked forward in confusion.

"Chaochao, do you drink boy urine?" the sixth prince asked in a low voice.

Lu Chaochao opened his big, confused eyes: "Brother, do you believe I pushed you into the shit?" Although she was drunk, she also knew that shit was not a good thing.

The Sixth Prince lowered his head.


"Forget it. She can really push me into shit. She can do it..." She can do it when she is sober, let alone now that she has drunk too much?

"Someone is calling me over there..." Lu Chaochao pointed to the tall nine-story tower.

She looked up at the faint light from the distant tower.

Such a familiar smell.

Calling her.

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