"Nine-story tower?" Xie Yuzhou stared at the top of the tower.

"Are you crazy? Can the nine-story tower still summon you? It's over, I'm definitely dead." Xie Yuzhou looked at the sixth prince with tears in his eyes.

"I won't drink her into a fool, right? She will become a fool after just one glass of wine?"

The Sixth Prince swallowed hard when he heard this.

"Really, Chao Chao doesn't lie."

"I'm really calling Chaochao..." Lu Chaochao raised his hand to touch his heart, really calling her...

"Chaochao, it's impossible to get through there. It's heavily guarded and only the emperor's uncle can get in."

"Oh, there is also the prince brother."

"Brother, the prince, will not take us in. Only the princes and emperors of the past can enter the nine-story tower." The sixth prince had been taught by his mother and concubine since he was a child. Naturally, he did not dare to approach the nine-story tower.

Lu Chaochao shook his head: "It's true, go and call the prince brother."

"Hey, where is fifth brother?" She remembered that the fifth prince and the sixth prince were inseparable.

The sixth prince pursed his lips and said in a low mood: "The fifth brother's mother is Concubine Shu. I don't know what she did, but she was thrown into the cold palace by your majesty. The fifth brother had a serious illness, and now he is very ill." The fifth prince knelt in the hall. He had begged for a long time, but his father did not allow him to visit.

Lu Chaochao was in a daze and asked as he remembered something.

After a while, the prince hurried over after hearing the news.

"Have you been drinking, Chao Chao?" As soon as the prince came closer, he saw her silly look. He got closer and smelled her, and there was still a faint smell of alcohol.

Xie Yuzhou shrank his neck: "Stop...I can't stop it." He didn't dare to say that he fed it.

The prince glanced at him, but the two of them just didn't dare to look at the prince.

The prince picked up Lu Chaochao.

"Chaochao, have you brought out the Chaoyang Sword?" the prince asked cautiously.

Lu Chaochao shook his head: "Leave it...leave it at home. Protect your family..." He spoke loudly.

Xie Chengxi secretly felt relieved.

Speaking of which, her physique is also strange. She is obviously very high in cultivation, but she gets drunk even if she is exposed to alcohol.

And he is drunk and crazy.

You looked at her with bright eyes and an extremely sober look, but your mind was already confused.

Turning his head... he cut off all the mountains of the entire sect.

There is also junior sister Gan Tang who likes to read pornographic books. She took Gan Tang's treasured books and read them aloud in public...

Well, later Junior Sister Gantang went into seclusion for hundreds of years.

After ascending, he is in charge of the changing seasons.

It is also a dark history that she cannot wash away.

Drunk Lu Chaochao was extremely scary.

"Summon, summon..." Lu Chaochao pointed at the nine-story tower, his eyes watery and stubborn, probably because he was drunk.

"If you don't go, I'll go secretly by myself! You can't stop me!"

The prince sighed softly, knowing that he couldn't explain it to a drunkard.

"You go back to the palace and wait. I'll settle the score with you later." The prince said with a solemn expression, which made the sixth prince tremble in fright.

The two returned to the palace with grimaces.

Only then did he realize that the atmosphere in the hall had already heated up.

The prince retired from the palace and carried Chao Chao personally to the nine-story pagoda.

"I feel so dizzy, brother Prince... um..."

"Chaochao, is there any way to prevent the guards from seeing us..." The prince's voice was bewitching, and the drunk girl blinked her eyes.

"Can't let them see me..." the little guy muttered.

A ray of spiritual energy overflowed from the fingertips and spread everywhere.

The prince flicked his fingertips, and wherever the spiritual energy touched, the secret guards fell down one after another.

The prince opened the door of the nine-story tower and walked up the stairs step by step with Chao Chao in his arms. Through the moonlight, everything solemn in the tower can be vaguely seen.

Lu Chaochao covered his heart and frowned tightly: "It hurts a little..."

"What's that sound?"

"The sound of thumping... seems like something is beating."

"Brother Prince, did you hear that?" Lu Chaochao closed his eyes tightly, covering his heart and shrinking into the Prince's arms in pain.

The prince was so distressed that he couldn't hear it.

But he was willing to coax Chao Chao: "I heard it. I'll be at the top of the tower soon, don't be afraid."

Standing on the ninth floor, the prince tremblingly took off the key and let out a deep breath.

open the door.

A ball of light was suspended in mid-air, thumping, thumping, as if alive.

"That's it, that's what's calling me."

"Chaochao didn't lie." Xiao Chaochao said aggrievedly.

"I know you are not lying. I believe you." The prince's voice was full of piety, and he believed in every word Chao Chao said.

As Lu Chaochao approached.

The ball of light spontaneously floated down and landed in front of Lu Chaochao.

"What... is this?" The little guy seemed drunk but not drunk, but the prince knew that she was really drunk.

As long as she gets drunk, she will forget everything that happened when she was drunk.

"This is your thing."

"It has fed thousands of living things, and now, the world cannot live without it."

"Chaochao, what the Three Realms owe you will never be repaid. But believe me, sooner or later, it will return to its original owner and come back to you." The prince gently pressed his face against her heart.

Empty, nothing.

Her form and soul are all pieced together by all the disciples, but this heart...


"Can I touch it?" Lu Chaochao felt that this ball of dancing light had infinite attraction for her.


Lu Chaochao stretched out his chubby hand, but it had not yet touched the light ball.

The ball of light rushed towards her suddenly, hitting her heart straight.

In an instant, her whole body was enveloped in a light. No one noticed that a dazzling star appeared silently in the dark night sky.

All the stars looked dim under it.

The Imperial Master opened his eyes suddenly.

He looked up at the starry sky, his whole body trembled suddenly, and he suddenly fell to the ground, worshiping deeply.

"Emperor Star!"

He looked up at the night sky, his eyes full of fear and disbelief.

"How come two Emperor Stars appear at the same time?"

"The emperor created the world and established the divine realm. He is the master of the three realms. This is the emperor star of the three realms."

"But now...how can two emperor stars coexist at the same time? How can there be a new master in the three realms??" Master Shikong was shaking all over, and his turbid eyes were full of fear.

And that new star was extremely bright, and there were faint signs of overshadowing the emperor.

At this moment, the prince couldn't hide the joy on his face. He lay beside Chao Chao and heard the strong and powerful heartbeat from her heart.

Instantly shed tears.

"It's so good, so good. Chao Chao... it's so good!" The prince hugged her and burst into tears.

All his efforts were not in vain.

He is the god in charge of time and space. In order to resurrect Chao Chao smoothly, he reverses time and space again and again, and spends his time and reincarnation to accompany her as she grows.

Only when he meets Chao Chao can he restart his memory.

Last time, Chao Chao was drowned just after he was born.

He had no choice but to reverse again.

Fortunately, fortunately...

His Chaochao grew up safely until he was two years old.

"It's so strange, it can jump, it's jumping..." Lu Chaochao touched everywhere in novelty, his little face full of surprise.

The prince felt very sad.

He placed Chaochao's hand in front of his heart: "Chaochao, this is called heartbeat. Everyone should have a heartbeat." His voice was filled with tears, and Chaochao never knew his heartbeat.

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