The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 264 The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty eavesdropped on their voices

"Heartbeat?" Lu Chaochao murmured in a low voice.

She tilted her head in confusion and looked at Xie Chengxi in confusion: "Hey, it really beats. It jumped into my heart..."

"It's fun, it's fun..." Lu Chaochao squinted his eyes in surprise.

"It belongs to you."

"It is... the return of a thing to its original owner." The temporary return of a thing to its original owner.

"We have to return it before dawn." The world cannot leave Beizhao's heart for the time being.

The prince carried her out of the nine-story tower. Lu Chaochao patted his heart in novelty: "Dong dong seems to thunder in my heart."

"Brother Prince, it seems to be beating Raye..."

"Huh..." The little guy yawned, his eyes red.

His mind was groggy, and he lay weakly on Xie Chengxi's shoulder: "Mother... I miss you..." He muttered in his mouth, his eyes looking like he was sleeping but not sleeping.

"I'll take you back to find her."

When the prince arrived in front of the palace, the sixth prince and Xie Yuzhou were daring to go in with their heads hanging down.

"Brother Prince..." The sixth prince looked at Lu Chaochao worriedly.

He glanced inside the palace. At this moment, the officials were furious, and Lu Yanshu stood alone opposite the officials.

"Although Lu Yanshu passed the third grade, he is still young and is not ready to be the prince's personal teacher..."

"Your Majesty, think twice."

"Filial piety is paramount. Lu Yanshu is the eldest son of the Zhongyong Hou family, but now he divorces his mother and ignores Zhongyong Marquis. Your Majesty, how can you be the prince's teacher if you have talent but poor character?" Mr. Wang said. .

The eldest princess couldn't hold back her anger and wanted to speak.

But he was stopped by Prince Consort Cheng: "Don't interfere in politics. If you open your mouth, it will make them even more wary."

Duke Zhen Guo's face turned purple with anger: "What you said is really interesting. Zhongyong's concubine is as old as his eldest son. He is the concubine. He deleted his children from the family tree and wrote a letter of dissolution. What does it have to do with Lu Yanshu? ?”

"Lu Yuanze has already kicked him out of the house and severed ties with him. How is this considered unfilial?"

"Lu Yuanze deserves what he has today, that's retribution!" Mr. Zhenguo is so angry, you are going to oppose the daughter-in-law I have been looking forward to for many years! !

He wished he could chop them all up.

Mr. Wang's expression was serious: "Father is my father after all. Even if he makes mistakes, he is still his biological father!"

"The Xu family can reconcile, but Lu Yanshu cannot turn a blind eye to him. Mr. Lu gave him life, how can a piece of paper deprive him of his blood relationship?"

"This is unfilial!"

"He is unfilial and disloyal, so he cannot be the prince's teacher!"

"You bitch, don't think I don't know what you are thinking!!" Duke Zhen Guo was furious on the spot.

"It's just because I see my Rong family's military exploits are outstanding, and my inkstone writing is three yuan. If I become the prince's teacher, will it stand in your way in the future?"

"Don't blame the inkstone, he is a good boy!" Duke Zhenguo's eyes were red with anger. The gray-haired old man had no interest in world affairs for a long time, but now he was very angry.

Rong Che took a deep breath and stood up.

He strode to the front of the hall, bent his knees, and knelt deeply on the ground.

"Your Majesty, my marriage has nothing to do with the courtiers or Beizhao. This is my private matter!" He glanced at the ministers, who all looked away and did not look at him.

"If you, the adults, are afraid of the Rong family, I will..." Rong Che took a deep breath.

"I would like to resign."

"Please accept your Majesty's permission."

As soon as Rong Che said this, everyone in the audience was shocked, and everyone looked at him blankly.

Mrs. Xu knocked over the tea cup in her hand.

Tears fell.

She clenched her fists tightly, looked at Rong Che, and kept shaking her head towards Rong Che.

The old lady of the Rong family held her hand and gently opened her fingers. When she saw the blood on the palm of her hand when her fingernails were pinched, she frowned in distress.

He took out a clean handkerchief and wrapped it for her.

"It's not worth it, it's not worth it, it's really not worth it." Xu murmured in a low voice. She had never thought that Rong Che would give up his military exploits.

That was the official position he earned with his life after fighting on the battlefield for many years.

She had been married to Lu Yuanze for many years, and Lu Yuanze had never repaid her with such full love.

"It's worth it, why isn't it worth it? As long as Che'er is willing, everything is worth it. Peace of mind..." The old lady patted Xu's hand, her brows filled with kindness.

"Nonsense!" The emperor was so angry that his head hurt.

What a birthday party, but it turned out to be such a stalemate.

"The southern country is watching with eager eyes, and the border of Dongling is uneasy. You are the God of War of Beizhao, so you cannot resign!" The emperor refused without any consideration.

"Sir Rong, long-term love between children is a small love. Country is a great love." Mr. Wang could not help but advise.

"Don't tell me that a small family is not important. Why haven't you given up your descendants?!" Zhen Guo Gong yelled angrily.

Master Wang's face darkened.

Rong Che knelt straight on the ground, his eyes firm.

He means it.

"Rong Che lived for Beizhao for the first half of his life. Wherever there was war, there was Rong Che. But now, Rong Che wants to live for himself. I beg Your Majesty to grant it..." Back then, if he had not been in a hurry to go to the battlefield, Yun Niang would I won’t marry Lu Yuanze!

He has already missed it once and cannot miss Yun Niang a second time.

Mrs. Xu's face was already filled with tears, and big tears fell down.

"Don't cry, a man can't even protect the woman he loves, what kind of man are he like!"

"It's better to be cut off and become a eunuch. If he didn't have such courage, I would still look down on him." The old lady thought it over and advised Yun Niang instead.

"It's just that in the future, you can't dislike him and he can only be the heir apparent of the Duke of Zhenguo." The heir apparent only has a title, but the general of Zhenguo holds great power.

Xu's tears kept coming, and Rong Che felt heartbroken when he saw it.

Lu Chaochao only felt the noise in his ears, which was extremely uncomfortable.

She covered her ears with her hands and her face twisted into a ball.

【stop fighting! stop fighting! ! It's so noisy that I can't sleep! ] Lu Chaochao screamed in his head.


The courtiers were silent.

Rong Che's eyes widened slightly and he touched his ears blankly.

Was he hallucinating because of his anger?

The emperor's eyes shrank and his brows furrowed. What's going on? He seemed to hear the roar of Chaochao Nai.

But Chao Chao...

Lying on the prince's shoulder, he lazily didn't even open his mouth!

The emperor opened his mouth and felt...

There is an ominous feeling.

"Did you hear anything?" the Queen Mother asked the Queen in a low voice.

[Noise, noisy, noisy, what’s the point? It’s so annoying, it’s so annoying...]

The civil and military officials swallowed their saliva, why did they hear Princess Zhaoyang's voice? ?

The prince was slightly startled when he saw the awe-inspiring expressions on everyone's faces.

Then his expression changed drastically! !

He had long discovered that there was a drawback to Chao Chao's reincarnation! !

People who are related to her by blood or have a deep bond with her can hear her voice.

Fortunately, only her family and part of the Xu family could hear it.

Now, she is Princess Zhaoyang, and she is a serious princess after being recorded in the jade certificate by her father.

At this moment, my heart returns...

The prince glanced at his father, then at the confused civil and military officials, and his eyes went dark...


Did you hear what she was saying? ? ? ?

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