The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 265: Sin does not lead to death

"Did you hear anything?"

"Did you hear it too?" the courtier asked in a low voice, feeling extremely shocked.

The emperor coughed dryly and everyone came back to their senses.

He looked at Lu Chaochao's mouth with a confused expression.

"Where is the sound coming from..." Mr. Wang was about to speak, but Mr. Fang covered his mouth.

[My scumbag father used his mother’s dowry to support his wife, who murdered my eldest brother and left him paralyzed and in a wheelchair for ten years. Is there anyone saying good things for him? ] Lu Chaochao was very unhappy.

[Oh, it’s Mr. Wang. Then it makes sense...]

Mr. Wang's eyes widened slightly, what do you mean by this?

[Master Wang is indeed very filial...]

Master Wang couldn't help but raise his head and chest, with a hint of pride in his brows. Of course, he is known as a filial son.

Princess Zhaoyang is young, but she is very discerning.

He actually praised him in his heart.

[Unfortunately, Mr. Wang is infertile...] The little guy sighed quietly.

Lord Wang? ? ! ! !

Manchao Wenwu looked at him sharply!

Infertile? impossible! ! Mr. Wang’s first wife has two sons and one daughter! !

Mr. Wang was so angry that his face was purple and he was talking nonsense and nonsense! But Mr. Fang tightly covered his mouth.

[Poor Lord Wang, he is the only one who doesn’t know that he is infertile. His father and his wife all know about it...] Mr. Wang’s mother passed away due to illness a few years ago.

[In order to prevent the Wang family from becoming extinct, the old man made a damaging move hehehe...]

[The old man of the Wang family went into battle in person, and his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wu, got pregnant successfully. It’s so funny that Mr. Wang treats his younger brothers and sisters as his children. Today, his wife has not even entered the palace and is still sleeping on the old man's bed. Tsk tsk...]

[Really very filial...]

[However, Mr. Wang is so filial, he will definitely forgive his father, right? The gift of childbirth is greater than heaven, so what can the father do wrong? I just want to keep it for later. 】

Mr. Wang was stunned on the spot as if struck by lightning.

His father, and him...

young married woman? ?

impossible! Absolutely impossible!

But... I think of his father's always indifferent temperament, but he cares deeply about his children, even more than he does as a father...

Even, because he scolded the Wu family, the old man would ask for help from the family.

Mr. Wang gritted his teeth and felt the gazes of the civil and military officials. He immediately said: "Your Majesty, I have to leave the palace in advance because I have something to do."

The emperor nodded.

He turned around and ran out, leaving all his official hats on the ground. He hurriedly picked up his official hats and ran out of the palace.

Lu Chaochao opened his eyes and lay on the prince's shoulder, his eyes falling on Mr. Zhou.

[Not to mention, Mr. Zhou looks better in men’s clothes than in women’s clothes...]

[Master Zhou is also very courageous...]

[It’s just that he likes to wear women’s clothes. Hehe, a few years ago, he took advantage of the moonlight to go out, put on makeup and put on a veil. She even hooked up with her colleagues... Bai Yueguang became her colleague. 】

Lord Zhou! ! ! !

Mr. Zhou's legs softened and he sat down on the ground with a snap.

Shivering, he looked at Lu Chaochao.

All civil and military officials in the court widened their eyes in horror, Mr. Zhou! ! Wear women's clothes! !

Also, which colleague actually thought he was Bai Yueguang!

There is no guarantee for late festivals, there is no guarantee for late festivals! ! Master Zhou opened his mouth. He wanted Lu Chaochao to shut up, but Lu Chaochao didn't even open his mouth.

He's finished.

He is finished...

[Master Zhou is quite interesting. He fights to the death with Master Li in the court every day. As a result, he turned around and turned around to seduce Mr. Li wearing women's clothes and exquisite makeup...】

[Poor Mr. Li, he has been in love with Bai Yueguang for decades. I thought Bai Yueguang left without saying goodbye...] Lu Chaochao grinned stupidly, laughing as he thought.

"Pah!" Mr. Li slapped Zhou Shangshu on the face.

Mr. Zhou was about to cry but had no tears. He was young and energetic at that time. He bickered with Mr. Li every day and couldn't get angry...

The two turned around and started fighting.

Where is the air traffic controller Lu Yanshu?

The emperor's scalp was numb: "Pull it down! Cover your mouth!"

All the female relatives were puzzled: "What's going on? Why are all the adults silent?"

Lu Chaochao glanced at him.

[Hey, who is in front of my brother? It seems to be Mr. Zheng...]

[Oh, he is from the former dynasty. So far, he has not given up, thinking about rebelling against Beizhao and regaining the former dynasty. In the secret room of his study, there is still the dragon robe from the previous dynasty. 】

The emperor's eyes narrowed.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Zhao!!" Princess Zhaoyang slandered. Before he could finish her sentence, the commander of the imperial army covered his mouth and dragged him down.

With a look from the emperor, someone immediately led troops to the palace to search for evidence.

【What's going on? He fell? ] Lu Chaochao watched helplessly as the man was dragged down.

She yawned.

who knows……

The courtiers who faced Lu Yanshu and refused to give in took a step back and looked at her in horror.

Lu Chaochao glanced a few times, and then some courtiers shrank their heads and hid behind their colleagues.

Lu Chaochao patted the prince on the shoulder: "Why is my eldest brother standing there alone? Is he wronged?"

Prince: Uh...

It was just now that was wronged.

but now……

"Put me down." Lu Chaochao said and struggled to jump down. The frightened prince quickly put her down on the ground.

She rushed towards Lu Yanshu with three unsteady steps.

Lu Yanshu hurriedly knelt down and caught the approaching Chao Chao.

"Brother, aren't you happy? Who bullied you?" Lu Chaochao put his hands on his hips, but he didn't know they were steady and almost fell to the ground.

"Chaochao will vent your anger on you. Who bullied you?" Lu Yanshu hurriedly picked her up.

The little guy turned his head and stared at the veterans, bulging his face: "Did you bully my brother?" He frowned fiercely, looking fierce.

"No, it's not me." The courtier closest to her immediately took a step back.

"Although Mr. Lu is young, his knowledge and character are first-class. The ministers did not bully him!" The minister who objected the loudest just now immediately changed his mind.

Lu Chaochao said oh.

"Then...that's you?"

"Or you?" Lu Chaochao moved his little hands little by little, frightening everyone's expressions to change drastically.

They all replied with serious faces: "Wei Chen is not, Wei Chen is not!"

Lu Yanshu sniffed his nose suspiciously.

Smell and smell her.

"Chaochao, you've been drinking!!" The young man, who had not changed his face when he had just confronted the officials, was actually a little frightened at this moment.

What idiot gives alcohol to a child over two years old! ! Something will happen! !

Lu Chaochao chuckled and pointed at Xie Yuzhou and the Sixth Prince.

Turn around and betray them.

"It's Brother Yuzhou, and Brother Sixth Prince gave me something to drink..."

"Osmanthus wine, it's not sweet, lie to me, don't drink it."

"Spicy, spicy belly, spicy mouth... dizzy, dizzy..." Lu Chaochao hugged his eldest brother's neck affectionately and felt a little more comfortable when he smelled the refreshing fragrance of his eldest brother.

"Drag her out and kill her with a cane! How dare you feed Princess Zhaoyang wine!" A minister hid in the crowd and shouted at the top of his voice.

He didn't dare to let Lu Chaochao see his face, fearing that Lu Chaochao would reveal something terrible in his heart.

What on earth did they do to Princess Zhaoyang? Princess Zhaoyang is so scary! ! How does she know everything? ?

Xie Yuzhou and the Sixth Prince saw the murderous looks in the officials' eyes.

Wow, I was so scared that I cried.

"I...I just fed a drop of wine. I know I was wrong..."

"I just gave you some wine, why should I be beaten to death??"

"Uncle Huang, my crime is not worthy of death, my crime is not worthy of death!"

But unexpectedly, they actually wanted to kill him with a stick! !

Just because of a drop of wine! ! !

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