The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 269 Children who are not biological


Lu Yuanze lifted the quilt and vomited on the spot after just one glance.

how so! ! !

Lu Yuanze looked at everything in front of him in horror, his whole body began to tremble, and he stared at the old lady.

"Mom, why is your flesh all rotten? Mom, it's your son who is unfilial, and it's your son who has made you suffer." Lu Yuanze was too scared to get close.

On the old lady's arms, there were clusters of dark brown marks, and white maggots were swarming in the rotting flesh. The mattress she was lying on was dark and smelly, and there was faintly thick yellow water flowing out.

Her back was full of ulcers and pus had begun to ooze.

The old lady burst into tears, her son, her son, why don't you come and see her!

Why don't you come and see her.

If it was Yun Niang, if Yun Niang was still alive, how could she be allowed to suffer like this?

At that time, she only had a mild cold, so Yun Niang stayed up all night, wearing nothing but clothes to attend to her illness. The legitimate daughter of such a noble family washed her feet personally.

At night, she only hummed, and Yun Niang would get up and take care of her herself.

When she said she was hungry, Yun Niang's hands were so hot that she had to cook them herself.

It's all my fault that I don't know what's good or bad, I blame myself for not knowing people well, and in the end I harmed others and myself, and ended up like this.

"Damn Mrs. Pei, she controlled the middle school and abused her mother-in-law like this!" Lu Yuanze's eyes were scarlet with anger.

Lu Yuanze almost didn't dare to look at his mother. There was almost no good meat on her body.

No wonder, they always say that the old lady has a bad temper and cries day and night.

Old lady, this is a big sin! !

Lu Yuanze's face was filled with tears, and his whole body was filled with chills just by seeing the wriggling maggots.

"Bah, Bah, Pei... rape... rape..." The old lady gritted her teeth in hatred.

But now her eyes are crooked and her mouth is crooked, and now she can't even understand what she's saying.

I can only remind my son with difficulty.

She worked hard to plan everything, and even almost caused Xu to die suddenly in order to give Pei Jiaojiao an upright identity. In the end, after all the hard work, he married such a vicious person!

"Mom, what are you talking about? Can my son ask a doctor for you?" Lu Yuanze said distressedly.

The old lady shook her head and held his hand eagerly: "Boss..."


"Head... person..." the old lady cried anxiously, raising her finger slightly and pointing in the direction of the small Buddhist hall.

Lu Yuanxi, Lu Yuanxi, that scoundrel born of a cheap servant! !

Qiao Niang, this cheap maid, asked her to fight for her favor, but she was pregnant with a child!

Now, that scoundrel is cuckolding his son!

The old lady regrets it!

The Lu family is going to be extinct!

Lu Yuanze pursed his lips and gritted his teeth: "Mom, I'm going to visit the Buddhist temple."

"My son will come to see you later." Lu Yuanze walked quickly towards the small Buddhist hall with a sullen face.

Mr. Pei is too confident.

Probably, because Lu Yuanze didn't care about anything, not setting foot in Deshan Hall for two months gave her blind confidence.

She didn't pay attention to the old lady's cries at all.

Instead, she teased and said, "The dead old woman is crying again, trying to attract her son." Ms. Pei lay on the man's chest, holding a strand of black hair in her hand and playing with it.

A slight smile appeared on Lu Yuanxi's eyebrows: "Is it possible that she thinks Lu Yuanze is a good thing? He is unkind and selfish. He has not visited his sick mother for two months and still expects Lu Yuanze to save her."

Mrs. Pei curled her lips: "The old woman is really difficult to take care of. Do you really think I am a fool like Xu Shiyun?"

"I'm not as stupid as Xu Shiyun to serve her like a cow."

"Crying and howling all day long is really annoying. I'm waiting for an opportunity to mute her throat to prevent her from spitting out our secret. I'm on tenterhooks all day long, afraid that she'll cry out." Mrs. Pei is indeed vicious.

Lu Yuanxi chuckled: "There's no need to go to all that trouble, just give her a pot of boiling water. Her throat will be scalded and hoarse..."

"That's true." Mr. Pei smiled.

"That damn old woman thinks all day long that I am her niece and wants to be nice to me. Oh, why don't you just let me be a concubine and keep me outside!"

"The Marquis's family is rich and powerful, but she makes me endure hardships outside. Why does she care about me?"

"If you really want to hurt me, you should have let Mrs. Xu die suddenly and let me enter the house in a fair and honest manner." Mrs. Pei's face was full of hatred.

The man pinched her cheek.

"It's still you who is so good. Lu Yuanze kicked his son and daughter out of the house and raised the children for us..." Before he could finish his words.

boom! !

Lu Yuanze kicked the door open violently.

His eyes were red, his whole body was shaking, and his eyes were full of rage.

The veins on his forehead bulged, and his eyes were bloodshot, almost cannibalistic.

He pointed at Mrs. Pei and angrily shouted: "You unruly bitch!! Pei Jiaojiao, how dare you cuckold me?! How dare you!!!" Lu Yuanze was really angry and crazy.

"Bitch!" Lu Yuanze rushed forward like crazy.

He grabbed Pei's hair tightly and dragged her down naked.

"Ah! Brother Xi, save me!" Pei screamed.

He was dragged directly to the cold ground.

Lu Yuanxi's expression changed drastically, and he immediately ran out the door.

The servant had already informed the guard that he was outside the courtyard gate.

"Catch the adulterer! There will be huge rewards!" Lu Yuanze yelled angrily, as if there were guards rushing forward.

Lu Yuanze gripped Pei's hair tightly, causing Pei's scalp to hurt and almost tearing it off.

"Ah, it hurts..." Ms. Pei screamed.

"It hurts, you bitch, you still know it hurts? How dare you cheat! How dare you!" Lu Yuanze was so angry that he went crazy.

For the sake of the Pei family and his two children, he drove Lu Yanshu, Lu Zhengyue, Lu Yuanxiao, and Lu Chaochao out of their homes.

He has countless expectations for Lu Jinghuai and Lu Jingyao! !

He gave up everything for a pair of children, just to let them recognize their ancestors and return to their clan! !


"Lu Jinghuai, Lu Jingyao is not my child?"

"You said they are not of my bloodline?!" He slapped Pei's face wildly, his eyes bloodshot, as if he was crazy.

"How dare you bring the fake monk and the adulterer into your home!! How brave are you! How long have you been lying to me for?" Lu Yuanze couldn't suppress the fishy smell in his heart, and he was trembling in pain.

Lu Yuanze didn't dare to think about how many years Pei had lied to him.

I remembered that I once praised her and stayed in the small Buddhist hall day and night in order to pray for the old lady. Lu Yuanze gritted his teeth with hatred.

"How can you be worthy of me? I abandoned my wife and children for you, how dare you betray me?!" Lu Yuanze never imagined that Mrs. Pei would cuckold him.

"Bah!" Mr. Pei spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva.

Sprayed on Lu Yuanze's face.

His eyes were filled with resentment.

"Who are you? You deserve to be let down!" Ms. Pei laughed softly.

"You say you love me, but you keep me outside and refuse to give me a status. You enjoy life in the Marquis Mansion, but you want me to stay out of the spotlight. Why?!"

Mr. Pei laughed maliciously.

"You can even drive your first wife of eighteen years out of the house, and you even want to kill her! You are the most selfish and vicious person in the world!" Mrs. Pei spat out her teeth, and Lu Yuanze knocked out her teeth.

"Bring the adulterer and his personal maid over here!!" Lu Yuanze yelled angrily, holding on to his surging blood.

A pair of children, neither biological.

Just thinking about it makes me feel cold all over.

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