Lu Yuanze's face looked horribly ugly.

Lu Yuanxi was being held tightly and could not move.

"How dare you pretend to be an eminent monk and live in my house! Who gave you the courage!" Lu Yuanze was going crazy just thinking about it.

He paid all the price to have his two children legitimately included in the family tree.

As a result, it turned out to be an evil breed!

The maid was pushed to the ground by the guard. Lu Yuanze's eyes were bloodshot and he stared at her.

"When did they collude? If you tell the truth, I will spare your life!" Lu Yuanze's voice was thick and he was breathing heavily.

He tugged on his clothes, as if his heart was heavy and he couldn't breathe.

The maid looked at Madam in horror.

But Mr. Pei's face had already been beaten with bruises and swelling, so he couldn't care about her.

Lu Yuanze stepped on the maid's face: "You sold yourself to the house, right? Your mother and I are also in the house, right?"

The maid suddenly shivered.

"The two of them had already met on the way before they came to Beijing. It was just that they had not yet developed feelings for each other at that time, only..."

"My wife was hidden in the golden house and only appeared when she was wronged."

"He was extremely considerate to his wife, and over time, she became attracted to him."

"Please, Master, spare my family, they don't know anything." The maid knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing.

Lu Yuanze's heart went numb: "Jing Huai..."

"It's his heir." The maid cried and pointed at Lu Yuanxi.

"In order to meet the time of intercourse, I bribed the doctor to shorten the baby's date by one month. You thought that Master Jinghuai was born prematurely, but in fact, he was born at full term."

"Even in order to prevent the fetus from getting too big, I have been restraining my diet." Just to match the appearance of a premature baby.

Lu Yuanze's figure shook violently, as if a heavy blow had shattered his pitiful expectations.

The child is not his.

The maid bit her lip and didn't dare to say anything.

"Not Jing Yao, right?" Lu Yuanze gritted his teeth, like a demon from hell.

The maid nodded with difficulty.

"Well done, Pei Jiaojiao, you are so well done!" Lu Yuanze looked like a devil.

"How dare you? How dare you!"

"You unruly bitch, I'm going to sink you into the pond! I want your life!" Lu Yuanze was crazy, he was going crazy with anger.

"Daddy, daddy, please don't hurt mother. Daddy..."

"Dad, Jingyao doesn't recognize him. Only you are Jingyao's father. Dad, please let mother go..." Lu Jingyao cried and stepped forward to hug Lu Yuanze's leg.

"The thief deceived her. It's all the thief's fault."

"Go away! You bastard, how dare you try to compare with me, Chao Chao! Bastard, you bastard!" Lu Yuanze kicked her away, and Lu Jingyao fell heavily against the wall, wailing in pain.

"Jing Yao, Yaoyao! Lu Yuanze, are you still a thing? She is just a child less than three years old!" Ms. Pei wanted to crawl over, but was stepped on by Lu Yuanze.

"Even though she is not of your blood, she has called you daddy for how many years! How can you be so cruel?"

Lu Yuanze looked indifferent: "Cruel? You squeezed away my wife and children and let the evil ones enter the family tree. Who is cruel?"

"She is not of my blood, so what kind of child is she?"

"I know how to help you fight for favor at a young age, and I know how to help Lu Jinghuai cheat. I wonder what kind of monster he is!" Lu Yuanze sneered.

"Come here, arrest the adulterer and the adulterer, and they will sink into the pond tomorrow!"

"No, you can't sink me into the pond! Lu Yuanze, you can't sink me into the pond!" Mrs. Pei's expression changed drastically, but Lu Yuanze just had someone gag her mouth and keep her under strict supervision.

Lu Yuanxi had a smile on his face the whole time, and even if Lu Yuanze was scolded by someone, he still had a smile on his face.

The two were locked in the woodshed half-dead.

Lu Jingyao was lying on the ground, and no one of the maids or slaves dared to help her.

He just watched her helplessly and staggered back to Pei's bedroom.

After a long night of tossing, the sky was getting brighter.

Lu Yuanze stayed up all night, looking at the messy yard, half crying but not crying, half smiling but not smiling.

Two years ago, my wife was virtuous, I had two children, and my house was in good order.

Whenever I return home, everyone in the house is smiling and looking happy.


The house is surrounded by walls, the wife is divorced, the children are separated, and the family is surrounded by walls.

My mother was paralyzed, covered in bedsores and was barely breathing.

The children he cherishes so much are the evil offspring of the Pei family.

Doing evil.

Hahahaha, what a sin.

Lu Yuanze burst into tears. At some point, he walked to Xu's door.

I don't know how long I stood there, just staring at the door.

At dawn, the door opened, and Mrs. Xu, holding the heater in her hand, put her son in official uniform into the carriage.

The son has grown taller and has clear features, like Mr. Xu.

His brows were gentle: "Mom, go back quickly, there's no need to send her off. It's cold in the morning, so be careful of the wind and cold."

After his son's carriage left, General Rong next door quietly walked up to Mrs. Xu.

"Hey, I'll come tomorrow to propose marriage."

"That...that..." Rong Che touched his head, seeming very embarrassed.

"My parents asked me to ask, can I bring my parents with me when we come to our house? They don't live in our house, they live next door. Yes, they live next door..."

Xu laughed out loud.

"Of course you can."

"Really? Yun Niang, you are so good!!" Rong Che almost jumped up with joy.

Lu Yuanze felt sour in his heart, and he couldn't explain his state of mind.

Obviously, all of this belonged to me before.

He disliked Mrs. Xu for being too dignified and not as delicate and agile as Mr. Pei. But the thing he disliked was Rong Che's true love.

He was like a rat in the gutter, secretly spying on Xu's life.

Rong Che went home happily and took stock of his belongings.

His mother said that you must be sincere when proposing marriage.

Therefore, all the coffins from the Zhenguo Palace were taken out. The Duke of Laozhen hesitated and hesitated, and finally took out the private money he had hidden for decades.

He was even beaten up by the old lady.

At this moment, Lu Yuanze looked at Xu's figure, his steps seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

The beard is unkempt, the face is haggard, and the scenery of the past is nowhere to be seen.

When Xu turned around, she saw Lu Yuanze.

The smile on his face suddenly fell, making Lu Yuanze feel sour in his heart.

"Yun Niang..."

"Unlucky, what else are you doing here? Isn't it enough to harm our family?!" Dengzhi glared at him. She watched Xu Shiyun's sincerity fall, so she was naturally angry.

At the gate, Lu Chaochao showed his little head and raised his ears to eavesdrop.

"Mother Yun, it's all my fault. Do you know, that damn Pei, what did she do?" Lu Yuanze was so angry that he clenched his fists and his heart kept heaving.

"Ms. Pei cuckolded me!! Lu Jinghuai and Lu Jingyao are all bastards!!"

"They are not my heirs!!"

"Mother Yun, none of them are my heirs!!" Lu Yuanze cried blood.

Dengzhi's eyes widened suddenly, and he originally planned to call someone to drive Lu Yuanze away.

At this moment, his calm eyes moved, and the guards who came in a hurry stopped approaching.

Looking at him with burning eyes.

It’s important to eat melon!

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