"Mother Yun, Mrs. Pei is a bitch who doesn't follow the rules of women. She actually..."

"You have been a cuckold to me for many years, and both my children are evil. She is the one who caused our husband and wife to separate!! Yun Niang, how about I sink her into the pond to vent your anger?" Lu Yuanze's heart twitched. Today, Yun Niang is so radiant. There is no trace of the vicissitudes of separation.

Xu shook his head slightly and looked at him indifferently.

"She has nothing to do with it. It's you who caused our husband and wife to separate."

"Without the Pei family, there would still be the Wang family, the Li family, and the Chen family. The reason why you are here to repent now is just...because of the Pei family's betrayal of you, and you are regretting your retribution." Since Mrs. Xu no longer loves him, she has seen everything clearly. Chu.

"If you have a child who is not your biological child, that is your retribution."

"You don't have to pretend to cry, child, I won't pay you back! Now that you've crossed out the family tree and written the divorce letter, you can never look back!" Mrs. Xu was not surprised at all when she saw him.

After eating melon at Chao Chao and knowing that Lu Jingyao was not her biological child, she knew that Lu Yuanze would come to visit.

"Mother Yun! I have already lost my title as a Marquis, and I cannot allow the Lu family to be wiped out again!!"

"Mother Yun, can you please let Yan Shu come back? If it doesn't work, Zheng Yue can do it."

"I know I can't ask for Chaochao, but it's really impossible. Give me Yuanxiao. How about letting him inherit everything in the house? The Lu family bloodline cannot be cut off, and the Lu family tree cannot be extinguished from me!" Lu Yuanze almost knelt down in front of her.

Lu Yuanxiao was going out when he heard this and jumped up immediately.

"Did I do something heinous and bad?! I won't go!" The young boy glared at Lu Yuanze fiercely.

Mrs. Xu chuckled: "Did you hear that?"

"Mom, I went out to beg for food and I won't go back."

"If the family is wiped out, the family will be wiped out. If the bloodline is cut off, the bloodline will be cut off. Who wants to inherit the scrap metal in the house? Go back and inherit those walls?" Lu Yuanxiao curled his lips.

Lu Yuanze was so angry that he almost fell to the ground.

"Child, tell the truth, don't get angry." Dengzhi stepped forward, protected the young master behind him, and personally escorted him to the carriage.

Lu Yuanze was already stimulated and stayed up all night. At this moment, his eyesight turned black.

"Don't die in front of our house. It's unlucky." Dengzhi spat.

He hurriedly helped Xu enter the door.

Lu Yuanze took a deep breath. He took tonics for two years in a row. At worst, he would have another one!

"Xu, don't think that you are the only one who can give birth! I'm still young, the big deal is, I'll have another baby!"

Because of Ma Feng's heartache, he secretly watched the doctor for two years.

Xu's footsteps paused.

His brows furrowed: "Why don't you find an imperial doctor who is good at detoxifying and take a look at it for you. I think there will be a surprise." Mrs. Xu didn't mind and gave him a big surprise.

Lu Yuanze's problem has never been Ma Feng.

"Can you explain clearly? What do you mean?" Lu Yuanze was panicking.

"Ask Mr. Pei more and you will gain something."

The door closed, and Lu Yuanze's heart was beating wildly.

He didn't dare to tell the imperial doctor if he didn't do such a thing. No man wants to expose his shortcomings.

He searched for many doctors behind his back, but still had no results.

Lu Yuanze hurriedly returned to the house. At this moment, Pei and Lu Yuanxi were already tied up.

The old lady was covered in ointment, drooling and sitting in a wheelchair, crying loudly.


"Mom, I will never let them go!" Lu Yuanze felt murderous intent in his heart.

"Come here, shut their mouths. Transport them outside the moat! Don't leak the news!" Lu Yuanze gave the order and immediately stuffed the people into the carriage.

Back then, because of his true love, he drove Mr. Xu and his children out of the house.

Now, in exchange for a pair of scoundrels, how could he afford to lose this face!

He just led people out of the city.

On the back foot, Lu Chaochao ran wildly all over the city on his dog.

"Hurry up, hurry up... someone is sinking into the moat." Lu Chaochao shouted.

"Hurry up and watch the fun, there is a sinkhole in the moat!"

"Someone is going to be sunk into the pond." Lu Chaochao sat on Zhui Feng's back and shouted as he ran all the way.

In an instant, the news spread like wildfire.

What common people wouldn’t want to hear a drama like Shen Tang?

Suddenly someone stopped her: "Who was sunk into the pond?"

Lu Chaochao replied crisply: "The original Zhongyong Marquis Lu Yuanze. His children are not his biological children."


Everyone was in an uproar.

"Is the Marquis Zhongyong you are talking about the one who reconciled with Mrs. Xu and drove his three sons and one daughter out of the house? Doesn't he claim to be in true love!!"

Lu Chaochao nodded heavily: "His true love, cuckold him."

"Go and see."

"Hey, hey, stall owner, you don't make any money anymore?" Someone asked when they saw the stall holder quickly packing up his things.

The vendors didn't even look up.

"No more, let's go to the city gate and the moat. There must be a lot of people watching, and we can both eat and make money."

"I have to pack my things quickly and grab a good seat."

As soon as these words came out, everyone went crazy and rushed out of the city.

Lu Chaochao said anxiously, "Hurry, hurry, get on the carriage, or you won't get a good seat!"

The carriage was speeding along, and Xuan Jichuan saw that she was eager to eat the melon, so he hugged her and squeezed into the crowd.

Lu Yuanze looked at the crowded crowd around him in shock.

He covered his heart: "What...what's going on?"

"Why are there so many people suddenly?"

"Master, this servant didn't know. He rushed out suddenly." The servant replied tremblingly.

Someone on the shore even shouted: "Master Lu, why are you willing to let your true love sink into the pond?"

Lu Yuanze gritted his teeth: "No, we must not spare this adulterous couple!"

"Shentang!" Lu Yuanze shouted.

The tightly tied Ms. Pei twisted crazily: "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Lu Yuanxi was much calmer. Even though his face was covered with wounds, he still looked at Lu Yuanze provocatively.

The slave lifted the two of them up and walked into the water step by step.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh!

The cold water touched her skin and she shivered violently.

She watched helplessly as the water reached her chin, her lips, the tip of her nose, and her eyes.


"Sir, stop!!"

Suddenly, a loud roar came. When Lu Yuanze turned around, he saw the Qingxi clan elder roaring.

"Don't let it sink, don't let it sink, pull it up quickly!!" Seeing that no one was paying attention, the clan leader immediately asked the clan members to step forward and drag the two people out.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Cough cough cough cough..." Pulling off the rag in his mouth, Mr. Pei coughed loudly and shivered in fear.

"Clan leader, what do you mean?!" Lu Yuanze shouted angrily with red eyes.

"Lu Jinghuai and Lu Jingyao are all evil breeds who have messed with our Lu family's bloodline!!" Lu Yuanze's eyes were almost murderous, looking at the clan leader as if he were an enemy.

The tribesmen untied Lu Qingxi's rope and saw Lu Qingxi kneeling in front of the tribe leader.

"Clan leader, Qingxi has not messed up the Lu family's bloodline."

"Although they are not of Lu Yuanze's blood, they are of the Lu family's blood. Now, they just recognize their ancestors and return to the clan." Lu Qingxi looked at him quietly.

Lu Yuanze took a step back.

His face turned pale, and he looked at everything in front of him with fear.

At this moment, he seemed to have betrayed all his relatives. All the betrayal he had given to Xu was instantly returned to him twice as much.

"Lu family, bloodline?" He muttered to himself with a pale face.

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