Lu Yuanze's palms trembled slightly.

"Lu family bloodline? What do you mean?"

"My father only has one son, where did the Lu family's blood come from? Patriarch, you can't protect outsiders!! If he messes with the Lu family's blood, he will be buried with the bitch!" Lu Yuanze's eyes were full of evil.

Now, he was already dizzy with anger and betrayal.

He drove his own children out of the house for the sake of Mr. Pei and a pair of scoundrels. How could he be willing to do so! !

The patriarch stroked his beard, and an old man behind him took out the family tree.

"This is the genealogy enshrined in Qingxi. The last time I brought it here, it was when you wanted to reconcile and expel your children from the house." The clan leader sighed.

Mrs. Xu is a rare virtuous lady, and she is also a genius at inkstone writing.

"Last time you crossed out your children from the family tree yourself, did you turn a page forward and take a look?" The patriarch looked at him with pained eyes.

"Before he left, the old Marquis held my hand and said that you have mediocre qualifications and asked the old man to take more care of you and give you more guidance. But why didn't you listen? You tore apart a good family and it has become like this."

The old patriarch sighed and turned the genealogy page forward.

"Take a look at your family tree. Take a closer look!!"

Lu Yuanze's face turned pale after being told by the patriarch, and he looked at the family tree line by line with trembling.

His father is Lu Baofeng, his eldest son is Lu Yuanze, and his eldest daughter is Lu Wanyi.


The concubine Lu Yuanxi! ! !

"Concubine, Lu Yuanxi? How could my father have a concubine? Impossible! My father's backyard is clean and there are no concubines, so how could he have a concubine!! Patriarch, don't let Xiao Xiao deceive you!" Lu Yuanze felt a sense of confusion. Feeling extremely humiliated, he glared at Lu Yuanxi angrily.

"Your mother, the old Marquis, shared the joys and sorrows of getting married. The old Marquis went out to conquer the world and sent all the rewards home, so she bought herself a few maids. Among them was a beautiful little maid named My name is Qiao Niang.”

"Before she entered the capital, she couldn't see Qiao Niang's delicate appearance and often tormented her."

"After entering the capital, the old Marquis made great achievements in battle and was granted the title of Marquis. Colleagues often presented beauties as gifts. Even if the old Marquis refused, your mother still made a fuss after knowing about it."

"I am also afraid that the old Marquis will be fascinated by the foxy girl outside, and he will be cruel and give Qiao Niang to him as his wife."

"But the old Marquis has a good temper and refused countless times. Your mother coaxed him to come to the room to drink, and drugged his wine, so that he and Qiao Niang could have an affair."

"That's it."

"The old lady regretted it afterwards, and when she found out that Qiao Niang was pregnant, the trouble reached its climax. She sank Qiao Niang into the moat."

"Fortunately, she was rescued by a passing merchant and gave birth to Lu Yuanxi while she was dying."

"Qiao Niang breathed her last breath and handed the child to the old marquis. The old marquis had no other choice, so he raised the child in Qingxi. It was the old marquis who personally brought the child to the old house in Yuanxi and entrusted it to us. In your hand." The clan leader looked at him steadily.

Lu Yuanze's body was already cold and his expression was dull.

"I ask for money from the Hou Mansion every year, firstly to comfort the wounded who fought with the Marquis back then, and secondly..." The clan leader glanced at Lu Yuanxi.

"Two, I am the concubine who raised you."

"Even though the old lady was not of high status, the old Marquis never thought about marrying another person. From the beginning to the end, he just wanted to leave the title to you. Later, when you married Mrs. Xu, the old Marquis even praised you as the greatest achievement in your life. , Even if you get a good wife, you won't cherish her as a child." The clan leader sighed.

"The old Marquis feels sorry for Qiao Niang and her son, and he returns to Qingxi every year to stay for a while."

"You can't kill him, he is your concubine, your half-brother!"

Lu Yuanze was so angry that he was dizzy. He actually had a concubine!

He pointed at the old patriarch and Lu Yuanxi, his fingers trembling.

"Concubine? That's ridiculous! He slept with his brother's sister-in-law. What kind of concubine is this? A lowly child born from a cheap maid deserves to be my concubine!" Lu Yuanze shouted angrily, how could he have such a concubine! !

All this made his eyes red with hatred.

Lu Yuanxi, this adulterer, turned out to be his concubine.

"So what about my concubine brother? They must sink into the pond! I will never spare them!" So what about my concubine brother, they still sink into the pond!

"Not only him, but also the pair of scoundrels are going to sink into the pond! The children of an adulterous wife don't deserve to live!" Lu Yuanze's face was filled with murderous intent.

There was so much love back then, so much hate now.

Lu Yuanxi's expression was calm, and a slight smile appeared on his eyebrows.

"Brother, let's leave a trace of blood to the Lu family."

"Father has planned everything for you, so you can't cut off the Lu family's bloodline, right? You have driven Lu Yanshu, Lu Zhengyue, Lu Yuanxiao, and Lu Chaochao, your three sons and one daughter out of the house. If you sink Jinghuai Jingyao into the pond again, the Lu family will be The bloodline is cut off and the family is extinct!" Lu Yuanxi looked at him provocatively.

Lu Yuanze laughed angrily.

"I'm still young and can still regenerate, how could I become extinct!"

"I don't want your dirty and despicable blood to enter the Lu family!"

Pei trembled suddenly and did not dare to look into Lu Yuanze's eyes.

"Really? My brother-in-law can still give birth? Why don't we invite the imperial doctor to take a look and see if the eldest brother can still give birth." The man said with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Lu Yuanze suddenly remembered Xu's words.

There was a thin drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and he suddenly felt a little uneasy.

"You said you're looking for an imperial doctor? Do you really think it's so easy to find an imperial doctor?" Lu Yuanze forced himself to sneer.

As soon as he finished speaking, people on the moat raised their hands one after another.

"I, I, I... ahem, I happen to be passing through here. If necessary, I can diagnose and treat Mr. Lu."

"And I, I happen to be in the city today, what a coincidence..."

The hospital envoy silently raised his hand: "I am the envoy of Taiyuan Hospital. Uh... I happen to be passing by here. If Mr. Lu is in need, I can treat you for free."

The envoy with white hair and beard put on his shoes silently.

It is said that Mr. Lu, who reconciled with his wife because of true love and deleted the genealogy of his children, was cuckolded by his wife, and even his shoes were taken away.

Lu Yuanze? ? ! !

He raised his head suddenly and looked towards the moat.

Both sides of the moat were densely packed with heads, and countless people were watching.

Among them, there are also many colleagues.

Lu Yuanze's feet went weak and he almost sat on the ground.

Lu Yuanxi cupped his hands in the direction of the imperial doctor: "Excuse me, sir. Thank you very much."

"My brother-in-law has been taking medicine for two years, and I don't know what his body is like."

Lu Yuanze's heart beat like thunder.

His eyes were like daggers, looking at Pei.

Mrs. Pei shrank her head, not daring to look at him.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lu, for showing me your wrists." The three imperial doctors stepped forward one after another. The hospital envoy looked at Lu Yuanze's expression and frowned slightly.

The imperial doctor took his pulse and pondered for a moment.

"Master Lu, are you taking medicine for a long time?" the imperial doctor asked.

Lu Yuanze's face was slightly stiff, and he nodded while suppressing his anger: "Yes, I took some nourishing medicine a few days ago, but now there is no serious problem."

"My lord, the lower three inches of your abdomen often feel cold and cold?"

"Do you suffer from insomnia, dreaminess, and constant cold sweats at night?"

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