"Adults often have a stabbing pain in their abdomen, which is fleeting."

"Besides, he has no interest in women. He also has no interest in..." The imperial doctor's words made Lu Yuanze's face look dull.

He immediately retorted: "I was stimulated a few days ago and left the root of the disease, but now it has been cured."

Immediately after the wind, he had these symptoms.

He took medicine for two years and has now recovered.

The envoy nodded to Mr. Lu: "I'm sorry, please let me look under my eyelids."

The hospital envoy stepped forward and gently opened Lu Yuanze's eyelids, only to see blood red under the eyelids, and the eye sockets were also blue and black.

"Master Lu, your behavior is not caused by stimulation."

"You are poisoned." The envoy said decisively.

"Impossible! I can now clearly feel the fire in my abdomen, it's warm, and the symptoms have been significantly relieved!" If the other party was not an imperial physician, I'm afraid Lu Yuanze would slap him on the spot.

The envoy's face sank: "If I am right in my inference, Mr. Lu would have been poisoned immediately."

"Due to the stimulation of the immediate wind, Mr. Lu's illness quickly worsened."

"Master Lu took the tiger and wolf medicine many times and continued to nourish it, which caused the poison to become more nourishing and stronger."

"Have you been experiencing surging Qi and blood during this period, and have you vomited blood many times?"

When Lu Yuanze heard this, a chill rose from the soles of his feet and went straight to the sky.

The imperial doctor took a look and didn't understand.

"It's not just emotional stimulation, it's also due to poisoning. Mr. Lu has been deeply poisoned... I'm afraid..." Before the envoy could finish his words, Lu Yuanze immediately pulled the envoy's arm.

"Imperial physician, please save me. Envoy, please save me..." Lu Yuanze was not afraid, and his expression changed drastically.

"Master Lu has been taking medicine for a long time, but he is afraid that medicine and stone will not cure him. This poison will not affect his life span. It's just..." The hospital envoy gave him a dark look.

"It's just that Mr. Lu can't have any more heirs in this life."

In this life, I cannot have any more children.

The belief in Lu Yuanze's heart suddenly collapsed.

He fell straight backwards.


Lu Yuanze's whole body was stiff and he was knocking on the bluestone floor, and his head was bleeding from the knock.

"Master Lu!!" The imperial doctor shouted in panic.

They just want to eat the melon, but they don't dare to eat Mr. Lu to death.

Everyone hurriedly helped Lu Yuanze up, only to see blood pouring from Lu Yuanze's forehead, and his eyes looked like an evil ghost from hell.

"No way, have another heir?!" Lu Yuanze's voice was trembling.

He held the imperial doctor's hand tightly and said word by word: "Do you think this poison requires long-term medication?"

The imperial doctor paused: "Yes."

"Based on the symptoms present in the body, Mr. Lu has been poisoned for about three years."

Three years?

Lu Yuanze suddenly raised his head and looked at Pei.

Mrs. Pei's face turned pale, she shook her head and kept backing away, too scared to look at him.

Lu Yuanze recalled carefully that Lu Jingyao was two and a half years old. Ever since the abbot predicted that this child would be extremely valuable, and saw Lu Jinghuai's rise in fame, he had not returned to the Marquis Mansion for a long time.

At that time, Mrs. Pei often made soup for him with a full stomach.

He often lamented that Jiaojiao was considerate and gentle, and even when she was pregnant, she would never be unreasonable when serving him.

Now think about it...

Lu Yuanze didn't know what Pei was thinking, so he rushed forward like crazy, but the clan leader stopped him.

"Bitch, bitch!! You just cuckolded me, but you actually poisoned me!!"

"How dare you poison me!"

"How could I have wronged you? You actually want my Lu family to exterminate all descendants!!"

"Don't stop me, I will strangle this poisonous woman to death with my own hands! She cuckolded me and poisoned me! She didn't deserve to live for killing an official of the imperial court!" Lu Yuanze cursed angrily through clenched teeth as blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Lu Yuanze seemed crazy at this moment, and the clan leader hurriedly shouted: "Can't kill!"

"Absurd, ridiculous!!" The clan leader couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

What an injustice.

He glared at Lu Yuanxi again, how dare he cuckold his brother-in-law, how dare he let his brother-in-law raise his child for him.

But when I really think about it, I have to sigh.

A bad hand of cards made him get a good ending.

"Why can't she be killed? She deserves to die, Lu Yuanxi, Lu Jingyao and Lu Jinghuai deserve to die! They all deserve to die!!"

The patriarch angrily scolded: "The Lu family's reputation is all buried in your body! If you kill your wife in public again, how will the Lu family be seen? The old marquis has been famous all his life, but because of giving birth to a fool like you, his title is gone, and his direct grandson and granddaughter are gone." He's gone, even his valued daughter-in-law is gone!!" The patriarch couldn't help but curse.

"Even if I'm going to die, I can't die in your hands!" The patriarch only hates this idiot for being motivated. If he kills his wife in front of everyone, he may not be able to keep his position.

The Lu family worked so hard to get from the countryside to where they are now, but they all failed him!

Lu Yuanze looked at him crazily: "What more dignity do you need? The Lu family has become a joke in Beijing!" It has been a joke since he and Li left!

The clan leader looked at him coldly.

"You are no longer able to have children. Your legitimate son and daughter have been expelled from the family, and your family tree has been deleted. Your name has been wiped out!"

"Since Yuanxi is the bloodline of the old Marquis, Yuanxi will be recognized as his ancestor and Jinghuai Jingyao will be recorded in his name. This can be regarded as preserving a trace of bloodline for the Lu family, so as not to end up with no descendants!" The patriarch! Already made plans.

"How dare you!" Lu Yuanze almost vomited blood.

The concubine brought the evil seed into the house, but what about himself?

Are you going to hand over the Lu family? No, absolutely impossible!

This is a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times more terrible than betrayal.

"He secretly cheated on me, cuckolded me, poisoned me, and caused me to have no descendants. He actually wanted to take him into the house to recognize his ancestors and return to the clan. Together with his evil seed, he also wanted to become the only bloodline of the Lu family. I am not willing to accept it! I am not willing to accept it! !”

"So what if you don't want to? Do you want the Lu family to have no descendants? Will the legacy that the old man has worked so hard to build be in vain?" The patriarch's crutches made a thumping sound.

Lu Yuanze was so stimulated by these words that he lost his mind.

He was greenlit.

Being cheated by his half-brother, he couldn't even kill him and the evil ones. Instead, he wanted to welcome them into the mansion and become the real blood of the Lu family!

Lu Yuanze pushed the old patriarch away violently, rushed forward like a madman, and strangled Pei's neck with a ferocious look on his face.

Like a demon from hell.

"You deserve to die, you deserve to die! You all deserve to die!!"

"I have nothing, nothing left! You deserve to die!"

Pei's rosy complexion turned blue under his ever-tightening palms.

She opened her mouth tightly, trying to breathe air.

But her neck was strangled tightly, and her throat was so painful that she couldn't even cry.

Only drops of hot tears fell on Lu Yuanze's hands.

"Separate them quickly, hurry up!!" How dare the patriarch let Lu Yuanze kill his wife in public? The Lu family's reputation is already in jeopardy. If he kills his wife again, I'm afraid the Lu family will be destroyed!

"No, we can't separate them!!" The tribesmen shouted in panic.


Outside the city, a clear silver bell rang.

Everyone looked up and saw countless birds surrounding the horizon. In front of the team, there was a terrifying beast leading the way, which was frightening and awe-inspiring.

"What is that?" the people murmured.

"It's the envoy of the Southern Kingdom, someone from the Southern Kingdom is coming!!"

Everyone looked outside the city. Lu Yuanze's eyes were crazy and he was strangling Mr. Pei's neck.

Mr. Pei is dying.

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