"Oh my god, what is that?"

"What kind of monster is it!!"

As the team advanced, the faces of the people changed. I saw that at the front of the team was a nine-headed snake! ! The body is huge, with nine heads held high, gently spitting out snake letters.

The cold and terrifying gaze made everyone tremble and retreat.

There are small horns on the snake's head in the center, which seem to be sprouting out.

"It's the ferocious beast recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, Xiang Liu!" A knowledgeable old minister gasped.

"It is rumored that the ferocious beast Xiangliu has the body of a hydra. It is ugly, cruel, and extremely vicious. It feeds on humans and has a natural instinct to kill. How could the divine envoy of the Southern Kingdom bring Xiangliu out?"

"Look, there's a man sitting on the snake's head!"

Everyone was shocked to find that there was a young man sitting on the snake's head.

"Hurry into the city. Xiang Liu kills people cruelly and feeds on people. If he is really eaten, I'm afraid your majesty won't be able to do anything about it." As soon as the old man said, everyone rushed towards the city.

Lu Yuanze didn't care at all. He had already fallen into madness, with a crazy smile on his lips.

"Ms. Pei, you deserve to die, you hurt me! I have nothing left, I have nothing left!!" Pei's fingertips trembled, and her breath became weak little by little.

Lu Jingyao stood by the river, crying helplessly and shouting: "Daddy, daddy, please let mother go."

"Help, help, can anyone save my mother? Please, help my mother... Wuwuwuwu..." Lu Jingyao cried.

She knelt on the ground and cried helplessly.

The people lay lying inside the city gate, looking at everything in front of them in horror.

The hydra is almost taller than the city gate.

Too scary and too horrifying.

"Mother, come here, save my mother..." Lu Jingyao knelt on the ground pitifully. When she turned around, she saw Hydra looking at her with cold eyes.

The ferocious beast ticked and drooled.

The beast's breath was filled with the smell of blood, and it even sniffed Lu Jingyao lightly, treating Lu Jingyao as food!

Lu Jingyao's face changed greatly with fright, her face turned white and her whole body was trembling. She knelt on the ground, crying and begging: "Big brother, big brother, please save my mother. Save Yaoyao's mother..."

When she saw the sign on the carriage in the procession, her eyes trembled slightly.

That is the national emblem of Southland.

The little man knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing, crying for help from the superior Nan Mubai: "Brother, please..."

If you are unaware, you will probably feel pity.

The time of kowtow.

The pendant hanging around his neck suddenly slipped.

Ding-dang-dang-dang fell all over the floor.

Lu Jingyao cried and held up the copper coins: "Brother, I'll give you money, I'll give you money. This is my family's ancestral gift. I'll give you money to save my mother, okay?"

Nan Mubai's eyes fell on the copper coins, and his expression suddenly condensed.

"Stop!!" The young man's clear voice revealed a hint of coldness.

Several guards walked out of the team, broke off Lu Yuanze's fingers, and rescued the dying Pei, who was barely breathing.

Pei collapsed on the ground like a dead dog, breathing heavily.

The eye sockets were bloodshot and frighteningly red.

The bruises on Pei's long, snow-white throat were shocking.


"Ugh..." Mr. Pei's throat was so painful that he couldn't speak. He clutched his throat and kept coughing. Every time he coughed, his throat felt like it was being cut with a knife.

She was almost, only just a hair away, strangled to death by Lu Yuanze.

The saliva she spat out was stained with blood.

Lu Yuanze hated her.

"Ah!!" Lu Yuanze wailed and fell to the ground holding his hands, trembling with pain and curling up.

"Who are you? How dare you hurt the imperial official!" Lu Yuanze's forehead had bulging veins and his fingers were horribly swollen.

How dare they break off his fingers!

It hurts……

"The court official? Hey... Even if I kill the court official in Beizhao, what can Emperor Xuanping do to me?" Nan Mubai said with a chuckle.

He looked back at Lu Jingyao.

The copper plate in my hand...

"Little girl, where did the copper coin in your hand come from?" Nan Mubai narrowed his eyes and stepped forward to take the copper coin from Lu Jingyao's hand.

There were only three copper coins, strung together with red thread, like amulets.

The national emblem is engraved on the copper coins of the Southern Kingdom. At this moment, the three coins in his hand are the copper coins of the Southern Kingdom.

Lu Jingyao choked and said, "Big brother, it belongs to my mother."

She took it out of her arms and took out a money bag.

Nan Mubai took the money bag, the corners of his lips slightly raised.

This money bag has been washed and turned white, and even the patterns drawn with gold threads have been removed. But the original appearance can be vaguely seen.

He took off the money bag from his waist and put the two money bags together to compare.

The old one was missing its gold thread, but it looked...

Exactly the same.

"Brother, your wallet is the same as mine..." Lu Jingyao raised her head, her face stained with tears, looking at Nan Mubai pitifully.

"Where did you get the money bag?" Nan Mubai played with the money bag.

These two money bags are actually somewhat different.

The worn one was embroidered with a golden dragon, it was a royal item.

It is something that the imperial grandfather used in the past.

It takes no effort to get there even if you wear iron shoes.

"This is my mother's thing. She gave it to Yaoyao." Lu Jingyao cried and went up to hug the half-dead Mrs. Pei.

"Mother, Yaoyao is so scared. Mother, you must hold on. Yaoyao only has you, mother..." She looked at Nan Mubai helplessly.

Nan Mubai glanced at Mr. Pei, who was on the ground without knowing whether he was alive or dead.

His eyebrows were slightly raised.

"Little girl, what's your name?" Nan Mubai didn't see the jade pendant from the Southern Kingdom, and there was always a trace of doubt in his heart.

"Big brother, my... surname is Lu, and my name is Lu Jingyao. I also have a brother named Lu Jinghuai." Lu Jingyao said in a low voice.

"Dad wants to kill us. He doesn't want Yaoyao. Yaoyao has no family." As he spoke, he started sobbing.

Fortunately, fortunately, she discovered something strange about the copper coins.

Fortunately, she had been waiting for everyone from the Southern Kingdom to arrive early.

She stepped forward and leaned against her mother.

Pei opened her eyes weakly and vaguely saw Nan Mubai holding her money bag in a daze.

She seems to have some impression that her mother told her when she was dying.

Back then, before she was born, her father died early for some reason.

At that time, Mrs. Pei had just entered Beijing and became Mrs. Zhongyong Houhou.

The mother went to Beijing with a bulging belly and asked her for childcare fees. If she doesn't give it, the child will be aborted. If you give it, you will leave a queen for the Pei family.

Zhongyong Houfu had just entered Beijing and had not yet established his feet. He gave him money, but not much.

On the way home, my mother met an old lady holding a baby. Seeing that the other person was shivering from the cold and that he wouldn't live long anyway, he simply robbed the other person's money bag, Taozhi Yaoyao, and the baby didn't even dare to look at it.

After returning home, I found that the money bag was embroidered with gold thread.

She was afraid of being found and did not dare to sell the money bag. Then he removed the gold thread and exchanged it for a lot of scattered silver.

If you give birth to yourself, you will remarry someone else.

A hint of joy arose in Pei's heart. That child had already frozen to death in the snow, right?

Before the smile on her face solidified, Nan Mubai suddenly snapped her fingers.

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