The nine-headed giant snake with its head held high suddenly leaned down.

The fishy smell hit his face, and drool fell on Lu Jingyao.

The ferocious beast's greedy eyes fell on Lu Jingyao, salivating.

"How dare you lie at such a young age!!" Nan Mubai sneered.

Nan Mubai threw it away, and the copper coins scattered all over the ground with the sound of clanking.

Lu Jingyao suddenly felt panicked. She took a step back and hid behind Mrs. Pei.

"It's really interesting. If you hadn't happened to be on tour today, I'm afraid you would have grown up. There is an adult's soul in a two-and-a-half-year-old body."

"What kind of monster is this?" As soon as Nan Mubai said this, Lu Yuanze looked at her.

"You, said she is the soul of an adult?" Lu Yuanze looked at Lu Jingyao in horror.

"Dad, I'm not a monster. I'm Yaoyao!" Lu Jingyao panicked.

Time travel is her biggest reliance in this life.

Why can this person see through her at a glance?

"Monster, he is a monster. No wonder my Lu family is restless. No wonder the Lu family has made mistakes every step of the way. It's you, the monster, who is causing the trouble!"

"She is a monster, beat her to death, she is a monster!!" Lu Yuanze shouted suddenly.

He looked at Lu Jingyao with fear and disgust. He still looked like he cherished her before.

Even Mrs. Pei trembled violently.

Lu Jingyao held her arm, and layers of goosebumps arose on her arm.

Mrs. Pei knew that Lu Jingyao was born different, but everything was under the premise that Master Shikong treated her as a noble person. Thinking about it now, she had a soul of unknown age hidden under her tender skin. Just thinking about it made Pei retching in disgust.

"Mother!" Lu Jingyao looked at Pei's hiding figure in shock.

"Don't call me mother, who knows how old you are, an old monster! Where did you take my daughter? Where is my child!"

Ms. Pei suddenly backed away and looked at her in fear.

Lu Jingyao's eyes turned red and she gritted her teeth with hatred: "I am your child, mother."

Pei shuddered.

Once upon a time, she occasionally thought that Yaoyao was born with knowledge, could it be that she was a little god from heaven who came down to earth?

Now, knowing that he is a lonely ghost, he has already turned pale with fear.

"You're not, you monster. A lonely ghost came from nowhere and took my daughter's life. You monster!!" Mrs. Pei was so scared.

Countless heads popped up at the city gate.

The people stared wide-eyed: "Oh my God, Mr. Lu's daughter is a monster!!"

"She looks like a little girl on the outside, but she's a lonely ghost on the inside! She is a troublemaker in the family. No wonder the house of Zhongyong Hou is in such a state of disgrace."

Everyone was talking to each other. Although they were afraid of the ferocious beasts, they were still interested in eating melons.

Nan Mubai frowned slightly, feeling strange.

He hadn't been to Beizhao for a few years. Why did these cowards become like this? ? ?

They are not even afraid of Hydra Xiangliu! !

Nanguo, Beizhao, Dongling, Xiyue, among which the people of Beizhao are the most timid.

Nanguo is a servant of the gods, claiming to have jumped out of the mortal world, and is the spokesperson of the gods from above.

I have always looked down on the Beizhao countries.

Last time, the attendant of the Southern Kingdom came to Beizhao on a golden beast, and the people all over the country were so frightened that they crawled under their feet and urinated.

Even the old emperor of Beizhao trembled in his legs and feet when he saw him, and was embarrassed.

And this time...

Nan Mubai looked surprised when he saw the countless heads on the city wall.

He turned his head...

Then I saw a chubby little baby with two braids squatting on the bank.

The little baby was holding a milk bottle in its hand, with the little hair on its head hanging crookedly on both sides, looking at herself with watery eyes...

When she saw herself looking over, she was still grinning sillyly.

It seems that his brain is not working well.

Lu Jingyao's smile fell, and she stared at Mr. Pei with an expressionless face, which made Ms. Pei panic.

"Who are you pretending to be? Do you think you are innocent?"

"Knowing that the other party has a family, he is still willing to be an extramarital affair. Even taking the money from the main wife, he wants to kill the other party! Why are you afraid of me?! I fight for your favor, I give you advice to harm others, who Everyone can be afraid, but you can't!" Lu Jingyao's voice was stern.

"Idiot, you idiot who can't hold up the wall with mud!"

"I have been unlucky for eight lifetimes and was reincarnated as your daughter!" Lu Jingyao became more and more crazy as he thought about it, and his face became more ferocious.

His face is full of childishness, but full of cruelty and worldliness, which makes people feel cold.

Even Lu Yuanxi was shocked by this scene.

He has never been very fond of this little daughter.

But due to little contact, I can’t tell why. I just feel that I have despicable thoughts, and even my two or three-year-old daughter doubts it.

At this moment, I noticed something strange about the other party.

Lu Jingyao looked at Nan Mubai crazily: "You are from the Southern Kingdom royal family, right? I am a soul from another world... If you take me in, I will help you unify the countries and let the Southern Kingdom..."

Before he finished speaking, Nan Mubai's eyes flashed.

The snake head has a small horn in the center, and its mouth suddenly opens, revealing its pointed teeth.

The sticky saliva drips and falls on the ground, corroding a piece of land.

Lu Yuanze and others hurriedly retreated.

Lu Jingyao felt panic in his heart: "I am a soul from another world. I possess the wisdom of five thousand years. Don't kill me. I..."

The beast opened its mouth and bit her.

The sharp teeth pierced her body easily.

Lu Jingyao's eyes widened in disbelief, and she looked down at her body blankly.

If I can travel through time, I must be the chosen one. Why did I end up like this?

She opened her mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, countless memories that did not belong to her suddenly flashed through her cloudy eyes.

In his memory, Lu Chaochao was drowned when he was born.

And she was adopted to the Xu family, treated with utmost love and affection, and became the Xu family's favorite little daughter.

Lu Yanshu was paralyzed until death and was forced to drink urine by his fiancée. The second and third children all died in miserable conditions.

He reported that the Xu family had committed treason, and the entire Xu family was executed. My mother entered the Zhongyong Hou Mansion openly and honorably, shining brightly on the lintel.

Xu once gave her a dragon-patterned jade pendant. She accidentally dripped blood on the jade pendant, causing the heaven and earth to move.

The old emperor of the Southern Kingdom recognized her.

"" Lu Jingyao murmured with difficulty. Why is everything wrong?

Nan Mubai chuckled lightly: "You dare to pretend to be the blood of the Southern Kingdom's royal family. It's really ridiculous. Are you worthy?"

"The bloodline of the Southern Kingdom's royal family is the divine servant chosen by God, and it is impossible for anyone to take away their body. Our bloodline is naturally close to the gods, and it is not something that lonely ghosts like you can get hold of!"

"You want to impersonate a few copper coins and a money bag? You are thinking too simply!"

"Besides, if you are really of a wandering bloodline, your death will only be worse!" Nan Mubai laughed softly.

How could a mediocre mortal blood be worthy of joining the royal family of the Southern Kingdom?

I'm just afraid that I don't know how I will die!

The gods Zongbai and Xianting worshiped in the Southern Kingdom are high-level gods. When mortals call, there will be no response.

Lu Jingyao's eyes widened, blood kept pouring out, and she opened her mouth with difficulty.

This is not looking for relatives, this is seeking revenge! !

Refers to the direction of landing.


"She... looks like..." The royal bloodline of the Southern Kingdom has not yet been revealed.

With a crunch, Lu Jingyao was chewed to pieces by the Hydra.

The tongue rolled, not a single bone fragment was left behind.

Nan Mubai followed her finger and looked at Lu Chaochao sitting next to him.

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