Lu Chaochao had just finished drinking milk.

There is also a mustache around his mouth.

Now I was taking off my shoes and socks, holding my tender and chubby feet and sniffing them hard.

"Strange, why does Third Brother say it smells bad?"

"It doesn't stink at all..." The little guy swallowed.

The last time I chewed my feet, I was one year old...

She patted her chest regretfully: "No, no, Chao Chao is a big baby..."

"Mom said, my two-year-old sister can't chew her feet anymore." She couldn't bear to look away from her feet.

As soon as Nan Mubai came closer, he heard her words.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw Lu Chaochao raising his shiny toes and asking, "Do you want to bite too?" His eyes were sincere and sincere.

"No, my mother said you can't chew your feet after the age of two."

"Otherwise, just twitch your fingers."

After saying that, he sighed quietly.


Nan Mubai? ? ? ? ?

He glanced at Lu Chaochao's feet and silly look, then silently turned away.

If they are from this lineage and can become divine servants, they must be loved by God.

Not that stupid.

Look, it’s no brainer.

Mrs. Pei sat there blankly, the ground was wet, and there was a stench around her.

"You peed your pants." Lu Chaochao pointed at her and shouted.

Mrs. Pei felt the contemptuous gazes of everyone and could not raise her head.

The Hydra lowered its head, and Nan Mubai stepped on the head, standing at the top, looking proudly ahead.

"Paradise in the South, please stay out of the way."

"Parising in the South, please pay attention to avoid..."

Everyone walked toward the city gate in a mighty manner.

Lu Yuanze's whole body felt weak, and he forced himself to stand up, his eyes dark and fierce: "Sink the Pei family into the pond."

The old patriarch was already old and fell to the ground, unable to stand up.

"No, you can't sink me into the pond! You can't!" Mr. Pei's throat was hoarse and he knelt on the ground with a thud.

"Brother Ze, I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong."

"Please go around Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao won't dare to do it anymore. Brother Ze, I know I was wrong..."

"Clan leader, help me."

"Yuanxi, Yuanxi, you promised to protect me. Yuanxi, please save me..." Blood oozed from Pei's throat, and there were blood stains on the corners of her mouth.

But there was no way she could struggle against a strong man.

The attendant tied her up and was about to throw her into the water when Lu Yuanze suddenly said: "I want to do it myself."

Lu Yuanze held her tightly and dragged her into the water.

Lu Yuanze had been in poor health in the past few years. He took three breaths every step of the way, and it took some effort to drag her to the water's edge.

The river water gradually submerged Pei.

Pei's eyes were full of fear and despair, as well as filled with regret.

She suddenly remembered the year she entered Beijing.

At that time, it was snowing heavily.

The old lady took her to Beijing and gave her money. She used it to buy clothes and a little maid, but there was not much left.

At that time, she thought that she never wanted to return to the countryside in her life.

I want to stay in the capital and live a wealthy life like a master.

And her cousin is her only way.

The money back to Beijing was only enough to rent an ox cart, but when it snowed heavily, I was stuck deep in the snow, with no way to go to the village or shop, and no way to call for help.

In order to look good, all the clothes are chosen to flatter the figure. Naturally, he avoided the bloated thick coat and fell down shivering in the snow.

When she thought she was going to freeze to death.

Met Xu Shiyun.

The young Xu Shiyun has not yet grown her hair.

At that time, Xu's face was bright and sunny, and her brows were filled with a happy smile. She was sitting in a tall and gorgeous carriage, with countless servants and women around her.

Even though it had been many years, Pei remembered this scene very vividly.

At that time, Mrs. Xu had not yet reached hairpin age. When she saw herself lying in the snow, she hurriedly shouted: "Brother, stop the car, there is someone in the snow."

The man on horseback who was headed was probably Xu Yiting.

Xu Shiyun wanted to jump out of the carriage, but the man stopped her and said with disapproval: "It's cold in the snow, so don't come down. What can you do if you leave the root of the disease? You have been weak since you were a child. If you get sick, your mother's eyes will cry." blind."

He ordered someone to fill her with hot water and stuffed a Yubaba in her arms, and she felt alive.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Xu Yiting's tall and handsome figure.

Perhaps Xu Yiting felt her gaze, and frowned slightly, refusing to come any closer.

"Sister, you can't travel in heavy snow. You almost died today. Fortunately, you met me." The girl gently covered her mouth and sat dignifiedly on the carriage. At first glance, she was well protected and ignorant of the world. Innocent look.

Mrs. Pei pursed her lips and her eyes turned red.

"Miss, your family is rich and noble, I can't compare with it. My father died early and my mother remarried, so I don't have such money. I came to Beijing this time to seek refuge with relatives and live under someone else's roof." Mrs. Pei wiped his head. Corner of eye.

Xu Shiyun's eyes suddenly turned red.

"Yes, I'm sorry, this sister, it's Yun Niang who is at fault." She explained in a panic.

"Brother, shall we take her to Beijing with us?"

"Anyway, Yun Niang's carriage is big, and it won't be crowded with more sisters. Big brother... please... she will freeze to death on this snowy day. How pitiful she is... help her." Xu Shiyun blushed. Eye.

"My father is dead and my mother has remarried, and I have to live under someone else's roof."

"How about finding a good job for her? If a woman can make money, she has the ability to establish herself." Xu Shiyun is generous to others, and when she saw her embarrassment, she spoke enthusiastically.

Ms. Pei secretly glanced at the carriage, and even before she got close, she could feel the warmth.

The silver charcoal was lit, and there was a small stove that was boiling milk. It smelled of red dates and longans, and the air was filled with a sweet smell.

Chestnuts and peanuts are also roasting, making a cracking sound.

What a blessing.

It would be great if I could sit in a carriage. At the same time, a trace of resentment flashed through his heart, why was she so lucky?

It seems that all the good things in the world are occupied by her.

Pei pinched his fingertips.

"Jiaojiao is also a girl from a good family. Don't belittle me, girl. I see that the girl doesn't really want to help me. She just looks down on me." Pei Jiaojiao said in a dull voice.

Xu Shiyun was startled: "Relying on your own hands to make money openly, how can it be despicable?"

Xu Yiting glanced at Pei Jiaojiao coldly.

"I don't want my sister to be sad, and I didn't want to expose you. But you should never trick my sister into feeling sympathy or guilt."

"Are you poor? I can't tell."

"A set of cotton-padded clothes costs a few dollars. But the material you wear is Shu embroidery, which costs several taels per foot. This kind of material is not warm, but it looks good. You even carefully accessorized your clothes."

"What kind of poverty is this?" Xu Yiting's face was full of ridicule.

Xu Yiting poked his sister's head: "You, you, I just asked you to give me some money!! It's all on your head!"

"You just want to rely on your good looks to live in a good family in the capital. You only scheme against others, but you scheme against my sister! I think you are looking for death!" Xu Yiting's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Everyone has their own way of living, and it is normal for her to want to pursue a better future.

But Yun Niang was kind enough to help her, but she actually plotted against Yun Niang's sincerity!

Xu Yiting originally wanted to take her to the capital, but it turned out that she actually started plotting against her sister, and there was no way she would do it.

"Throw her down."

"You have evil intentions, be careful to lead Yun Niang to harm."

The attendant threw her out of the carriage.

She still remembers the humiliation of that day.

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