The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 283 The whole city went to mourn

"Mother, my condolences."

"The legitimate son of Jingxi is only a few years old, and you still need to take charge of the overall situation!" The eldest princess saw that the Queen Mother looked ugly, and was afraid that the Queen Mother would not be able to hold on, so she hurriedly talked about Yu Zhou.

"Yes, yes, there is also Jade Boat."

"Poor Yu Zhou lost his father when he was less than ten years old. What should we do?" The Queen Mother hurriedly wiped away her tears.

"Where is the Jade Boat?"

Lu Chaochao showed his little head: "I don't know, maybe I'm hiding somewhere to cry."

"Mother, my father left early. You still need to take care of everything. You can't fall." The emperor held the queen mother's hand, his eyes were red, and he did not dare to let tears fall.

"Go to Jingxi Prince's Mansion."

The Queen Mother felt severe pain in her heart, but she did not dare to fall down and had to get up.

"Your Majesty, this is unreasonable," one of the courtiers advised.

The Queen Mother's eyes were red and she gritted her teeth angrily: "Isn't that right? That's the biological son of the Ai family. Who dares to say that it's not right?"

The courtiers had no choice but to bow their heads and retreat.

"Let's go to the Prince's Mansion in Jingxi first. Jingxi is from the same mother as me. I want to see him off personally."

"And Yu Zhou, how can he, a child, take charge of the overall situation?" The emperor waved his hand and refused to allow the officials to dissuade him.

"Where is your conscience?" The emperor scolded, and everyone had to give up.

Everyone in the royal family hurried out of the palace, and the civil and military officials also hurriedly ran out of the palace.

"Quick, quick, quick, order people to prepare mourning clothes."

"Go back quickly and inform Madam to come with me to the funeral at Prince Jingxi's Mansion."

The officials did not dare to hesitate, fearing that they would fall behind the emperor, and the carriages would all run away.

The Queen Mother leaned on the carriage, looking in a daze, and it was extremely laborious to breathe.

"Jingxi came to pay his respects to the Ai family in the morning. At that time, nothing was wrong at all. Why did he leave so suddenly?" The Queen Mother lost strength. She sent away her husband, and now she has to send away her most beloved youngest son.

It was like carving out the flesh on the tip of her heart.

"Probably, it's an acute illness."

"Yuzhou is young, and I can't explain the reason." The emperor sighed, with deep sadness lingering in his brows.

"Yuzhou lost his father when he was only a few years old. What will he do in the future? You, last time you beat Yuzhou until he couldn't get out of bed for three days just because he gave Chaochao a drop of wine. Now think about it, don't you regret it in the future? "

The Queen Mother looked at the Emperor complainingly.

The emperor felt guilty.

"In the future, you are not allowed to treat Yuzhou like this. Children who have been without a father since childhood are always more sensitive. Pity my Jingxi, and also pity my Yuzhou...and the princess, hey." The Queen Mother raised her hand to wipe her tears.

"Whoever attacks Yuzhou again in the future, the Ai family will not spare you!"

"The Ai family has lost Jingxi, and Yu Zhou is the only one in Jingxi. No one is allowed to lay a finger on him." As soon as the Queen Mother said this, everyone nodded in agreement.

Who can bear to criticize a child who lost his father when he was young?

"Everything depends on the mother."

"If the Queen Mother is reluctant to part with it, keep the jade boat next to the Queen Mother and let the Queen Mother teach her herself." The emperor said, and the Queen Mother nodded lightly.

The eldest princess also felt extremely regretful.

A few days ago, Xie Yuzhou was lawless and fed Chaochao wine, and she also specifically asked Jingxi to be punished more severely.

Xie Yuzhou was so hurt that he lay in bed for three days.

Now that I think about it, I only feel a deep sense of guilt.

There were low sobs in the carriage, and the eldest princess and the queen mother shed tears.

The mighty carriage stopped at Jingxi Palace.

It was deserted outside the palace, not a single person offering condolences.

Wang Yuanlu helped the emperor get off the carriage.

The Queen Mother and the eldest princess followed closely, and Yushu hugged Lu Chaochao down.

The Queen Mother choked with tears and said: "The princess is young after all and has nothing to do. Jingxi is already dead. The lanterns in the house have not been replaced yet. The white flags and other things have not been prepared yet..."

"This coffin is a gift from me." Lu Chaochao pointed to the rosewood coffin in front of the gate.

She spent a huge sum of money and traveled all over the city to buy this.

"Chaochao is interested." The Queen Mother touched her little head.

"Hurry up and order someone to knock on the door. I'm afraid the house will be in chaos and no one will be in charge of the overall situation." The Queen Mother cheered up, her face was bloodless.

Wang Yuanlu went to knock on the door himself.

After taking several shots, the concierge was heard yawning and shouting.

"I'm coming."

As soon as the concierge opened the door, he was so frightened that his legs went weak.

With a pop, he fell to his knees on the ground.

He actually saw the emperor's guard of honor.

"Things you can't see, get out of here!" Wang Yuanlu ordered his men to drag the concierge away, and immediately helped the emperor to enter.

The civil and military officials had already changed their clothes, lowered their heads, and followed behind them with solemn expressions.

Everyone walked into the palace in a mighty manner.

It was quiet in Prince Jingxi's palace. The Queen Mother frowned as soon as she entered the door.

"What a nonsense, nothing has been arranged!" The Queen Mother felt sorry for her son who died and had no one to take care of him. She felt aggrieved and heartbroken.

"Bring the coffin in quickly and place it in Jingxi first." The Queen Mother wiped away tears.

The servants in the palace were confused.

"Your Majesty, the Queen Mother, the Queen, the two princesses..." The chief steward of the Jingxi Palace knelt on the ground with a confused look on his face.

"Wait, what are you doing carrying a coffin?"

Why is everyone crying? What are all the civil and military officials doing wearing mourning clothes? ! !

"Where is Jingxi placed? Is there any arrangement for it?" the Queen Mother asked in tears.

"Release?!" The big steward's pupils were shaking. What do you mean by this? Obviously the prince and princess have just had lunch and are taking a nap now.

The emperor's eyelids suddenly jumped wildly.

He had an ominous premonition.

"Take me to see Jingxi!" The emperor had no time to explain, so he said solemnly.

The chief steward wanted to go back and report, but everyone looked solemn, so he had to take the person to the backyard.

The emperor kicked open the door.

Xie Jingxi sat up suddenly in fright.

"You bastard, you are seeking death. Why did you make such a big fuss? I almost scared you to death..." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw his beloved royal brother, the empress dowager, the eldest princess and others...

A swarm of bees swarmed into his bedroom.

He vaguely looked behind him and saw a large crowd of people. All civil and military officials had already arrived!

"What...what's going on? I took a nap and violated the rules of heaven?!" Xie Jingxi was so frightened that she jumped out of bed and knelt directly on the ground.

The princess hid under the quilt, too shy to show her face.

The Queen Mother's choked voice suddenly stuck in her throat, and she looked at her lively son in shock.

The eldest princess's eyes were as swollen as walnuts, and she could only look at her resentful brother with faint eyes.

Wang Yuanlu swallowed hard.

Damn, this is a huge misunderstanding.

"Why are you here?" The eldest princess's voice was hoarse, and she looked at him with gritted teeth.

"I'm not here, where should I be?" Xie Jingxi looked confused, and I took a nap. What the hell is going on! !

"You shouldn't be here. You should be in the coffin." Lu Chaochao pointed to the dark rosewood coffin outside the door.

"Bah, bah, bah, bad luck. That's nonsense. I am alive and well, why should I be put in a coffin!" Xie Jingxi drooled with an unlucky look on his face.

The emperor was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

"Xie Yuzhou is spreading rumors that you are dead!!"

"The whole capital is coming to the door to express condolences to you!!" The emperor's sinister words made Xie Jingxi's eyes black with fear.

Bang bang bang.

There was a loud knocking on the door of Jingxi Prince's Mansion.

"Open the door, I'm back!" Xie Yuzhou squinted his eyes happily.

Escaped the exam, and escaped a beating, so wonderful...

I'm so smart! (End of chapter)

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