"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and open the door for me!"

Xie Yuzhou held up his stomach and burped.

He was chubby, and the princess controlled his diet on weekdays. Today I specially took a day off, so I sneaked to the snack street and went home after eating to my satisfaction.

There are still a lot of snacks in my pocket at this moment.

They are all collected from everywhere.

The concierge knelt on the ground tremblingly, not daring to open the door.

Xie Jingxi led everyone to the gate.

"Open the door." He gritted his teeth.

The porter sighed, "Young prince, please wish yourself well."

There was a creak and a crack opened.

The young prince raised his eyebrows: "My father, are you ready for your nap? Why are you winking? Don't worry, you won't get beaten this time."

"Today, the young master escaped the exam and escaped death."

"I'll give you some pocket money tomorrow." Xie Yuzhou read as he walked in.

Just walked in the door.

Looking up...

Then he was startled by the large crowd of people in the courtyard!

Standing at the head were his father, his mother and concubine, and the emperor's uncle. Even the emperor's grandmother was here? ? ?

And those immortal civil and military officials! !

Xie Yuzhou's eyelids trembled crazily.

He hid the snacks behind his back: "Why... why are you here? Imperial grandmother, eldest aunt?" Why did he feel like his scalp was numb.

"What do you think they are here for?" The princess glared at him.

Xie Yuzhou looked confused, what does it have to do with me?

I just asked for a leave, what does it have to do with me?

If I skip school, can I cause turmoil in the court?

"Tell yourself, where is the mistake?" King Jingxi gritted his teeth.

Xie Yuzhou swallowed hard: "I, I'll just take a day off." What, you look like you're going to eat someone?

Xie Jingxi's chest kept rising and falling, breathing heavily, pointing at him and shaking all over: "I heard that you are spreading rumors that I am dead?!" King Jingxi said through gritted teeth.

Xie Yuzhou's expression froze.

He suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Lu Chaochao: "Master said that you only ask for leave to attend a funeral. Princess Zhaoyang said it first. She said that my grandmother was dead, and then I said that my father is dead!"

After saying that, he said angrily: "Master is partial and looks down on our Jingxi Palace! Princess Zhaoyang will have three days of leave if her grandmother dies. Father, if you die, Master will only give you one day!"

Xie Jingxi pointed at him and became furious: "Just for a day off, you spread rumors that I am dead?"

"I'll beat you to death, you useless piece of shit!!"

"Look at the good things you have done!" Xie Jingxi thought of this scene and felt that life was hopeless.

The old queen mother brought her royal brother and all the civil and military officials to attend the funeral, and he was completely disgraced! !

Xie Jingxi picked up the ruler and rushed towards Xie Yuzhou.

Xie Yuzhou screamed in pain.

"Hit, beat! Beat me hard, beat me, beat me to death!" The emperor put his hands behind his back and broke out in a cold sweat, this piece of shit!

"Help, Uncle Huang, I'm just going to take a day off, wuwuwuwu, why are you going to be beaten to death?"


The Queen Mother, who had just said that she was never allowed to spank her children again, silently turned her face to the side.

"Jingxi, don't use the ruler." The Queen Mother's words made Xie Yuzhou feel slightly relieved.

"Go get my whip."

Xie Yuzhou's eyes suddenly widened: "Royal Grandmother!!!"

"Royal Grandmother, you want Yuzhou's life!" Xie Yuzhou looked at him with collapse and fear.

"Hit the Aijia, hard!" The queen mother bared her teeth, her hair was disheveled, her eyes were red and swollen, what a naughty kid! ! !

He must be beaten to death.

"Auntie, auntie, I am your favorite nephew. Please save Yu Zhou... wu wu wu..." Xie Yuzhou begged the eldest princess again.

The eldest princess looked at her nephew distressedly.

"Jingxi, you can't do this, it will break the child."

"He can run, so hang him up. Hang him up and beat him. He won't run around, and he won't accidentally hurt his roots." The eldest princess looked serious.

"Aunt, are you a devil?" Xie Yuzhou hurriedly backed away.

"Are you all devils? I just asked for a day off, but they actually wanted to hang me up and beat me with a whip!! Oh, if I had known, if I had known, I might as well go back to take the exam!"

"Princess Zhaoyang also asked for leave, why didn't you beat her? I don't accept it, wuwuwu, I don't accept it!" Xie Yuzhou cried.

Lu Chaochao glanced at him: "Because, my grandmother is really dead."

Xie Yuzhou was startled and looked at Lu Chaochao blankly.

"Why don't you make it clear?!"

Then he knelt on the ground with a thud: "Father, father, I know my fault. Yuzhou will never lie again, and he will never play truant again. Father, Yuzhou just asked for a day off, why did he want to be beaten to death!"

"A day off? Look at the civil and military forces of this dynasty!!"

"You take a day off, and the whole court will come to your house for the funeral!"

"You naughty kid, you really deserve a beating!" The emperor was so frightened that half of his life was lost.

"Running... to the funeral?" Xie Yuzhou looked at Lu Chaochao suddenly.

Lu Chaochao blinked his eyes innocently: "Yes, I'll notify you."

Xie Yuzhou...

My life is over.

This day off is a bit expensive.

Xie Yuzhou was hung up and beaten so badly that the princess couldn't help wiping her tears.

While wiping away her tears, she pulled the imperial physician: "Imperial physician, please give me a prescription for assisted pregnancy."

The imperial doctor sighed quietly: "Okay."

Xie Yuzhou's cries echoed throughout the palace.

"Wow, Brother Yuzhou exploded with gold coins..." Lu Chaochao squatted down and picked up the snacks that fell on him.

It's still steaming, so delicious.

"Oh, oh, oh, Lu Chaochao, you are born to defeat me..."

"You suppress me..." Xie Yuzhou burst into tears.

He was used to being the overlord in his fiefdom. After returning to the capital, the two mixed fights started because of Lu Chaochao.

He is so miserable.

Obviously I just wanted to take one day off, but this time I asked for seven days off.

Recuperate for seven days.

King Jingxi and his concubine apologized and sent off all the guests in person.

The two looked at each other with tears in their eyes, speechless and choked.

Forget it, let’s get another one.

Lu Chaochao walked behind, and the civil and military officials looked at her carefully.

"Princess Zhaoyang, won't you carry this coffin back?"

Lu Chaochao was stunned: "Take it back to waste and give it to the emperor's uncle. In case the emperor's uncle is angry to death, he will need it in the future."

Everyone's heart is choked, but you will give it away.

Seeing this coffin, the young prince will not need to be whipped a few more times.

The ministers chatted with Lu Chaochao for a long time.

The civil and military officials listened carefully and found that they did not hear any strange sounds, so they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Strange, why did I hear the princess’s voice last time?

The emperor and even the civil and military officials were puzzled.

The prince hugged Lu Chaochao and said, "Let's go, I will take you to the funeral."

He hugged Lu Chao and flew away, hiding his merit and fame.

In the distance, inside the Southern Embassy.

"That child, who looks stupid and clumsy, is Beizhao's Little Lucky Star?" Nan Mubai looked surprised. (End of chapter)

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