Nan Mubai met Lu Chaochao.

He looked stupid and careless.

He doesn't look very smart either.

The blood of Southern women is closer to the gods, so the daughters of Southern royal families never marry outside, and the daughters they give birth to are extremely precious.

His sister is the most talented person in the Southern Kingdom for hundreds of years.

Her mother protected her very well and rarely came into contact with her even by herself.

"Yes. The girl's name is Lu Chaochao, and she is about to be three years old."

"Emperor Beizhao valued her very much and took her with him in all sacrifices."

"Looking at Chi Chi's stupidity, she can't compare to our little princess from the south." The little eunuch behind him agreed with a smile.

Nan Mubai's face suddenly fell.

The little eunuch knelt on the ground with a pop.

"Drag him down." He said coldly, and the attendant behind him blocked the little eunuch's mouth and dragged him down.

Outside the hospital, the Hydra chewed it up.

Immediately there was a new eunuch on top.

"Is my sister comparable to a mortal woman like Lu Chaochao? Insulting my sister!" Nan Mubai had a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The man behind him looked gloomy.

"He only flattered you, and you let the Hydra eat people. It's too cruel!" The man's arms were majestic, and he looked quite righteous.

These are the ministers personally sent by the old emperor to look for his daughter who is living abroad.

"My sister is the most talented woman in the Southern Kingdom to summon gods. The hope of the entire Southern Kingdom is tied to her. He insulted the princess and deserved to die. If Mr. Ming is so leisurely, he might as well think about how to summon the gods."

"The Ming family has not summoned a god for ten years, so worry about yourself." Nan Mubai curled his lips slightly, his eyes filled with ridicule.

The Ming family worships Xianting, the god of life, and has not summoned a miracle for ten years.

"I don't need to worry about the affairs of the Ming family. Your Highness should find the princess earlier and return to the capital as soon as possible so that His Majesty can feel at ease." Ming Lang looked calm. He came here this time to protect the princess who was living abroad. There should be no accidents.

Nan Fengyu's lineage is getting stronger and stronger day by day. His Majesty is worried that something might happen to his daughter who is living abroad, so he has secretly inquired about it in recent years.

"Mortal blood, what if we find it back?"

"It's just to make the imperial grandfather feel at ease." Nan Mubai chuckled, with disdain on his eyebrows.

"Without a trace of divine power, you can't summon gods, and it will be of no benefit to the Southern Kingdom."

"Your Highness, it is better to keep a low profile. Lord Zong Bai appeared in Beizhao last time, but he did not accept the royal summons. I don't know what went wrong. I will bring Prime Minister Liu into the palace tomorrow and don't scare His Majesty Beizhao. In the past few years, Beizhao has They are getting stronger and stronger, and they are like a sleeping dragon. Not even His Majesty wants to be their enemy." Mingming didn't want to fight with him, so he turned around and left.

Nan Mubai rolled his eyes.

What kind of sleeping dragon is Beizhao?

The Southern Kingdom has always been a powerful place, but Beizhao was still a swamp back then.

A group of barbarians and a group of mortals were not looked down upon at all.

When passing by the courtyard, I smelled the strong smell of blood in the air, and glanced at the nine-headed giant snake hovering in the courtyard with clear displeasure.

The ferocious beast Xiangliu feeds on mortals. He has written countless times begging your Majesty to seal Xiangliu.

But she was rejected by Princess Nan Fengyu. The emperor was old and could no longer check his increasingly powerful daughter, so he had to let her go.

Xiang Liu felt the malice and raised his head arrogantly.

The blood dripped from the corners of his mouth, showing a bit of coldness and terror.

The God of Life enshrined in Qingming represents vitality and hope, and he dislikes these ferocious beasts that feed on humans.

Mingming concealed the irritability in his heart and turned away.

Back in the room, he sat cross-legged on the couch.

His expression was dazed and slightly dazed.

"God, why don't you accept our call?"

"What happened to you?"

Ming Lang pursed his lips slightly. Over the years, the call to the god in the leisure court became weaker and weaker, and the power left to the god's attendant became weaker and weaker.

The Ming family is having a hard time.

Everyone in the Ming family was anxious as they watched the powerful family decline.

He sat cross-legged on the couch, and the moonlight fell on him through the window.

His hands made quick movements.

The man's hair is dancing in the wind.

A faint shimmer appeared on the body: "Believers respectfully invite the god of Xianting to come to the world."

"Believers clearly and respectfully invite the god from Xianting to come to earth."

I called three times in a row, but still no response.

The hope in Mingming's eyes slowly extinguished.

late at night.

The Protector stood guard in front of his grandson's bed: "How is Siqi's eyes?"

The head of the Taiyuan Hospital shook his head slightly: "It is rumored that there is a kind of night blindness, which will cause blindness at night. But it will return to normal after lighting a lamp."

"Master Li's eyes still cannot find the cause."

He looked through ancient books and found no record.

Li Siqi covered his eyes with a white cloth: "Grandpa, don't worry. Siqi has been used to this for many years."

The Protector looked at his grandson with pity.

Li Siqi is the eldest grandson of the Protectorate. He has been calm since he was a child and is an extremely outstanding child.

Unfortunately, he suffers from eye disease.

After sending the imperial doctor away, the old lady looked at her grandson and wiped away tears.

"What are you doing with your eyes? You won't be..." You won't be completely blind, right?

The old lady didn't dare to say it, her heart was trembling just thinking about it.

Usually I am only blind at night, but last time I fainted and was blind for three days, unable to see anything day and night.

"Don't talk nonsense. Back then, the Sixth Prince was in conflict with His Majesty. He was raised in Huguo Temple since he was a child, and later he returned to normal, right?" Lord Protector shook his head at the old woman. Next to him, the eldest daughter-in-law was washing her face with tears.

"Mom, nothing will happen to you. My son will be blessed and he will recover." Li Siqi smiled.

"Yes, my son is the most kind-hearted. He doesn't even want to hurt a blade of grass on the roadside. How could God treat him so poorly?" The eldest lady wiped the tears on her face.

Li Siqi has been kind-hearted since he was a child. In his eyes, it is extremely difficult for trees and flowers to grow. He respects all life in the world.

Even if it's just a piece of grass.

"Mom, my son is tired. He wants to rest..." Li Siqi took her mother's arm and said with a smile.

Only then did the Protector, his wife and the eldest lady walk out the door.

There was only a servant waiting in the house.

Li Siqi stood up slowly and walked towards the table little by little.

"Master, do you want some tea? I'll help you pour it..." The young man was about to step forward when he saw the young master raising his hand to refuse.

"After all these years, I should adapt to a life without eyes." He had always had a premonition.

Your own eyes will gradually lose their brightness.

Recently, he could clearly feel that his eyes were starting to become less bright than before, and he could not see things as clearly as before.

"Master..." The boy almost cried.

"You don't have to tell your parents and grandparents, so as not to worry them." There is no cure for his eyes, which will only add to his troubles.

The boy had no choice but to cry and accept.

Li Siqi walked around the house and opened the door again.

"Stand guard at the courtyard gate, don't allow grandparents to come near." He gradually adapted to the darkness in the courtyard, making sure to understand everything in the house.

He must remember every brick, every stone, and every blade of grass.

He opened his hands and walked slowly in the courtyard.

The maid and slave lowered their heads and dared not say a word.

Outside the courtyard gate, the Protector's eyes were red, his fists clenched, and the iron-clad old general had tears streaming down his face.

late at night.

Li Siqi finished washing and lay on the bed.

While I was sleeping, I seemed to hear a shallow call: Please... Xianting...

The sound was ethereal, like a dream. (End of chapter)

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