The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 286: Filial piety leads to strength


Li Siqi opened his eyes sleepily, and suddenly looked toward the window.

When I saw a faint glimmer of light coming from the window, my heart dropped.

"Master, can you see it?" The boy looked at him nervously.

Li Siqi showed a faint smile: "Don't worry, I can see it."

The boy suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm scared to death. I just hope that the gods and Buddhas in the sky can protect the young master and get better soon."

"By the way, Lanyuan sent some pots of top-quality orchids and begged the young master to help raise some." The boy snorted softly.

"Young Master is the eldest son of the Duke Protector's Palace, so how can you raise orchids for them? From time to time, I send you some flowers that are difficult to grow, and you make me think of you as someone else. I don't allow my slaves to refuse if I have a son."

Li Siqi waved his hand: "It doesn't matter."

"It is difficult for flowers and plants to survive. It is my honor to be able to support a small life by doing it casually." Li Siqi did not feel troubled.

"But Lanyuan is also very kind to the young master. All kinds of precious varieties are given to him."

"Our young master is really powerful. No matter how difficult it is to raise flowers and plants, our young master can feed them at will." The young man smiled, as if he could feed anything in his hands.

"You flatter me again." Li Siqi smiled carelessly.

He just feels that everything has life.

As long as you treat it with your heart, everything can feel your heart.

"How can I flatter you? This is a fact."

After Li Siqi had finished his breakfast, the eldest lady took him and looked around. She saw that he was clear-eyed and then let him go.

"Blessed by Bodhisattva, may my son be healthy forever." The eldest lady sighed deeply.

"By the way, what was going on with the noise yesterday?" Li Siqi never went out at night since his eyesight was bad.

"Princess Zhaoyang's grandmother passed away and she asked for mourning leave. Crown Prince Yuzhou was jealous and imitated her in asking for mourning leave. All the civil and military officials in the dynasty and even the concubines in the harem rushed to attend the funeral. She was beaten half to death by King Jingxi last night. Today I asked for seven days of sick leave. My voice is hoarse from crying.”

"The Duke of Guo also went over for a visit."

"Is there such a thing?" Li Siqi was shocked.

"You go to the Imperial College and ask for an hour's leave for me. I'll go over and take a look..." After Li Siqi finished speaking, he asked the driver to drive to Lu Residence.

White flags have been hung at the door of Lu's house, and paper money is scattered on the ground.

The maid at the door was dressed in mourning clothes and welcomed the guests who came to express their condolences.

The maid led Li Siqi in. As soon as he walked in, he saw the courtyard was in a mess and there was noise in the lobby.

Li Siqi frowned slightly. Ever since Mr. Lu reconciled and left, the Zhongyong Hou Mansion has been getting worse day by day.

Nowadays, the title is no longer there, and there are no rules in the mansion.

The young man walked in quickly, fearing that Lu Chaochao would be injured.

"Get out!" Lu Yuanze, with a shabby beard and a haggard expression, was angrily pointing at the two people in front of him and yelling at them.

Lu Jinghuai coughed quietly and stood next to Lu Yuanxi.

Lu Yuanxi stood in front of him and saluted Lu Yuanze: "Brother, always let Jing Huai give mother a ride. After all, this is her only grandson."

"Bah, who is your mother! Get lost, you don't deserve to call her mother!"

"And you, if you knew Lu Yuanxi was your father, you helped him lie to me!" Lu Yuanze gritted his teeth. At this moment, he truly felt Xu's despair.

The despair of being betrayed by someone close to you.

"Go, go, I don't recognize you, who are you, a descendant of the Lu family!!" Lu Yuanze was hit hard by the words of his only grandson, and his eyes were red.

"Brother, do you realize that Jing Huai is the only child in the family tree?"

"My eldest brother died without a child. He must leave a bloodline for his parents to sweep their graves."

Lu Yuanxi's mouth was filled with a smile, which made Lu Yuanze's eyes dizzy with anger.

There was chaos in the mourning hall, and everyone who came to express condolences couldn't help but shake their heads. Lu Yuanze's good cards were played badly.

"Master Lu Yanshu has arrived."

"Master Lu Yuanxiao has arrived."

"Mrs. Xu has arrived..."

The boy passed the message outside the door, and everyone looked outside the door.

Mrs. Xu was wearing a plain long dress, followed by Rong Che. General Rong has always been unkempt, but now he takes care of himself extremely neatly, even combing his hair meticulously.

Behind him were Lu Yanshu and Lu Yuanxiao, holding Lu Chaochao in their hands.

"Chaochao." Li Siqi stepped forward and touched Chaochao's face. He particularly liked Chaochao's eyes, which were bright and clear and made him happy just looking at them.

"Brother Siqi, give me a hug..." Lu Chaochao stretched out his hand and threw himself into Li Siqi's arms.

Li Siqi hugged the little one and smelled the fragrance of milk on her body, feeling full of peace of mind.

"Brother Siqi, are you hungry? I'm a little hungry..." Lu Chaochao rubbed his stomach.

"Brother will take you to eat later." Li Siqi said gently.

Lu Chaochao struggled and jumped down.

Squatting beside the copper basin, he carefully burned paper into the basin.

Lu Yuanze was very moved when he saw it.

"Good boy, Chao Chao, you are such a good boy. How happy I would be if my grandmother was alive in heaven." Lu Yuanze burst into tears. He regretted it so much!

"Let's offer the old lady a stick of incense and give her a ride." Mrs. Xu nodded slightly towards him.

Rong Che took a few sticks of incense and handed them to Xu and Lu Yanshu Lu Yuanxiao.

Lu Yuanze looked at her expectantly.

"Mother Yun, Yanshu is the eldest grandson that the old lady values ​​the most. Let Yanshu guard the funeral and take the old lady up the mountain with her body?" How could Lu Yuanze be willing to let Lu Jinghuai be a filial son and grandson? The old lady hated Lu Jinghuai the most before she died. If Lu Jinghuai were to be the one, My eldest grandson is afraid that he will die with his eyes open.

Xu Shiyun shook her head decisively: "Master Lu, this is unreasonable."

"If the inkstone is not in the family tree, then he is not the eldest grandson."

"For the sake of the deceased's dignity, at most the inkstone should be accompanied by incense sticks." Xu Shiyun would never allow them to keep a wake for the old lady.

If there had been no dynasty, and now his body would be exposed in the wilderness, he would be the one who would die for his whole family!

The light in Lu Yuanze's eyes gradually extinguished.

Rong Che stood behind her, as if swearing sovereignty.

"Brother, we are all one family, so don't argue. The old lady should be buried in peace after all."

"Don't talk about the old lady, after you leave in the future, it will be my son who breaks the pot. Who wants the eldest brother to end up childless?"

The string in Lu Yuanze's mind was immediately broken.

"Don't even think about dying!" Lu Yuanze hated it, he hated it so much.

"Drive these scoundrels out! Drive them out!" Lu Yuanze shouted angrily.

The once famous Zhongyong Hou Mansion is now nothing but a joke.

Lu Chaochao squatted in front of the brazier seriously, with a solemn expression and looked at the brazier without blinking.

He ignored the beatings and scoldings of the two groups of people in the mourning hall.

"Chaochao, what's wrong with you??" Li Siqi asked cautiously.

Is the little guy sad?

Chao Chao doesn't have the temperament of a Holy Mother.

Everyone was pushing each other, fighting, and completely losing their minds.


There was a sweet fragrance in the air.

The people fighting were stunned and looked over at the scent, only to see Lu Chaochao eating sweet roasted sweet potatoes around the brazier.

There was also a faint sound of chestnut cracking coming from the brazier.

How filial.

Filial piety comes from self, and filial piety comes from strength. (End of chapter)

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