Lu Yuanze has become a joke in Beijing.

When Lu Yanshu left with his sister in his arms, Lu Chaochao was still holding a roasted sweet potato tightly in his hand.

"Today the envoy from the Southern Kingdom is entering the palace, and His Majesty invites you to go with him." Lu Yanshu carried his sister into the carriage.

Lu Chaochao's face darkened.

"You finally took three days off, so what are you going to do in the palace?"

"Can't he wait until I go to school before calling him?" Just one more day!

"Ever since you went to school, you have become more and more preoccupied." Lu Yanshu shook his head.

Lu Chaochao's little face wrinkled into a ball.

Li Siqi looked amused: "There is a lantern festival tonight. I will pick you up after the palace banquet?"

Lu Chaochao nodded sharply: "Okay, okay, brother Siqi will come earlier."

The little guy shook his head and tail, and then he became happy.

"Nan Guo's eyes are higher than the top, and he does not take Bei Zhao seriously. If there is a conflict between words, Chao Chao will just tolerate it, okay?"

Lu Yanshu warned her seriously.

"Beizhao is a mortal and cannot compete with the Southern Kingdom."

"They have a unique preference for gods. Beizhao can't compete with them."

"The ferocious beast Xiang Liu they brought this time is probably going to give us a kick." Lu Yanshu sighed deeply.

Beizhao is weak and can only do this.

"Let's go, don't be afraid, try to stay away from the beast." Lu Yanshu led Chao Chao into the palace.

Lu Chaochao gnawed on the sweet potato and burped.

Xiang Liu?

A vicious beast?

I guess so.

The palace banquet has not yet begun, but many wives and courtiers are already waiting in the hall. Lu Chaochao saw many old acquaintances.

"Brother, go and do your work. Chaochao is going to find friends..." After Lu Chaochao finished speaking, he ran towards the sixth prince.

"Brother Six, what are you waiting for?" the little guy asked with a roar.

The Sixth Prince was squatting at the entrance of the palace, as if waiting for something.

"Wait for Brother Yu Zhou, has Chao Chao seen Yu Zhou?" The sixth prince had no idea what was going on. Ever since the last time he fed Lu Chaochao wine, the two of them had developed a life-long friendship.

Feelings are very good now.

"Then don't wait. Brother Yuzhou is on sick leave for seven days and is probably still lying in bed."

"Sixth brother, let's go in together." Lu Chaochao took the sixth prince's hand and led him through the door.

"Ah? He has done something wrong again..." The Sixth Prince sighed faintly.

What could have happened that could have caused Chaochaojiu to be beaten more severely than the last time?

When the palace banquet is over, go over and ask.

"Is Fifth Brother feeling better?" Lu Chaochao asked, looking around for Fifth Brother.

"A lot. Fortunately, Chaochao took him to see Concubine Shu." Concubine Shu was thrown into the cold palace because of Concubine Hui, and the fifth prince was depressed for a long time.

The Sixth Prince pulled Chao Chao and secretly said angrily: "Chao Chao, please stand behind me later. Don't stand in front..."

He looked around.

"The envoy from the Southern Kingdom brought a ferocious beast that ate with people every day. It was said that it could stop children from crying."

"The Southern Kingdom is the most annoying. They like to watch Beizhao's jokes because of fear. You are Beizhao's most favored little princess, and they will definitely scare you." It makes Beizhao embarrassed.

"Stand behind Brother Six later."

Lu Chaochao changed into a small light green dress, with a ribbon tied on her head, dancing in the wind.

"Okay Sixth Brother." The little guy stood next to Sixth Brother obediently.

After a while, Wang Yuanlu sang loudly outside the door.

"The Emperor has arrived..."

"The Queen has arrived..."

The emperor and empress entered the palace one after another, and all the civil and military officials stood up to salute.

"Isn't the Queen Mother and Grandma here?" the Sixth Prince asked the Fifth Brother next to him.

The fifth prince gently put his index finger to his lips: "Hush, the Queen Mother was sweating profusely yesterday, and she is infected with the wind and cold today. Let her rest." It's not that the Queen Mother is cold, but she has no good intentions during her trip to the South.

The Queen Mother is already old and cannot bear the fright.

The emperor's face also looked a little heavy today. When he saw Chao Chao, he smiled a little.

"Why is your face so dark?" The emperor raised his hand to wipe away the traces on her mouth and smelled the smell of roasted sweet potatoes.

The little guy grinned: "Eat sweet potatoes in the morning."

"Emperor father, are you unhappy today?" She tilted her head and looked at the emperor curiously with her round eyes.

The emperor suppressed his depression.

"I will be happy to see Chao Chao."

"We will eat quietly later and don't make any noise, okay?" The emperor also wanted to protect the little guy.

Chao Chao obediently responded.

The emperor pondered for a moment: "Chaochao, do you know Xiang Liu?"

The envoy from the Southern Kingdom had been in Beijing for three days, and the ferocious beast had eaten countless people. There was a thick smell of blood for a hundred meters around, which disgusted and frightened the emperor.

That beast has a huge appetite.

The emperor had no choice but to send prisoners to be executed in prison every day.

"Xiang Liu..." Lu Chaochao's face was lost in thought.

"Chaochao's evaluation is that it's not very tasty." After a long silence, he said something.

In her memory, all mythical and vicious beasts were classified according to whether they could be eaten or not.

The emperor's eyes widened slightly, and before he could ask more questions, he heard the eunuch's message outside the door.

"The envoy from the Southern Kingdom has arrived."

Sure enough, before they even entered the door, they could smell the strong smell of blood, which made everyone frown slightly, showing a hint of disgust.

"Your Majesty Beizhao, you won't blame me for being late, right?" The young man's wanton and proud tone made people inexplicably irritated.

"Your Majesty is really stingy. Lord Xiang Liu didn't have enough to eat. He found some food along the way..." Nan Mubai looked at Emperor Xuanping provocatively.

Emperor Xuanping's face suddenly darkened. There were only innocent people along the way!

The queen gently raised her hand and patted his palm.

Beizhao has a mortal body, so he can't break up with Nanguo just yet!

The emperor's expression softened slightly, and he suppressed the killing intent in his eyes and said, "His Royal Highness, you are joking. Wang Yuanlu, send fifty death row prisoners over tomorrow."

Wang Yuanlu responded in a low voice.

Nan Mubai stood and bowed his hands to the emperor: "I hope your majesty will be honest. The people of the Nan surname have a special bloodline. They kneel to the gods and the king of the south. Your majesty, Beizhao, was born in mortal flesh and his life span will be shortened, so I will not kneel to your majesty." "

The whole place was silent.

It is obvious that Northern Zhao is inferior to Southern Kingdom.

He wasn't even worthy of being asked to kneel down.

A small grandson of the emperor dared to ignore the Nine-Fifth Emperor, which shows the arrogance of the southern country.

The emperor gritted his teeth, his eyes were murderous, and his fists were clenched.

That's it again! !

It’s always like this when I go back to Nanguo and enter Beijing! ! This is true for all countries, without any exception!

They are the only people in the mortal world who can ask for the descendants of gods and blessings from gods. Everyone must rely on their faces to act!

Emperor Xuanping took a deep breath, without any warmth in his eyes: "Give your grandson and Lord Ming a seat."

The ferocious beast hovered in the hall, its cold snake eyes scanning the whole place, and everyone was covered in goosebumps.

It is huge and proudly defies the others.

"This is the sacred beast of our southern country, Xiangliu. Xiangliu is a sacred beast that has existed since the beginning of the world. It has always protected the royal family of our southern kingdom and is the guardian beast of the royal family."

"Xiang Liu is also called Xiaolong. The crown on his head is exactly the same as that of the dragon clan." Nan Mubai said with a hint of pride in his tone.

Lu Chaochao's little head popped up from behind the Sixth Prince.

"How shameless, why did you touch the porcelain blue dragon?"

"Which mythical beast eats people?" Lu Chaochao said angrily, speaking directly to everyone's thoughts. (End of chapter)

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