"The mythical beasts include the green dragon, the red bird, the basalt, the white tiger, and then there are the phoenix, unicorn, etc., and they are not even as good as the prime minister..."

"Isn't it a ferocious beast?"

"The venom spit out by Xiang Liu makes the water bitter and can form a stinky swamp. The mythical beast is auspicious. Isn't this a case of porcelain?"

"If we don't talk, do you think we are fools?"

"Oh, big brother, Chaochao is still a child. He talks carelessly, will he not be angry?" Lu Chaochao looked at him innocently.

Nan Mubai's cheeks turned red with anger.

They have always publicized that Prime Minister Liu is the sacred beast that protects the country, and they have never seen anyone slap him in the face so bluntly.

Mainly, no one dares.

Of course Nan Mubai knew that Xiang Liu was a ferocious beast! !

But in recent years, they have been unable to summon gods, and can only barely summon Xiang Liu. Are they supposed to claim that they summoned a ferocious beast to protect the country?

"Your Majesty has a lot of grandsons, so he won't argue with you."

"This kid just loves to tell the truth. Why don't you shut up..." The emperor waited for Lu Chaochao to finish his rant before scolding him slowly and gently.

Nan Mubai couldn't hold back the smile on his face, and Lord Ming behind him slightly curled his lips, hiding the smile in his eyes.

His Royal Highness the Emperor and Grandson also regarded this child as a fool.

He actually felt that Princess Zhaoyang was a bit quick-witted.

"Princess Zhaoyang is sharp-tongued and sharp-tongued at such a young age. No wonder she is favored by His Majesty Beizhao." Nan Mubai said lightly.

He didn't like this child for no reason.

"Aren't you allowed to tell the truth?" Lu Chaochao put his hands on his hips and confused the bloodline of the mythical beast. It was seeking death!

Lu Chaochao wanted to say something else, but the Sixth Prince suddenly covered her mouth.

He pulled the chicken legs off the table and stuffed them into her mouth.

Lu Chaochao's eyes lit up, he held the chicken legs and started to chew them like a little hamster.

Nan Mubai suppressed his displeasure: "Xiang Liu protects the Southern Kingdom and receives the incense of the Southern Kingdom. He is naturally a mythical beast. As for cannibalism..."

"Isn't it lucky for mortals to be eaten by mythical beasts?" Nan Mubai looked arrogant, not caring about the lives of mortals at all.

"You bastard, human life is at stake, how can an animal feed on a human being? Anyone who can find such ferocious beasts will kill them!!" Rong Che immediately put down his wine glass, his face darkening.

Rong Che protects his family and country, so he naturally cannot tolerate Nan Mubai taking human life for granted.

Rong Che has tolerated the Southern Kingdom for a long time.

When he came to Beijing this time, Nan Mubai asked for death row again and again. But he has begged the common people countless times to feed the ferocious beasts, which is really abominable.

Just now he sent someone out to investigate.

On the way to Beijing, Nan Mubai allowed the ferocious beast to eat people in the street. It caused the people to flee in a hurry, but the ground was still covered with blood, and there were even unused stumps.

How can it be cannibalistic!

It's all about killing for fun!

Nan Mubai was leaning in front of the table, playing with the exquisite wine glass in his hand, his brows careless.

"Everyone gets it and punishes him? General Rong has such a strong tone."

"Xiangliu is invulnerable to water and fire, who can touch it? Furthermore, Xiangliu is a sacred beast that protects the country, and our southern country will not allow it to be harmed!"

"It can't eat cows, sheep, or pigs?" Lu Chaochao opened the sixth prince's hand and asked quickly.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Nan Mubai laughed out loud.

Mingming couldn't help but sigh.

"Princess Zhaoyang is too naive and stupid."

"Xiang Liu is a mythical beast from ancient times. It naturally feeds on humans. It has survived for thousands of years. Can it be changed according to your thoughts?" The ferocious beast looked down on the world and never took it seriously.

Even the royal family of the Southern Kingdom who summoned it offered delicious food and drink.

How dare you treat it harshly?

Ming Lang saluted Lu Chaochao: "Princess Zhaoyang doesn't know something. Xiang Liu is cruel and murderous by nature and likes to eat... living animals. In fact, it is not very controlled... Only His Highness the Emperor and Sun can get close to Xian Liu. .”

It turns out that the Nan family has the power of gods and can suppress them.

But now that the divine power is weak, only Nan Mubai can make Xiang Liu get closer to him.

There was a wanton smile on Nan Mubai's lips.

He waved his hand towards Xiang Liu: "Master Xiang Liu, are you hungry?"

The Hydra straightened its body and looked down at everyone. The scales on its body shone with a cold light, and it was rumored that its scales were indestructible.

It was extremely tall, raising its nine heads almost to the roof.

The snakes' bodies are entangled with each other, which is full of oppression and frightening.

Tick ​​tock tick…

Blood dripped and immediately corroded the ground, and everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

The imperial guards immediately guarded the emperor, armed with bows and arrows.

Nan Mubai seemed to like seeing everyone panic: "Your Majesty, don't be afraid. The scales on Xiangliu's body are invulnerable to water and fire. These bows and arrows cannot hurt it at all. On the contrary, they will anger it and spit out venom. I'm afraid it will turn this place into ashes." For the swamp.”

"I heard that Beizhao used to be a swampland with no grass growing on it. Don't go back to your roots."



The hissing sound of the Hydra made Xu's body goosebumps.

The emperor looked ugly, and there were many guards around him. He could already guess what Nan Mubai wanted to do.

He wants the beast to eat people on the spot!

The people who can attend the palace banquet today are all relatives of the emperor or civil and military officials. No matter who eats it, Beizhao's face will be severely damaged!

The emperor's heart was filled with rage, as if his face had been crushed by the Southern Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, Xiang Liu is hungry. It's hungry and out of control, and Mu Bai can't control it." Nan Mubai's eyes were filled with a bad smile.

"Just eat when you're hungry. Who can eat better than you?"

"For one mouth, it has nine mouths." Lu Chaochao was envious and jealous.

Speak sourly.

None of the Sixth Princes noticed him, and Lu Chaochao crawled out from the crowd, all the knots on his head were gone.

The chubby doll crawled out all the way, holding a piece of carrot that she didn't like to eat in her hand, and handed it to Xiang Liu on her little feet.

"Carrot, it's delicious... I'll give it to you..."

"This is Chaochao's favorite food. You eat it, you eat it..." Hey, she can't stand the taste of carrots.

Usually Zhui Feng helps it, but today Zhui Feng didn't enter the palace, so it paid attention to Xiang Liu again.

Lu Chaochao, who was less than three years old, stood in front of the giant, extremely small.

When Mrs. Xu saw this scene, her eyes darkened.

"Madam!" Dengzhi hurriedly supported her.

"Chaochao, Chaochao, why did Chaochao crawl out? Come back quickly!" Mrs. Xu's face turned pale with anxiety, and her hands and feet were trembling.

[Xiang Liu, Xiang Liu? Why does it look familiar to me? 】

Nan Mubai almost burst into laughter.

"You asked Xiang Liu to become a vegetarian? Are you kidding me?" Nanguo sacrificed chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep and pigs to it, which even made it furious.

Nan Mubai glanced at her sideways: "Master Xiang Liu likes to eat babies the most..."

"Come back from Chaochao!" Mrs. Xu rushed over in a hurry.

The emperor's face was also ugly: "You bastard, what are you doing with me? Go and save the princess!"

Lu Chaochao took a few steps forward and handed over the carrot.

"Eat vegetables, eat vegetables..."

Nan Mubai sneered in his heart, he was really not afraid of death.

This is a ferocious beast that has protected the Southern Kingdom for thousands of years. It has a bad temper and kills people. Even the Southern Kingdom dare not force it.

A trace of malice arose in Nan Mubai's heart, and Ruoxiang Liu swallowed Princess Zhaoyang in one gulp. That Beizhao's face will be trampled to pieces by Nanguo! (End of chapter)

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