"Found it, found it."

"Princess Zhaoyang, please don't cry. I've already caught the culprit." Mr. Zhong was so anxious that he was sweating all over.

Half a month ago, a subordinate reported that the Thousand-faced God might cause trouble if he sneaked into Beijing.

Unexpectedly, it was stolen under the name of Princess Zhaoyang.

The Thousand-Faced Thief looked confused when he was arrested. He was holding a small bag in his arms and was escorted forward by everyone.

Lu Chaochao was sobbing, his eyes were red, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

"Damn it, please return the jade pendant quickly!"

"How many heads do you have? How dare you steal His Majesty's token!!" Mr. Zhong gritted his teeth. It was stolen within his jurisdiction. Does he still want to be promoted? !

Mr. Zhong stepped forward and snatched the package, respectfully delivering it to Lu Chaochao.

"Princess Zhaoyang, your little bag has been returned. Hurry up, are you missing something?" Mr. Zhong said with a flattering look on his face.

The middle-aged man who was being held looked unremarkable, with an ordinary appearance that would not be noticed even if he stood in the crowd. But he has been doing evil for many years, wandering around, and relying on his ability to disguise himself, he has never been caught for so many years.

At this moment, just because he stole Lu Chaochao, he was arrested in half an hour.

The Thousand-Faced Thief's eyes widened: "What jade pendant? I didn't see any jade pendant at all!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Chaochao sobbed and opened the small bag.

Inside the bag, the steaming golden beef patty had cooled down. Lu Chaochao picked it up and took a bite.


Under Master Zhong's expectant gaze, he kicked the small bag away.

Start eating with snot in your eyes and tears in your eyes.

"Good times..."

"How dare you steal my cow...beef cake, a heartless thing." Lu Chaochao twitched from time to time, his mouth full.

Master Zhong looked confused.

"Wait, wait... where is your jade pendant?" Master Zhong asked in shock.

"What jade pendant?" Lu Chaochao's mouth was full of oil. The beef patty was crispy on the outside and fell apart when he took a bite. The beef patty was soft and juicy on the inside.

"Your Majesty, these are the jade pendants of the eldest princess and others."

Lu Chaochao said oh.

"You can't eat or drink that thing, so what's the use? I threw it in the carriage..."

Mr. Zhong was so angry that he slapped his thigh.

"Oh, what a feat it is!"

"Didn't you say you lost your treasure?" Lord Zhong asked with a grimace.

"Isn't this a treasure? I've been waiting in line for half an hour!! There are more treasures than that string of jade pendants!!" Lu Chaochao protested with swollen eyes.

The Thousand-Faced Thief cried out in grievance.

"You put the whole city under martial law because of two beef patties?!" He didn't even want to steal Lu Chaochao! !

Originally, Lu Chaochao was dressed in rich clothes and surrounded by countless attendants. At first glance, she looked like a noble daughter of a noble family, and she couldn't be offended!

He didn't want to cause trouble.

But she took two steps and then clutched her purse mischievously. After taking two steps, she looked down again.

To be able to make such a noble girl be so careful is only a big treasure! !

He was immediately moved.

After doing this job, I might not have to worry about food and drink for the rest of my life.

The result is damn good! !

He only had two beef patties in his pocket, and he was arrested for two of them! !

Lord Zhong went up and kicked him, gnashing his teeth: "Committing crimes everywhere, I just happened to be caught!" It's not good to steal from anyone, steal Lu Chaochao beef cake!

Master Zhong escorted the thief away.

Yushu and Yuqin looked at each other and sighed: "When did you take out the jade pendant?"

Lu Chaochao shook his head in disgust: "It's in the way."

Li Siqi couldn't stop laughing.

Just when I was about to step forward, suddenly...

The last ray of light on the horizon disappeared, and the moonlight enveloped the night sky...

The winding lantern looked like a giant dragon, and everyone cheered.

Li Siqi was in the midst of the hustle and bustle, and there were crowds of people around him, but he stood stiffly in the crowd, as if he was just a passerby, and all the bustle and bustle had nothing to do with him.

There was a lot of excitement in my ears.

There was darkness in front of him, and he could not move even an inch.

"Wow, there are so many lanterns... They are dragon lanterns and phoenix lanterns. They are so beautiful..." Lu Chaochao's voice was very penetrating.

"Third brother, come and watch the dragon dance..."

"Brother Siqi, brother Siqi...come on..." Lu Chaochao's voice seemed to be in the horizon, but also in front of his eyes.

He stretched out his hand and walked in the direction of Lu Chaochao.

As soon as he took a step, he tripped.

"You're blind, you bumped into someone!" He couldn't avoid the crowded crowd. He fell to the ground, and someone stepped on his finger.

"Hiss..." He grinned slightly.

Someone stepped on his back again.

The boy's panicked voice sounded in his ears: "Where is my young master? Have you seen my young master?" The boy's voice was crying, and in the blink of an eye, the young master disappeared before his eyes.

It's so dark now that you can't see me! !

Li Siqi wanted to curl up and hug his head, but the crowds coming and going prevented him from moving at all.

Some stepped on his legs, some stepped on his back, and some stepped on his hands.

His hair was spread out, and his bright eyes became cloudy and lacked any light.

His eyes were unfocused, and pain spread throughout his body.

it hurts.

He frowned and hugged his head in panic, suddenly...

A picture suddenly appeared in my mind.

A man was lying on the ice coffin, looking at the girl in the coffin sadly. He gently caressed the ice coffin and whispered: "You sacrificed to save the world, and your merits are beyond heaven. Why do you have to endure the pain of sacrifice all the time?"

"God is unfair, God is unfair to you."

"Master, wake up. What you don't have, my disciple will give it to you!"

"You have no eyes, so I will be your eyes."

"Master, the disciple is the god of life. These eyes can barely be used by the master. I hope these eyes can take the master to enjoy the mountains and rivers and see the prosperity of the world. The disciple has no regrets..." The man touched his right hand in front of his eyes, and a ray of light appeared. In the palm of your hand.

He slowly pushed the light into the ice coffin.

"May Master take my eyes to re-enter reincarnation and return to the human world." The man closed his eyes tightly, with blood flowing from the corners of his eyes.

"Master, this disciple will also throw himself into reincarnation and follow your traces."

"Master, I wish everything goes well."

"Master, you will be the only light for this disciple." The figure gradually disappeared.

Li Siqi was sweating profusely, breathing heavily, and murmured in a low voice: "Master...Master..."

Master, where are you?

A clear and childish voice cut through the noisy crowd and shouted loudly: "Brother Siqi..."

"Brother Siqi, where are you?"

Lu Chaochao turned his head and saw that Li Siqi was gone.

Immediately turned around and looked around.

The little guy was short, so he crouched down and saw Li Siqi lying not far away, protecting his head in a panic.

"Brother Siqi, I'm here to save you..." Lu Chaochao's voice was very penetrating.

Li Siqi was stepped on and looked dazed.

He couldn't see anything. All the noise and bustling had nothing to do with him. He stared blankly at the sky.


A pair of small hands with shimmering light appeared in front of him.

Everything was dark, but she was the only one who shone with light.

"Brother Siqi, give me your hand."

The little guy tilted his head, with a faint light on his body, and looked at him with a smile.

That sentence seemed to appear in my ears again.

‘Master, you are the only light for my disciples. '(End of chapter)

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