Those hands are right in front of you.

The little hands are chubby, and the skin is as white and translucent as jade. They are so close that they even smell like milk.

He could only see Chao Chao.

Glowing morning.

Li Siqi raised his hand and held his big and small hands. His eyes were hot and tears were streaming down his face.

Lu Chaochao was anxious.

"Brother Siqi, have you also learned the trick from Chao Chao? After falling down, there is no one to coax you, so you won't get up?"

Lu Chaochao helped him stand up.

No one noticed that Li Siqi was looking at her with tears in his eyes.

"You are so stupid. If you want to fall, you have to fall where there is no one."

"No, he must have been stepped on."

The little guy also helped him pat the dust off his body: "Does it hurt, brother Siqi?"

Li Siqi shook his head.

"Are you cold? Why are you shaking so much?" Lu Chaochao looked at him suspiciously.

When the servant of the Duke Protector's Mansion saw Li Siqi, he stepped forward and slapped him.

"It's all my fault for the slave, making the master suffer. Master, let's go back home?" He stepped forward to support Li Siqi.

If there is news tomorrow that the eldest grandson of the Protector is blind, I am afraid that the whole capital will be boiling.

Li Siqi held Lu Chaochao's hand tightly: "No."

"Sir, you..." The boy wanted to persuade him, but he could see his master squatting down and gently wiping the oil stains from the corners of Lu Chaochao's mouth.

He was stunned.

Can the young master see it? ?

"Chaochao, I can't see clearly at night, can you hold me?" Li Siqi looked at her seriously.

Those eyes are so bright and beautiful.

Lu Chaochao was sympathetic: "Of course, don't be afraid. Chaochao will take you home later. I will hold your hand and be your eyes!" the little guy promised.

Yu Shu and Yu Qin looked at each other. No wonder Mr. Li was a little strange.

Li Siqi smiled, his world was dark, and Lu Chaochao was his only light.

His master!

He has been searching for his master for thousands of years!

It has always been a custom to put lanterns into the water during the Mid-Autumn Festival. At this moment, Lu Chaochao was holding a lantern and carefully put it into the water.

She looked at the lamp.

Li Siqi looked at her.

There are countless lanterns floating on the river, and the water is rippling, which is particularly beautiful.

"Help, someone has fallen into the water! Help my lady!!" On the river, someone was flopping in the water, and the little maid stood on the boat and screamed for help.

"Help my young lady, help me!" The maid's voice was filled with tears.

Lu Yanshu was talking with his colleagues on the boat, but when he heard the voice, he stood up hurriedly.

Sure enough, not far from him, a woman fell into the water.

Seeing the woman sinking deeper and deeper, he seemed to think of himself again when no one rescued him.

As soon as he climbed onto the edge of the boat, there was a pop...

A girl rushed out from beside him and jumped straight into the water. He quickly moved towards the woman who fell into the water.

Because the sky was dark and there were no lights in the middle of the river, only a faint glimpse or two could be seen.

Lu Yanshu was startled, it was Zhou Shuyao.

Zhou Shuyao was very good at water, but the woman who fell into the water seemed a little panicked and hung on her tightly, refusing to let go at all.

Zhou Shuyao was almost dragged into the water by her.

Fortunately, she was strong enough to hold onto the other person's hand and drag her to the shore.

After the boat docked, Lu Yanshu strode towards the shore.

"Give me your hand..." Lu Yanshu said loudly.

Zhou Shuyao glanced at him and relied on his strength to climb onto the shore.

There is a big willow tree on the bank. It used to have lush branches and leaves, but it has been cut down recently for unknown reasons.

Zhou Shuyao rested against the willow tree.

The woman who fell into the water coughed violently and coughed up a lot of water. Her clothes were soaked, revealing her beautiful figure.

"Girl..." the maid cried as she walked through the crowd and took out a large cloak to cover the woman.

The woman's face was red from coughing, and her hair was dripping from her forehead. Such a miserable moment was so beautiful that it made people gasp.

"Thank you, sir, for saving my life." The voice was even more delicate and gentle.

The maid beside him stamped her feet and said, "But now that we have skin-to-skin contact, what should you do, girl?" She looked at Lu Yanshu crazily.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Yanshu's brows became frivolous.

"Really? Why don't you take a closer look and see who saved him?" Zhou Shuyao coughed lightly and pointed at herself who was soaked all over.

Lu Yanshu's eyes touched him and he quickly moved away.

Don't look at anything inappropriate.

Lu Yanshu had already asked his servant to buy a set of clothes at a high price and put them on Zhou Shuyao.

Zhou Shuyao nodded and thanked.

"Don't thank the wrong person. What does Mr. Lu have to do with me diving to save you?" Zhou Shuyao looked at the woman jokingly.

Lu Yanshu's face turned red and he didn't say a word.

"Didn't Mr. Lu save him?" The woman raised her head suddenly.

"Impossible, I obviously saw you jump off!" The maid looked anxiously, obviously seeing him lift up his gown and climb onto the edge of the boat.

"I have never seen anyone mistakenly admitting to being his savior. His hair is not wet at all. How could it be him? Could it be that the girl hopes it is him?" Zhou Shuyao spoke so carelessly that the woman's expression immediately changed.

If there is physical intimacy between this man and woman in public, it is a sure thing.

"Master Lu..." the woman whined.

But Lu Yanshu turned his head, looking like a gentleman, and refused to take another look.

"Let's go." The woman bit her lip, feeling ashamed and angry, and immediately left with her maid covering her face.

"Lu Zhuangyuan, the doorstep of your house hasn't been trampled to pieces yet?" Zhou Shu smiled wildly.

"Someone actually put themselves in danger for you."

Lu Yanshu sighed deeply.

In the past nineteen years, he had never experienced such strong love.

He didn't even know where this love came from.

Every day in court, a girl bumps into him.

Or someone throws a handkerchief.

Now, another person fell into the water.

"Thank you Miss Zhou for rescuing me today." He knew that if it hadn't been for Zhou Shuyao, he would have been the one who got into the water!

Zhou Shuyao waved her hand: "It doesn't matter, Mr. Lu, please bring more people with you."

"Women are trapped in the inner house all their lives. They obey their father at home and their husbands when they get married. They have no choice in their lives. In order to find a good marriage, they use all means. This is not their fault, it is just their way of making a living. They are really helpless... "Zhou Shuyao sighed.

Zhou Shuyao feels that she is very different. Nowadays, she pays attention to being of the same family and respecting each other as guests.

But she couldn't do it. In her eyes, it was a prison.

If the two of them couldn't get along, she would rather be alone for the rest of her life.

"Lu understands." Lu Yanshu nodded.

the other side.

"That's my eldest brother, a serious eldest brother!" Lu Chaochao put his hands on his hips.

"Yes, yes, my own! My eldest brother loves me the most."

"Ten taels of silver can be exchanged for the brush my eldest brother used..."

"Thirty taels can be exchanged for the stool that my elder brother sat on..."

"Fifty taels in exchange for the tea cup my eldest brother drank from!"

"If you can help me with my homework, I'll give it to you for free!" Lu Chaochao's eyes lit up, big brother brings business opportunities! !

Every day, my beautiful sister inquires about what my eldest brother likes to eat, drink, and read.

The sisters fed countless meals.

But Lu Chaochao has his own bottom line!

Yesterday someone gave her northern sauce elbow, but she didn't betray her brother.

Until the other party offered a sky-high price for three pork elbows!

made money! (End of chapter)

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