"Strange, why is this willow tree so bald?"

"Some time ago, the branches were still full of branches..." Lu Chaochao glanced at the willow tree curiously.

There are many willow trees hanging down by the river, and they are swaying in the breeze. Only this one was completely bare.

It looks particularly eye-catching.

"Don't worry about the willow tree, let's start the dragon dance..."

"Let's go and watch the dragon dance..."

Lu Chaochao was short, so Li Siqi picked him up and let her sit on his shoulders.

He couldn't see it, but he was happy.

"Wow...the dragon dance team is coming out..."

The lifelike fire dragon kept swinging, and the people around him kept cheering.

Nan Mubai stood in the crowd and looked at them with a little disdain: "What's so good about dragon dancing? In our southern country, large festivals like this are all about summoning gods. Have you ever seen summoning gods?"

"The gods enshrined in temples come to the world due to the summons of the gods. They sprinkle rain and bring blessings."

"How can you be like you, jumping for joy over a dead thing? What's so interesting about that!"

"Oh, by the way, you Beizhao don't even have your own gods." Nan Mubai said in an arrogant tone. In the Southern Kingdom, every family has its own beliefs!

That is their own god.

In the eyes of Nanguo, Beizhao is just a remote place.

"Who said we Beizhao don't have our own gods? We have a little goddess!"

"Yes, our goddess statue is effective! Last time there were carps jumping over the dragon gate." The people around him couldn't see him belittling Beizhao, so they mustered up the courage to retort.

"Statue of the Goddess? Her name is not even in the Gods' Records. She is nothing more than a low-class wild god!"

"The Supreme God Zongbai, whom the royal family of the Southern Kingdom believes in, is in charge of justice in the divine realm. He is the great god!" This is their pride.

The people of Beizhao were furious when they heard this.

"You are talking nonsense!!"

"The goddess is not a wild god! With our worship, the goddess is the true god in the world!" The people worship the goddess every year, how can they tolerate him humiliating the goddess?

"The gods in the Immortal Class are all in the Gods' Record. I haven't seen the names of your goddesses."

"Besides, have your gods given you power? Have your gods descended? How ridiculous!" Nan Mubai sneered in a low voice.

There is also a hierarchy between gods and gods.


Nan Mubai's words aroused the anger of the people around him, but he saw them dressed in Nanguo service and did not dare to offend him.

"In our southern country, we even attract magical birds during festivals."

"Have you ever seen the sacred bird? The Qingluan sacred bird, which ranks third among the gods! Rumor has it that it is the mount of the gods and is auspicious!"

"Only we from the Southern Kingdom can summon such a divine bird!" A trace of pride appeared on the brows of the envoy from the Southern Kingdom.

This is the pride unique to southerners.

No one can surpass it.

"And you, Beizhao can only watch the dancing dragon and the dancing phoenix..."

"When will you go to our southern country to see the grand scene? That would be awesome!" Nan Mu's white eyebrows were proud.

At this moment, his guardian beast was curled up into a ball.

Raise your head high and carefully use your tail to break the willow branches.

The attendant below carried a big bag and picked it up one by one.

"The willow branches of this tree are extremely soft and are great for brushing teeth. You don't want to cling to a tree..." the little attendant muttered.

The hydra glanced at him, and according to its usual habit, it had already swallowed it in one gulp.

Partially born...

Jiuzou turned its head back and glanced at Lu Chaochao secretly. It suppressed a kind smile and showed its fangs. The little attendant was so frightened that he trembled.

Nine heads and nine mouths, brush them once in the morning and evening, it's really a waste of willow branches.

If you pick a lot of them, they will be all bald in a day.

He didn't even think about his mission to Beizhao.

Emperor of the Southern Kingdom: When you are away from home, you must cooperate with your grandson to promote the prestige of the Southern Kingdom!

Xiangliu: pluck willow branches, brush your teeth, smell the fragrance...

At this moment, the emperor and grandson of the Southern Kingdom are fighting with the heroes, Xiang Liu, plowing the willows seriously!

"You are so powerful. If you have the ability, call me out and see... You are saying nothing, but who knows if you are bragging." The people of Beizhao rolled their eyes when they heard this. They only heard that Nan Guo was awesome, but they didn't see you summoning a god. have a look.

"Yes, yes, isn't it said that you can summon gods at any time? Summon, you can summon one and see!"

"Let's take a look at the legendary Qingluan bird! And the justice god Lao Shizi?"

Nan Mu raised her eyelids. The entire royal family couldn't summon the righteous god of justice. How can I do that?

But, he can summon the Qingluan divine bird!

"Hmph, today I'm going to open your eyes to you bunch of rubes!"

Ming Lang gently pulled the emperor's grandson: "Your Highness, our mission is to find the princess!" Ming Lang frowned slightly.

Nan Mubai raised his hand to stop Qingming: "If the God of Justice cannot be summoned, I can still do it, Qingluan! Why not make the name of Nanguo famous?"

"Just in time to show my aunt who is living abroad how powerful the Southern Kingdom is!"

Nan Mubai made quick movements with his hands, and a strange pattern appeared out of thin air under his feet. Criss-crossing, the light suddenly appears.

"Eh..." Lu Chaochao looked at him in surprise.

This is Zong Bai's power.

What they borrowed was Zong Bai's divine power.

"The royal family of the Southern Kingdom believes in the God of Justice, so they borrowed the power of Zongbai." However, because God Zongbai rarely came to the world, the power they could borrow became increasingly scarce.

A shallow light appeared in Nan Mubai's hand. With the star array under his feet, he slowly pushed towards the sky.

"With the power of the God of Justice, please invite the sacred bird Qingluan to come to the world..." He shouted in a deep voice.

He has invited divine birds in the past few years, and this matter puts him no pressure at all.

"With the power of the God of Justice, please invite the sacred bird Qingluan to come to the world."

Called three times in a row.

In the silent night sky, a cry suddenly came.

Everyone was startled: "Is there a bird chirping from the sky?"

"Does he really have two brushes?" The people widened their eyes in surprise, thinking that Nanguo was bragging.

Look up.

Then I saw a ball of cyan light flying from the sky, with gorgeous feathers on its body, dragging its long tail feathers and singing.

"It's the real Qingluan bird!"

Everyone exclaimed.

I saw the Qingluan divine bird flying proudly in the sky, spreading its wings, and starlight falling on its body, which was shocking.

"It's the real Qingluan! The mythical Qingluan bird!"

"Huh, you bumpkin has eyes, right? If you have the ability, can you use the power of your goddess to summon her?" Nan Mubai crossed his arms. He couldn't let his reputation in the southern country fall.

"The wild god is the wild god."

Lu Yuanxiao was so angry that his face turned red and his neck was thick. His Chao Chao was a goddess and he was not allowed to insult Chao Chao!

"The goddess saved the world, so she is not a wild god! What's so great about the Southern Conference summoning gods!"

The sixth prince who sneaked out of the palace was furious. He curled his lips and said in a sinister manner: "You can summon gods, and I can also summon dragons and phoenixes to appear with the power of the goddess!"

"Dragon...Phoenix, come out!" He deliberately imitated Nan Mubai.

Nan Mubai's face fell, and his eyes were full of gloom.

Suddenly, Lu Chaochao's eyebrows became slightly hot.

There are mortals who borrow the power of her faith.

Lu Chaochao glanced at the stupid sixth prince and said, "Sixth brother, don't be afraid!" 】

The sixth prince's eyelids twitched.

A vast power was injected into his body, and a strong light suddenly appeared under his feet.

The star array under his feet was actually several times more powerful than Nan Mubai. (End of chapter)

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