The star array represents the strength of the power given.

Zongbai is the god of justice, in charge of justice in the divine world, and is a high-ranking god.

The divine power he bestowed upon him already belongs to the powerful category.

But at this moment, the inexplicable star formation appeared at the feet of the Sixth Prince, and it actually enveloped several people around him.

The star array that lit up instantly shocked everyone so much that they couldn't recover.

"How could... be like this!!" Ming Lang asked like he was crazy, how could Beizhao have divine power? ! !

Something that has never happened before! !

"Which god is such a majestic power?" Master Ming only felt that the power of the God of Life in his body showed signs of surrender.

You know, the God of Life already belongs to the high-ranking God! !

The sixth prince looked confused.

Nan Mubai's eyes widened in horror. Lu Yuanxiao was lighting up the star array right in front of him! There is no prayer ceremony, no mantra!

The vast night sky.

It was as if a roar came from outside.


Immediately after, there was a clear and melodious cry, and the Qingluan in mid-air suddenly fell to the ground and crawled directly to the ground.

"Qingluan surrenders!" Nan Mubai murmured blankly.

Qingluan, surrender! !

They have summoned Qingluan for hundreds of years, but Qingluan has always been aloof and dismissive, but he has never surrendered.

"It's a dragon!!"

"Look, it's a dragon! A real dragon!!"

"And the Phoenix, my God, he really summoned a dragon and a phoenix!!"

"Help, help, ancestor, I have made a difference, I have seen the real dragon and phoenix." The people of Beizhao shouted crazily and knelt on the ground to worship devoutly.

Even the emperor was alarmed.

He led the Queen Mother towards the Star-Zhaing Tower and burst into tears watching the dragons and phoenixes flying in the sky.

"This is God's affirmation to me. The dragon and phoenix appear auspiciously. This is the affirmation of Beizhao!" The emperor led everyone and knelt down on the star-catching platform.

Wang Yuanlu stood in the back, his eyes widened in shock when he heard the news.

He hurriedly walked forward and whispered in His Majesty's ear.

"Your Majesty, this is the auspicious sign summoned by Beizhao ourselves!! It was summoned by the Sixth Prince, the Sixth Prince!" The eunuch's face turned red with excitement.

"What? He can actually summon God?"

The officials who were discussing matters in the imperial study were shocked.

"Isn't it true that only the Southern Kingdom can summon gods?" Therefore, the Southern Kingdom can be superior to all other nations.

"The sixth prince!" The emperor waved his hand with a happy face.

Dragons and phoenixes soared in the sky, and until Xiang Rui left, everyone could not recover for a long time.

Then, fierce shouts broke out.

The star formation under the Sixth Prince disappeared.

Lu Chaochao put his little hands behind his back as if nothing had happened.

"Why does the Southern Kingdom summon Qingluan instead of dragon and phoenix?"

"Don't you like dragons and phoenixes?" Lu Chaochao looked at Nan Mubai curiously.

Nan Mubai's eyes were full of shame and anger, don't I like it? !

This can't be summoned!

The dragon and phoenix are ranked first and second among the divine beasts in the Spiritual Records. The Southern Kingdom has never successfully summoned them!

"How can you summon gods??" Nan Mubai looked at the sixth prince with straight eyes.

"I don't know how to summon you, so I just thought casually and the star formation lit up. Do you need any special method?" The sixth prince looked calm and innocent.

The eyes he looked at Nan Guo were particularly sincere.

Nan Mubai's heart was filled with confusion.

Do you know how strict the rules are to call upon God?

There are hundreds of people in the entire Southern Kingdom royal family, but only a few can summon the gods.

Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is the ease with which the Sixth Prince succeeds.

Nan Mubai's heart moved slightly and he took out a small round ball from his arms.

"Sixth Prince, can you put your hand on the spiritual stone?" Nan Mubai's heart was beating wildly and his whole body was tense.

Lord Rao Shiming also came to his senses and looked at him with burning eyes.

"Sixth Prince, the Spirit Testing Stone can test the divine power you use and which god it comes from. This is not a bad thing." Mr. Ming looked sincere, and it was hard for the Sixth Prince to refuse.

Lu Chaochao also watched with interest.

The Sixth Prince covered his hand on the spiritual stone.

Colorful rays of light suddenly appeared in the spiritual stone, and they were as fine as starlight.

"This... what kind of god is this? I have never seen a god with such mottled and chaotic power." There was a hint of displeasure in Nan Mubai's eyebrows, which was even mixed with the golden color of Lord Zong Bai.

Gold is the most noble, but it is only part of it.

"Of course she is our goddess! This is Beizhao's own god!" The sixth prince looked quite proud.

"It's just a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse. If she is so powerful, how can she be unknown? How can she not be in the book of gods?" Nan Mubai's tone was a bit harsh.

By chance, someone from the palace came to pick him up.

"Sixth Prince, Your Majesty invites you to enter the palace."

The sixth prince wanted to fight him for three hundred rounds, but he didn't dare to keep his father waiting, so he had to leave with a cold snort.

Nan Mubai looked ugly, even the most proud Summoning God of the Southern Kingdom had lost, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

"I don't know where the lonely ghost came from, and he dared to pretend to be a god after getting some incense!" Nan Mubai scolded him with a cold face.

"Oh, then you summon a phoenix." Lu Yeshen said calmly.

"What's the use of being awesome? You're a wild god who can't stand on the stage!" Nan Mubai blushed and glared at Lu Chaochao.

"Then you summon a phoenix."

No matter what the other party said, Lu Chaochao always said, "Summon a phoenix."

Success made Nan Mubai's eyes red with anger.

"Hey, hey, why are you crying?" Lu Chaochao saw him running away with red eyes and couldn't stop him.

"You didn't even cry when you called me a wild god, why are you still crying!" Lu Chaochao muttered softly.

"Wild God, your whole family is a wild god!"

"How did I know that I was not included in the Divine Record? Maybe it was because I died early?" After all, her disciples only ascended to become gods after her death.

"What is the Spiritual Record?" Lu Chaochao asked.

Li Siqi whispered: "It is said that it is a list of the righteous gods in the sky. There is a copy in the palace library. Do you want to go and take a look?"

Lu Chaochao thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"Brother Siqi, are your eyes okay?" Lu Chaochao pulled him worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, I just want Chaochao to help me." Chaochao was the only one in his world.

Lu Chaochao pulled Li Siqi onto the carriage.

In the palace.

The emperor looked at the sixth prince earnestly, his eyes kind and kind.

The sixth prince trembled violently.

Dear father, you have never looked at my son with such kind eyes! !

"Good boy, you have helped me, Beizhao, to gain face! You really cheer up your father!" The emperor patted his son heavily on the shoulder.

"Anyone who can borrow divine power can communicate with gods. Tell Father, what are the gods thinking?" The emperor and the old ministers behind him looked at him with burning eyes.

This is Beizhao's hope.

The Sixth Prince was in a trance, and at the moment when he had a spiritual connection, he did catch a hint of divine intention. He said: "She..."

"I don't want to do my homework."

emperor? ?

Veteran? ? ?

The emperor slapped him on the forehead and said angrily: "Okay, okay, you dare to arrange God's will to escape from homework, I have spoiled you!!"

When Lu Chaochao passed by the Imperial Study Room.

Then the sixth prince's earth-shattering cry was heard: "I didn't lie, I didn't talk nonsense. God doesn't want to do his homework!! Wuwuwu..."

Onogo looked at the sky.

Whose god has to stay up all night to do homework? ! ! (End of chapter)

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