The Sixth Prince successfully summoned the gods.

In exchange for a severe beating.

He cried and looked aggrieved: "God just doesn't want to do my homework. He has done me wrong..."

"Woooooooo..." There were two slap marks on his face.

The emperor waved his hands angrily: "Look at him, does he look like he can communicate with the gods? A blind cat meets a dead mouse!"

"I'm not a dead rat." The sixth prince defended in a low voice.

God just doesn’t want to do homework!

But no one believes it even if it breaks the sky.

"Why don't you get out of here quickly? Are you standing here to be an eyesore?" The emperor glanced at him, and the sixth prince slipped out with tears in his eyes.

Outside the imperial study room, Lu Chaochao smiled from ear to ear.

The sixth prince sobbed and said, "Sister Zhaoyang, why are you here?"

"Sixth Brother, is it okay to go to the Library Pavilion?" Although Li Siqi is the eldest grandson of the Protector, he does not dare to act randomly in the palace.

"Sister, I will take you." The sixth prince wiped away his tears and led Lu Chaochao to the library.

There are six floors in the library, and the first three floors can be borrowed.

The fourth and fifth levels are unique copies.

The sixth floor is only for the royal family of the past dynasties to read and cannot be borrowed or recorded.

After checking the identity of the two people, the guardian let them go upstairs.

"I'm waiting for Chao Chao downstairs. Let's go to Chao Chao." Li Siqi couldn't go up to the sixth floor, so he waited downstairs.

"Take good care of brother Siqi, he can't see clearly at night." Lu Chaochao told Yushu Yuqin.


When Chaochao went upstairs, Li Siqi's eyes fell into darkness again.

The Sixth Prince stepped on a stool to find the Divine Record for her.

"Chaochao. This is the Book of Gods. I heard from my father that every country has a copy. And this book is magical. If there is a new god, the name will automatically appear in it. If there is a god who dies, the name will be dim. Until it disappears.”

"And this book is invulnerable to water and fire and cannot be destroyed. It is a sacred book left by God in the world for mortals to admire."

Lu Chaochao gently opened the first page.

The first page is blank without any writing.

"I heard from my father that the goddess on the first page of the Divine Spirit Record has the ability to save the world, and can be compared to the emperor who created the world."

"If she is still alive, once her name appears in the Gods' Record, she will be on par with the emperor. She will become the true master of the three realms and take charge of the three realms."

The emperor is the supreme god of the land of Kyushu.

But he has not appeared since the beginning of the world.

Lu Chaochao's eyelids trembled slightly.

"Before the goddess was sacrificed, the entire three realms were divided between the emperor and the emperor."

The Sixth Prince turned to the second page: "The first and second is the God of Judgment left by the Emperor in the God Realm."

"The third one is Judiciary Sect Baishang Shen. The Southern Kingdom royal family is his divine attendant. He really has the ability to stand out from the crowd." The sixth prince curled his lips disdainfully.

"The fourth one is the Return of the God of War."

"The fifth is the God of Life, Xianting."

"The sixth is Chongyue, the god of time and space."

"The seventh god of darkness is Xuan Yu, the eighth god of luck is Sheng He, and the ninth is the god of four seasons Gantang."

"Only two of the top ten are the emperor's former subordinates." The sixth prince grinned.

"Moreover, the seven disciples of the goddess are each in charge of important positions in the divine world. You can imagine how powerful they are."

Lu Chaochao pursed his lips and placed his little hand on the book.

"If the goddess lives, the entire Three Realms will be her world."

"Why have their names become so dim?" Lu Chaochao gently touched Chong Yue's name.

Dull, lackluster.

He is a god, but he does not have divine light.

When the God of War returned, it turned even grayer.

The names of the remaining people were flashing crazily.

Once the name disappears from the Divine Spirit Record, it will lose its divine status and its soul will be shattered.

Lu Chaochao felt a tightness in his chest.

The sixth prince said with a smile: "I heard that they are about to die."

"Who knows about the gods. Maybe there is a dispute between the two factions? There may be other reasons..."

"Perhaps the Southern Kingdom knows more. They are divine servants after all."

The sixth prince stepped on the stool and put back the divine record.

Lu Chaochao drooped his head and his face turned pale.

What happened to her little disciples?

What did they do to resurrect themselves? ? Let the godhead be almost broken and on the verge of being torn apart.

"Chaochao, aren't you happy?" Li Siqi held her hand, feeling her palms were bitingly cold.

Lu Chaochao's voice was muffled: "Brother Siqi, Chaochao deserves to die."

"Chaochao shouldn't be alive."

It must be her rebirth that brings disaster to the disciples.

Li Siqi's complexion changed drastically, and his heart was numb with pain.

He bent down and hugged Chaochao tightly: "Chaochao, don't talk nonsense! You are more important than everyone else. Never question yourself..."

"Chaochao, you have to live well."

Lu Chaochao said nothing, but his mood was still low.

Li Siqi didn't show it on his face, but he was anxious in his heart.

After leaving the palace, Lu Yanshu met Chao Chao at the palace gate.

Li Siqi reluctantly returned Chaochao to him.

Wait for the Lu family's carriage to leave.

The boy hurriedly stepped forward to support the young master.

"Sir, I'm really crazy. I actually think you can see Princess Zhaoyang." The boy joked with a smile.

Li Siqi said nothing and sat in the carriage with his eyes closed.

Because of Chao Chao's words, my heart became flustered.

Lu Chaochao lay on his elder brother's shoulder in frustration.

"Brother, Chao Chao stole your old writing brush." ​​The little guy lay on his shoulder and whispered.

Lu Yanshu pursed his lips and chuckled: "Brother knows."

"Why do you think big brother changes his brush every three days?"

Lu Chaochao burst out laughing.

At night, Mrs. Xu washed Lu Chaochao's feet and put her to sleep herself.

Lu Chaochao lay on the bed, yawned, and fell asleep.

I haven't slept soundly yet.

Before dawn, an urgent report came from the house.

The boy's face turned pale, and he stumbled into the backyard in panic.

"Madam, something happened! Something happened to the second young master!" The boy was shaking all over, with fear in his eyes.

Xu woke up suddenly, threw on some clothes and rushed out of the room wearing only shoes and socks.

"Why don't you tell me quickly, what's going on!" He was on duty tonight and asked loudly.

"There was an urgent report just now from outside the customs. Dongling fought with Beizhao half a month ago. Both sides suffered numerous casualties..." The boy paused, his eyes hesitant.

It seems that he dare not say it.

"What's the point? Why don't you tell me quickly!" Dengzhi saw his wife's ugly face and cursed angrily.

"Shortly after the battle, a plague suddenly broke out. Bodies were burned in the city every day. The second young master ordered the city to be closed... Now, the plague is rampant, and only people are allowed to enter the city, but no one is allowed to leave!" The young man looked ugly.


With just one sentence, Mrs. Xu's body became limp and she immediately fell to the ground.

"Plague!!" Xu's voice was shrill, her face full of fear.

"Your Majesty has summoned the courtiers to the palace overnight for discussion, and the eldest son has also entered the palace. There is no news yet."

"This plague is extremely contagious. Without even the slightest contact, rashes will appear on the body for no apparent reason, and then large areas of ulcers will appear on the body."

"There are endless corpses being burned in the deserted city every day, and there are a lot of complaints in the city. There have even been several cases where people have joined forces to break down the city gate."

Mrs. Xu's face was pale and she couldn't help herself even by climbing a branch. (End of chapter)

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