
Mrs. Xu waited outside the palace gate early. When Lu Chaochao woke up, he saw that people in the mansion were in panic.

Yushu couldn't hide the worry in his eyes: "There is a city at the border of the country, called Huangcheng."

"The desert in the deserted city is full of desert, and not a single blade of grass grows. This is why Dong Ling often robs Beizhao."

"Repeat offenders from Beizhao will be sent to Huangcheng."

"It's all been guarded by General Rong these years."

"Now that the plague is coming again, it really makes things worse. I just hope that the second young master can return safely." Yushu's heart was heavy. The deserted city was poor, and medical care was not worth mentioning. This plague is extremely severe, what should we do?

"Girl, do you still remember the evil spirit that came out during the Ghost Festival? The one who talks about the return of the soul is also in the desert."

Lu Chaochao's eyelids were slightly clenched.

It wasn't until noon that Lu Yanshu returned home with a silent expression.

Mrs. Xu lost all her strength and could barely walk with the help of two maids.

"Brother, how are the courtiers discussing?" Lu Yuanxiao heard the news in the academy, skipped classes and went home, and asked hurriedly at this moment.

"His Majesty dispatched an imperial medical team to set off immediately to assist Zhengyue in conquering the plague."

"What if the plague cannot be controlled?" Lu Yuanxiao asked again.

Lu Yanshu's expression suddenly became gloomy, and he was suppressing a bit of anger.

"The plague is not a trivial matter. If it escapes from the deserted city, it will be a disaster for the people of the world. If the plague cannot be conquered..." Lu Yanshu's throat was dry and he spat out word by word.

There was a faint trace of blood on his forehead.

It can be seen that he has been kneeling in Jinluan Hall for a long time.

Xu's face was as white as paper, and her lips trembled as she said, "If we cannot conquer the plague, we will massacre the city."


Lu Chaochao suddenly raised his eyes.

"I want to go find the emperor's father. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the deserted city, and my second brother, how can we massacre the city!!" Lu Chaochao turned around and left in anger.

Lu Yanshu stopped her.

"This matter was jointly discussed by the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty, and even Your Majesty cannot change it!"

Even when it comes to matters of right and wrong, His Majesty cannot confront all the courtiers.

Lu Yanshu clenched his fists, his eyes red.

"But...but..." Lu Chaochao's voice began to choke as he spoke.

"But, my second brother hasn't come out yet. He and sister Wen Ning have already arranged a marriage, and sister Wen Ning is still waiting for him. My second brother is still in there and hasn't come out..." Lu Chaochao shed tears with red eyes.

"General Rong is here." The little maid reported outside the door.

From the moment Rong Che entered the door, his eyes were only focused on Mrs. Xu.

"Don't worry, Yun Niang, I will go to Huangcheng myself. Don't be afraid while I'm here."

"It's just... you and I have to postpone our marriage for the time being." Rong Che felt a little regretful. He had longed to marry Yun Niang, but now he had to leave Beijing.

"I have been in Huangcheng for more than ten years. I am most familiar with Huangcheng. Don't worry." Rong Che saw her speaking and knew what she was going to say.

Mrs. Xu burst into tears.

Lu Yanshu led Chaochao out, leaving space for them.

He handed the court to the maid and hurried out.

If he wants to deal with that group of veterans, he must wait a little longer.

Massacre of the city is absolutely impossible!

Lu Chaochao saw that the house was busy and his mother had no time to care about her, so the little one was extremely well-behaved and did not cause any trouble.

Wait for Xu to react.

Lu Chaochao had already secretly climbed onto the carriage bound for Huangcheng.

Sitting in the carriage, staring at Wen Ning.

"Why are you here?" Rong Che set out with his army in the middle of the night. When he found out, he had already walked hundreds of miles away.

"Zheng Yue and I have an engagement soon, and I want to see him!" Wen Ning's face turned red, but his eyes were extremely determined.

She grew up according to the rules and was known as a dignified lady.

But this time, she fled the capital for Lu Zhengyue.

Lu Chaochao was not surprised at all.

Sister Wen Ning looks thin and gentle, but in her previous life, she stood up to defend the Xu family when the Xu family was in the crosshairs.

"I'm not worried. I want to see my second brother." Lu Chaochao pursed his lips tightly.

"If you send me home, I will sneak away next time." Lu Chaochao puffed his cheeks and said angrily.

Rong Che had nothing to do with her.

"Hurry up and deliver the message to Yun Niang and Your Majesty. I'm afraid that you will scare the capital into chaos." Rong Che glared at her, but Lu Chaochao was not afraid and instead put his arm around his neck and called him daddy.

Rong Che yelled with a smile on his face and a blush on his face.

Rong Che didn't want to take her with him, but she called her daddy.

How could he refuse! !

"It's just that we are in a hurry, so I'm afraid it will be bumpy and hard. Can you bear it?" Rong Che took away most of the Imperial Medical Office, a total of six carriages, and it took four days to travel day and night.

"I can!" Lu Chaochao raised his fist.

A group of old doctors, their faces were pale and their bones were almost falling apart.

On the contrary, Lu Chaochao looked extremely good.

"Sister Wen, what are you holding in your arms?" Lu Chaochao asked curiously when he saw that she always held a package in her hands.

Wen Ning looked gentle: "A gift for Zheng Yue."

"Are we almost reaching the deserted city?" The surrounding green vegetation has decreased, and the air has become dry.

"Yes, we will arrive in Huangcheng tomorrow morning." Rong Che was riding on his horse. He hadn't shaved for several days and had grown a layer of green stubble.

He looked into the distance and looked unhappy.

A thick layer of black fog lingered over the deserted city.

"There is an unpleasant smell in the air..." Lu Chaochao pinched his nose in disgust.

"It's the city that's burning the bodies."

"There are so many people who died in the city, and they can't be burned all day and night." Rong Che felt heavy in his heart.

Everyone was feeling a little depressed.

The doctors had already got off the carriage and began to study the surrounding situation.

But the more he studied, the uglier he looked.

"There is no problem with the water source." The imperial doctor quickly concluded.

"Let's go to the city tomorrow and have a look."

Rong Che had already prepared a thick veil. Everyone had a good rest this night and was ready for a tough battle.

At night, the temple was destroyed.

"Is it cold so early in the deserted city? It's only August or September, and it's actually bitingly cold." The imperial doctor's teeth were trembling, and he ordered someone to take out a thick quilt from the carriage.

Rong Che shook his head solemnly: "No, Huangcheng has always been dry and hot. In previous years, it was the hottest time."

But now, the biting cold penetrates deep into my bones.

"Princess Zhaoyang, I took you to such a dangerous place. When I get home, can I still marry Yun Niang?"

"Otherwise, I'll ask my close associates to take you back to the capital." Rong Che underestimated the seriousness of the deserted city.

At this moment, I started to feel scared.

Lu Chaochao raised his eyes and looked at the night sky. The cold air from all directions was heading towards the deserted city, and he couldn't help but frown.

If she didn't go, I'm afraid there would be no chance of survival in Huangcheng.

"Chaochao will take care of himself. General Rong, please do your own thing." The little guy unconsciously took on the style of his ancestors.

Rong Che actually couldn't think of a rebuttal.

Wen Ning fell asleep holding the package and clothes.

At dawn, everyone got ready and set off.

After walking for only half an hour, everyone saw the cruelty of this plague. It is far more tragic and unacceptable than imagined.

There are still five miles away from the city gate.

Outside the city gate lay countless corpses covered in ulcers and with hideous faces.

Even with three face towels, you can still smell the smell in the air.

The lonely city standing in the desert has its gate closed, and there are soldiers holding bows standing on the gate.

They fought to protect their homeland and country, but now they are aiming their sharp blade at the Beizhao people. (End of chapter)

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