Blood stains can be seen everywhere outside the city gate.

There were even rotting and smelly corpses in the grass.

Even through the carriage and three layers of masks, the stench still couldn't be blocked.

"Who is that on the other side? Stop immediately!" The general on the city wall shouted loudly, holding his bow.

"The deserted city is filled with plague. It's impossible to get in or out. Please think carefully before entering! If you leave the city, you will be killed without mercy!" The general was wearing armor and had firm eyes.

Rong Che was riding on the horse, and the confidant beside him said loudly: "General Rong was ordered to take the imperial doctor back to the deserted city, and Vice General Zhu hasn't opened the door yet!"

The soldiers on the city wall looked over instantly.

Lieutenant General Zhu was startled, and then quickly walked down the city wall.

Many people inside the city wall stopped and said in anticipation: "Vice General Zhou, please let us out. I'm not sick, I really am not sick... Please let me out."

"I will not bring the epidemic out." The man's face was full of shame, and he knelt on the ground and prayed.

"I'm not from Huangcheng, I'm just here to do business. Please let me out, please..."

Vice General Zhu didn't even look back: "Open the city gate and welcome the general."

There was a squeak.

The city gates are wide open.

"General Rong!" Vice General Zhou's face was full of joy, but he stopped approaching after three steps away from General Rong.

"General, why are you going back to the deserted city at this time? Now that you can't come to the deserted city, you can return to the capital after sending the imperial doctor!" Vice General Zhou did not want the general to set foot in the deserted city.

Rong Che glanced at him.

"You kid, can I still be a coward for life and fear of death?"

"Open the city gate quickly."

Vice General Zhu has been friends with Rong Che for many years. He had known his superior's character and immediately shouted: "Open the city gate and welcome the general!"

The city gates are wide open.

Rong Che returned to the city with the carriage and soldiers.

The rancid smell in the city became more and more obvious.

Lu Chaochao was lying by the car window with his little head exposed. Vice General Zhu looked shocked: "Why did you bring your child to Huangcheng?"

"The plague in the city has not been controlled, and countless people are getting sick every day. There are even people who abscond at night..."

Rong Che's tone was slightly helpless.

"Leave her alone, just respect her."

Lieutenant General Zhu's face was full of surprise. How could this be a child's play in a matter of life and death?

Lu Chaochao grinned and smiled at him.

As soon as several carriages passed through the city gate, they saw a man rushing through the city gate like a madman.

"I want to get out, I want to get out!"

"If you stay in the deserted city, you will get infected sooner or later. You will die. You will definitely die! Once you are infected, there will be no cure. I want to get out!" The man looked a little crazy.

"Stop him!" Vice General Zhu's eyebrows were serious.

Even if there were soldiers to restrain him.

The man struggled desperately, "Let me out! If I stay in the deserted city, I can only wait for death. Let me out!"

"I'm not sick, why can't you let me go!"

The man roared and struggled.

"Wait... look at his tongue." Lu Chaochao frowned.

When the soldiers saw Lu Chaochao surrounded by carriages, they guessed that she was of noble status, so they pinched the man's cheek and exposed his tongue.

I saw that the tongue was scarlet and covered with red spots.

Lieutenant General Zhu suddenly changed his face.

"You still said you weren't infected?" Vice General Zhu gritted his teeth angrily.

"Take him back for treatment quickly!"

After the man was escorted away, Lieutenant General Zhu said with a dark face: "This disease spreads very quickly, and symptoms will appear even without contact. I don't dare to let the people leave. Once the plague spreads, we will be blamed!"

"The people in the deserted city are innocent. All we can do is try our best to defend the deserted city and prevent the plague from leaking out."

"Send the imperial doctors back to the general's mansion to rest first!" Vice General Zhu waved his hand.

The doctors looked at each other and said, "Thank you, Lieutenant General, for your kindness. Please send us to see the patient first. The epidemic cannot wait." The old doctors are already old, but they cannot wait to treat diseases and save people.

Rong Che nodded, and Vice General Zhu ordered his cronies to send him over.

"Where's Lu Erlang?" Rong Che asked.

A hint of a smile appeared on Vice General Zhu's eyebrows: "General, although the boy you recommended is young, he is really capable of handling tasks. He should be a natural talent in our military camp!"

"She has thin skin and tender flesh, and her skin is as white as a girl's, but she is bolder and more careful than a veteran."

Vice President Zhu will praise him very much.

"Lu Erlang is currently at the General's Mansion."

There are a hundred thousand people in the deserted city, but at this moment, the streets are empty and look depressed and desolate.

"There's thick smoke over there, what are you doing?" Lu Chaochao asked.

A thick black smoke in the distance is like a huge mushroom cloud.

Lieutenant General Zhu paused: "The bodies are being burned."

"Countless people die in the city every day, and the corpses pile up like a mountain. Even if they are burned, they can't be burned." They were burned regardless of day and night, and they still piled up like a mountain.

On both sides of the road, patients fell down from time to time.

Immediately there were soldiers, fully armed, dragging the patients away.

Along the way, everyone felt heavy and breathless.

Lu Chaochao got off the carriage and followed Rong Che into the general's mansion. There seemed to be no maids or servants in the mansion, but fortunately it was clean and tidy.

"Lu Erlang, Lu Erlang..." The deputy general just shouted, and Lu Zhengyue quickly walked out of the door.

When I left home last year, I still looked like a fair-skinned scholar.

At this moment, his skin became dark, but his eyes were particularly resolute, even with a hint of murderous intent.

Once upon a time, I was a handsome scholar.

Now, he is an iron-blooded man.

"Uncle Rong..." Lu Zhengyue had just called Uncle Rong when he saw the two people behind Rong Che.

Lu Chaochao hid behind Wen Ning, revealing his little head.

The smile on Lu Zhengyue's face slowly faltered.

"Lu Chaochao!! Wen... Miss Wen, why are you here? No, get out quickly!!" Lu Zhengyue's expression changed drastically.

He didn't even dare to put his fiancée and sister in danger because of the severity of the plague.

"Lu Chaochao! Do you want to be beaten? Get out of here quickly!"

"Wen Ning, leave quickly!" Lu Zhengyue couldn't help but panic.

He can be in danger, but not the people he cares about!

"I won't leave! Now that we have entered the city gate, there is no reason to leave. You and I have already made an engagement. Wherever you are, I should be!" Wen Ning once had a dream, in which Lu Zhengyue died without a complete body. .

She woke up from the dream with tears streaming down her face, and decided to rush to the deserted city.

"If Sister Wen doesn't leave, I won't leave either."

"Are you relieved that Chaochao will return to Beijing alone?"

"There are wolves, tigers, leopards, and bandits on the road. What if Chaochao is kidnapped?" Lu Chaochao looked scared.

Lu Zhengyue? ? ?

Do you remember blowing up Bandit Mountain?

"That's all. It's not appropriate to open the city gate at this moment. Come back tomorrow!" Lu Zhengyue glared at her.

The people stared at the city gate every day, and now he did not dare to open the city gate without permission.

The people were already fearful, and he had been trying his best to stabilize people's hearts during this period.

Lu Zhengyue lost a lot of weight, but his whole person became more mature and steady.

"There is a lack of supplies at the border, and it is already difficult for the people to get sick. We have divided some of the supplies from the general's palace. We can only wrong everyone..." Lu Zhengyue did not expect that everyone would come, and now it is difficult for a clever woman to make a living without rice.

I can only make some home-cooked dishes.

Lu Chaochao looked at his second brother sheepishly.

She took out the packages behind her: "Spicy pork trotters with cured fish, dried beef and deer antlers..." and took them out one by one.

Her package seemed like a bottomless pit.

A full table was laid out.

Lu Zhengyue...

As expected of my sister! ! (End of chapter)

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