In the eyes of everyone, there is no difference between Lord Ji's coma and death, especially in the eyes of the third prince. No matter how strong Mrs. Ji's medical skills are, she cannot undo the poison of the Western secret medicine.

As night fell, the palace once again sent an imperial doctor to examine Lord Ji. In order to make the frame-up appear more real, it is necessary to know the source of Ji Houye's poisoning.

 But to disappoint him, all the toxins in Mr. Ji's body have been eliminated. Of course, this would not be obvious to the imperial doctor. Mrs. Ji used a special method to put Lord Ji into a coma, but it was still possible to diagnose that the coma was caused by poisoning.

The imperial doctor only said that the poison was very overbearing and he was not sure whether it could be cured. Then he hurried back to the palace to resume his life.

 The lone wolf got the news and started taking action.

 He didn’t know that everything he did was seen by the other two parties.

 “Be careful with the weather, be careful with candles.” The watchman who appeared on time passed by the street outside Mu Mansion and did not notice a black figure wearing a bamboo hat in the dark alley.

This figure is none other than the lone wolf.

 After waiting for about half an hour, another man appeared. If Mrs. Ji were here, she would definitely recognize this man as Xiao Wang, the servant of Mu Mansion. This person serves Mu Cheng.

"Sir, I have changed the medicine according to your request. Can you be noble and let the young family go?" The man begged the lone wolf as soon as he arrived.

The lone wolf held the sword in his arms and looked down at the little king. He said: "Sacrifice yourself or your family, your choice?"

 The man was so frightened that he could not help but tremble, and finally chose to sacrifice himself alone. He really couldn't afford to offend that person.

The two of them talked for a long time, until Xiao Wang memorized everything by heart, and the lone wolf left with peace of mind. And handed the half-pack of unused medicinal powder to the servant.

At the end of the day, he warned again and again: "Remember, I will arrange for someone to let you into the palace tomorrow. Don't say anything before you meet Mr. De. If you do well, you will have a chance to live and you will get Do you understand that person’s appreciation?”

 “I understand, little one.”

 “Okay, you go first.”

Xiao Wang nodded, put half a packet of medicinal powder into his arms and turned to leave.

 Until Xiao Wang’s shadow was no longer visible, the lone wolf’s figure disappeared into the night.

Xiao Wang returned to the low tile-roofed house at the end of the alley with a heavy heart. As soon as he opened the door, a big knife was held to his neck. "Don't make any noise, I'm here to help you."

Xiao Wang was so frightened that he almost peed his pants. "Your Excellency, could you please take the knife away?" Xiao Wang swallowed nervously.

The man in black made no move, but said coldly: "Give me half the packet of medicine powder in your arms, and I will not only let you go, but also rescue your family."

Although Xiao Wang was scared, he was unmoved.

 He didn’t believe that the man in front of him could fight against that one.

The man in black seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and snorted again: "He is just a prince, do you think he can fight against the prince?"

After hearing this, Xiao Wang was shocked: "You, you are." The prince?

  The man showed his Dong Palace badge.

Ji Yushu stood in front of the window with his hands behind his hands and waited for a full hour before waiting for the excited Ji Linfeng to come back.

“How is it?” Ji Yushu pushed the wheelchair forward.

"It's done, my little sister is right, the medicine has been transferred to a package, and the person who transferred the package is a servant of Mu Mansion. This man's wife and children were imprisoned by Lone Wolf. Just now, when the prince's people went to contact him, , I followed Lone Wolf all the way and found the place where his wife and children were being held. I have already asked people to guard him, and I will rescue him only when the incident occurs tomorrow."

Ji Yushu nodded. "Okay, second brother, you did a good job this time!"

Ji Linfeng chuckled and said, "The prince's people found me and asked me to send a message. Xiaozhu, who had been convinced by the fake death medicine, had been safely sent out of the palace. He told us not to worry."

 The prince is also careful. Afraid that the Ji family would feel guilty because of Xiaozhu's death, they asked Ji Linfeng to convey the message.     The night passed quietly.

  After breakfast, everyone in the Ji family returned to their own courtyards. While waiting for news from the prince, they were busy with the next plan.

Ji Yushu was busy revising the water control plan. Ji Linfeng led a group of people in the backyard and taught them the dark pavilion's unique killing techniques from memory.

Ji Linfeng's plan is very simple, he just wants to take the dark pavilion and replace it. The Ange not only accepts assassination missions, but also buys and sells information from various places. If you want to control the overall situation, you need to know everything about the world.

 At the beginning, Ji Houye and Ji Yushu's method of dealing with the third prince was to take advantage of them. Now it seems that the strategy needs to be changed.

"Madam, Miss Duanmu asked to see you, saying that there is something important that you need to tell madam personally." The maid Zhidong came to report. The maid Zhidong is Zhili's younger sister, and the two sisters are domestic slaves of the Ji Mansion.

Zhili needed to recuperate during this period, so Zhidong took her place.

Mrs. Ji's injuries were relatively minor, and she had to take charge of the overall situation, so she didn't rest.

 “Invite people in.” Mrs. Ji had just finished dressing Ji Hua. When I heard that Duanmuyi was coming, I carried him to the living room.

Ji Hua feels sorry for Mrs. Ji's injuries and doesn't want her to run away. Mrs. Ji ordered someone to move the soft couch to the living room. At this time, Ji Hua pulled on the armrest of the soft couch and looked at Duan Muyi in shock as the maid dressed.

【What happened? 】

Mrs. Ji's eyes were full of surprise.

As soon as Duanmuyi saw Mrs. Ji, he knelt down anxiously and said in shock: "Mrs. Hou, resign, resign and go back to your hometown in Jizhou." Duanmuyi's face was full of panic.

 Perhaps because she ran too fast, her hair was all messed up. She has completely lost her past ladylike appearance.

Duanmu’s idea was very simple. As long as the Ji family resigned and returned to Jizhou, the troubles in the court would not affect the Ji family. Ji Linfeng is not going to jail. Because Lord Ji was poisoned and unconscious, she became more and more worried about the fate of the Ji family.

Whether Mrs. Ji said she was crazy or rebellious, at this time she just wanted to protect the Ji family.

Mrs. Ji looked at Duanmuyi in shock and didn't react for a long time.

  【Second sister-in-law, what's going on? Why do you look like a demon in a daze? Can you say something so rebellious? What if my mother thinks that my second sister-in-law is shameless and breaks off the engagement in anger? 】

She just got up not long ago, is she still a little sleepy now? After listening to Duanmuyi's words, his drowsiness disappeared instantly.

 “What’s going on? Sit down and talk slowly.”

I have to say that Ji Hua thinks too much. Mrs. Ji did not feel unhappy because of Duanmuyi's recklessness, but instead helped the person up with a heavy heart.

Duanmuyi is a child who understands the general situation and understands propriety, so he will definitely not say such remarks without any reason. Something must have happened.

Duanmu expected that Mrs. Chu would scold her for her rashness, and even say that she was not worthy of being the daughter-in-law of the Ji family. But I didn't expect him to be so considerate. In the dream, Mrs. Ji treated her like her own daughter. And she also particularly likes Ji Hua.

Thinking of Ji Hua, Duanmuyi suddenly cast his eyes on Ji Hua, making the latter's eyelids jump.

  【Wow, what's the look in Second Sister-in-law's eyes? So scary. 】

Ji Hua let go of the armrest and hid her body on the soft couch. His face was full of panic.

Mrs. Ji also saw Duanmuyi's eyes, and her doubts deepened. Before Mrs. Ji could speak, Duanmuyi knelt on the ground again with a thud, and then said shockingly again: "Madam, please forgive me for being bold. I suspect that Miss Ji is not the real Miss Ji."

Mrs. Ji:


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