The Whole Family Went Crazy After Reading My Mind, I Drank Milk and Ate Melons

Chapter 124: , Su Yueyu changed the plan without authorization

  【But, why did we meet here today? There is no such thing as selling one's body to bury one's father. What's going on? 】

Hearing this, Mrs. Ji and Ji Yushu raised their eyebrows slightly. It turned out that she was Su Yuyue.

Ji Yushu was wondering if the third prince had changed his plan and stopped targeting him. So who is her target? The people who came today are indeed either high-ranking officials or dignitaries. It is not impossible to rely on these people to get close to Emperor Yu.

No matter what status Su Yuyue is now, sooner or later she will be recognized by Emperor Yu. So how can a dignified princess be ridiculed by a group of ladies from aristocratic families?

Su Yuyue did not pick up the cake, but was about to get up and leave. The woman in red seemed to find it a lot of fun to tease Su Yuyue, so she didn't want to let her go so easily.

He snorted coldly: "Ha, isn't he just a beggar? Why are you pretending to be noble? If you don't eat peach blossom cake now, you won't come back to find it after we leave, right? Haha, how cheap!"

In Ji Hua’s view, the woman in red is on the verge of death, frantically committing suicide. You must know that Su Yuyue is a killer. A killer trained since childhood. It takes only a matter of minutes to kill someone.

The woman in red didn't see that Su Yuyue's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Just when the woman in red refused to give up, Ji Yushu suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a good idea. He opened his mouth and said: "God has the virtue of a good life, so I ask this girl to keep her virtue in words."

The woman in red was about to scold Ji Yushu for being nosy, but when she turned around, she saw him sitting in a wheelchair. He was also born in Zhilan Yushu, and his temperament was particularly outstanding. The only young man sitting in a wheelchair in Shengjing City is the eldest son of the Hou Mansion.

The woman in red hurriedly saluted Ji Yushu and Mrs. Ji: "My daughter has met Madam Hou, the eldest son. I did not mean to offend, but please forgive me." She hurriedly left as if she was afraid that the Hou Mansion would convict her.

The woman in red is also smart. She was afraid of being settled by the queen, so she ran away without even paying her dues.

                      if you still have some brains, otherwise, Su Yuyue would have to come to kill her. 】

Ji Hua looked worried when she thought of Ji Yushu helping Su Yuyue.

   【Eldest brother offered to help him out, I'm afraid he will be relied upon by this person. Once she gets the chance, she will use the Ji family as a springboard to rise to the top. He somehow harmed the queen. 】

This time, Su Yuyue did not sell herself to bury her father, nor did she stay at the inn. The two of them still met. It seemed that there was some arrangement by God.

After hearing this, Mrs. Ji was also a little anxious, but then she thought that her husband could also hear his daughter's voice, so he must have his own considerations for doing so.

Su Yuyue looked at Ji Yushu blankly, and was shocked at this moment.

 Is this man the eldest son of the Ji family? It is indeed as dazzling as the rumors say.

  Then I thought to myself that it was a pity, why could such a glorious person be such a useless person?

From what the third brother said, she should have approached the eldest son of the Ji family as a lonely person who had sold herself to bury her father. Later, for some reason, he changed his mind and asked her to come here to wait for the Lu family daughter. It seems that the Lu family daughter did not come today.

 She met the eldest son of the Ji family. This man was really good-looking, and she could feel that there was kindness in his bones.

She can't get close to the daughter of the Lu family today, so why not just get close to the eldest son of the Ji family as planned? Presumably the third brother would not blame her if he knew about it.

No matter who she approaches, there is only one purpose, and that is to get her back to the palace, prove her status as a princess, and then use this matter to unseat the queen.

 The third brother is helping her, but she wants to return to her father on her own.

Although her mother-in-law is just a small palace maid, she is also a big palace maid beside the queen, and her status is unmatched by others.

 The mistake was that the mother-in-law mistakenly believed in the queen.

Thinking of this, Su Yuyue's eyes showed a firm look. It was decided that she should not get close to the Lu family's daughter. The Hou's Mansion seemed to have a better chance of meeting the Holy Spirit than the Prime Minister's Mansion.

It is said that there will be a wedding banquet in the Marquis Mansion in about ten days. If the Holy One comes then, then her chance will come.

Thinking of this, Su Yuyue knelt down directly towards Ji Yushu: "Thank you very much, young master, for helping to rescue the siege. This little girl is willing to serve as a slave and maid by your side to repay today's kindness."

Su Yuyue's behavior made many ladies watching the excitement scoff. Just now, the woman in red said that she wanted to seduce the noble man with her face, but they still didn't believe it. As a result, the woman took action in a blink of an eye.      A proper woman who tends to be inflamed and attached to power.

  【Since ancient times, there have been no ugly people in the Heavenly Family. This Su Yuyue was indeed born with a beautiful face. Don't agree, big brother. 】

Ji Hua worriedly pulled at Ji Yushu's sleeve, and the latter gave her a reassuring look.

  【Big brother, what does this mean? 】

Ji Hua said she didn’t understand. But she was anxious. At this time, Jihua thought of Duanmuyi.

               if only the second sister-in-law was here, she would definitely be able to tell the eldest brother that this woman has ulterior motives. The second sister-in-law will definitely be able to identify Su Yuyue's princess identity based on the dream. 】

  【What to do now? If the eldest brother really takes the person back, he will be considered an accomplice of the third prince. Woo hoo.]

Ji Hua was so anxious that she babbling for a while and hated herself for not being able to speak.

In an instant, I heard: "Get up, it just so happens that I am short of someone to serve tea and water. How about you go back to my house with me and wait on me?"

After listening, the sound of women gasping could be heard all around. I really didn’t expect that the eldest son of the Ji family would really want to save this dirty beggar.

There is really no one else with this kind of vision.

 Who is the eldest son? The jade tree in Shengjing City is recognized as having the highest talent in the world. There are many people who want to marry into the Ji family. Although the eldest young master later became disabled and some ladies gave up on him, there were still many women who secretly coveted his identity. No matter how good a person is, there is no difference in his identity.

It’s a pity that she always looks unfeminine.

Today was a surprise, as I saved a female beggar.

  【Oh, I'm really anxious. Can't big brother just ignore this business? Although Su Yuyue only wanted to step on her eldest brother to ascend to the throne and would not take action against the Ji family, the queen's defeat had a lot to do with her. If the eldest brother helps her, will he indirectly help the third prince? Woo hoo, eldest brother is so smart that he is confused for a moment! 】

Jihua was so anxious that she scratched her head and ears.

As soon as this matter spread. Many people sighed secretly. Bei Hengyuan was so shocked that he dropped the tea cup in his hand.

"Damn it, why didn't I tell her that the plan had changed? Why didn't she listen and approach the Ji family? There are too many changes in the Ji family nowadays, and he doesn't dare to provoke them. It would be better for her to take care of it herself."

If there is another variable, all his plans will fall short.

Bei Hengyuan wrote down a note and called the secret guard anxiously: "Go and find a way to pass this note to Su Yuyue."

 “Yes, Master.”

“Wait a minute, has Lone Wolf’s body been found?” He went to check the cause of Lone Wolf’s death, but he only found the prince’s Wu Longwei.

 “Reply to the master, not yet.”

Bei Hengyuan waved to the secret guard impatiently, gesturing for him to go down and continue the investigation.

Since he can remember, the lone wolf has been by his side, more like his eldest brother than a secret guard protecting him. Regardless of whether he was alive or dead, he would find him, take him home and bury him properly.

 As for his revenge, he will avenge him severely.

Looking back at this point, Bei Hengyuan, who had always been cold and cold, actually had red eyes. Uncle Fu died, so did Lone Wolf, and even his mother died with him.

He even felt for a moment that he should give up and give up everything. However, after having sacrificed so many people, he could no longer look back. There is no turning back.

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