“Hey, I think I saved the prince once, just at the full moon banquet. But I didn’t upgrade. It’s really strange! Isn’t it a matter of seniority if you can’t be a brother?”

Ji Hua said she couldn’t figure it out.

“Forget it, let’s think about what happens next in Prince Xian’s Mansion, right?”

Bei Hengjin has been listening carefully to Ji Hua's voice. Don't miss a word.

 The fate of Prince Xian's palace is concerned, and there is no room for carelessness on his part.

"I remember that after Princess Xian fell into coma, Prince Xian's palace had been chasing clues, and he found out. But now, the third prince has been defeated. All the plots have collapsed. What should have happened, and what should not have happened, have all It can’t happen?”

“Next is Bei Hengjin.”

Thinking of this, Ji Hua suddenly remembered that she had agreed to give him a life-saving amulet as a thank you. But life-saving charms have a time limit. If you give it in advance, you won’t need it later. I’ll give it to him when the time comes. I don’t know when something will happen to Bei Hengjin?

Hey, it’s really nerve-wracking!

“Forget it, forget it, Bei Hengjin, you can come every day from now on. I can know in advance if something happens. If you don’t come one day, something must have happened.”

Bei Hengjin smiled. It turned out that I was worried about him for a long time, so fine, that's it, he will come every day from now on. On the one hand, I can accompany her to grow up, and on the other hand, I can gain a sense of presence in front of her. She has to let her know how good he is, so that when she grows up, she won't be able to hold other people in her eyes.

The words he said at the Queen's banquet were not just said by him casually, they were true.

 When he grows up, he wants to marry Hua'er as his concubine.

Mrs. Ji came back and was shocked to find Ji Hua being held by Bei Hengjin, so she hurriedly took her over.

Bei Hengjin seemed to have not hugged her enough and was reluctant to let go.

Mrs. Ji didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Young Master, you are still young. I am really afraid that you will throw sister Hua'er. She is too young. She will be seriously injured if she falls. Do you understand?"

Bei Hengjin looked like she was going to separate him and Ji Hua, and she really wanted to laugh.

Bei Hengjin stayed in Ji Mansion for a whole day and didn't go back until it was almost dark.

 In the evening, the family sat at the dinner table and talked about security issues.

Mr. Mu is also here.

"There will be a lot of people tomorrow. In order to catch the third prince, I have asked the prince to send people, and Duanmu Mansion has also sent people." The prince is also eager to catch the third prince, so naturally he is happy to send people.

The family discussed the matter until half the night before going back to sleep. Jihua seemed to be in poor spirits and went to bed early.

In the daytime, Gouyuan brought back news that he had found the hiding place of the third prince. Xu Yaqing agreed to follow the third prince first. If the third prince takes action tomorrow, Xu Yaqing will definitely give him a signal.

Thinking like this, everyone fell asleep.

“It’s a dry day and don’t be dry, be careful of the candles.” The watchman sang and drank listlessly while doing the watch. He didn't even notice a man in black flashing behind him.

 The whole family didn't sleep much because they had something on their minds, and probably everyone got up around Yin Shizhong. It was so lively with lanterns and colorful decorations.

Ji Hua was also woken up, but she knew that Mrs. Ji would not have time to hold her, so she stared without crying or fussing.

 It was not until dawn that I had time to dress her. If something happens to the Ji family, she can also put on a bright red wedding dress and tie it with two little tweets. Very cute.

 The groom's official was going to pick up the bride soon. Ji Hua wanted to see the world, so she wanted to ask Ji Yushu to take her with him.

  【Big brother, big brother, give me a hug. 】

Seeing Ji Yushu coming over, Ji Hua smiled and stretched out her chubby hand. Ji Yushu is so tall that he can be seen at a glance from the crowd.

  【Hehe, being held by a big brother means you have to see farther. Today's Ji Mansion is so beautiful, as if you are celebrating the New Year. No, no, it’s even more lively than the Chinese New Year. 】

  【When my eldest brother goes to pick up the bride later, can you take me with him? I also want to go to meet the bride. 】

Ji Yushu thought that the security in the mansion had been arranged by him as well as an iron wall, and nothing would happen even if he thought about it. Then he nodded. "Sister, do you want to go see the bride? If you want to go, my elder brother will take you with him later."

Ji Hua nodded her head like a wave drum.

  【Want, want. Big brother is so good! 】

Ji Hua was very excited when she thought that many ladies would come today and they would see Yushu Linfeng's eldest brother.

With so many people here, one of them will fall in love with the big brother, right?

Ji Yushu didn’t know what Ji Hua was thinking, so he smiled and rubbed Ji Hua’s head.

By now, the groom, Ji Linfeng, should have put on his wedding clothes. Ji Yushu hugged Ji Hua and walked to Ji Linfeng's yard.

Before we reached the yard, we heard the roar of laughter from Ji Linfeng’s buddies from a distance: “Hahaha, I didn’t expect that the first one among us to get married would be such an obscure master like you.”

“Yes, it’s really unexpected. Brother Linfeng actually told us how he met Miss Duanmu. Just tell us and we promise not to laugh at you. Hahaha”

 If he says "no joke", he will laugh before others even open their mouths.

Ji Yushu approached with Ji Hua in his arms. A group of young men greeted each other: "Young Master."

“The eldest son’s leg is really healed, and Mrs. Ji’s medical skills are truly well-deserved.”

Everyone agreed with the speaker's words, and some even thought that they should let their little sister come to Ji's Mansion more often. What if it catches your eye?

 The eldest son's reputation has been widely spread in the past two years. In the past two years, he seems to be more stable.

  【Second brother, second brother. 】

Ji Hua screamed in shock when she saw Ji Linfeng dressed in a red wedding dress.

  【The second brother is so good-looking today! He is the most handsome boy in the whole capital. 】

Ji Linfeng was embarrassed by Ji Hua's praise.

Seeing that the auspicious time to welcome the bride was approaching, a group of young people began to cheer: "Let's go, let's go, it's time to welcome the bride. The bride must be as beautiful as a fairy."

 At the auspicious time to welcome the bride, gongs and drums were beaten and firecrackers burst out in the Ji family. Ji Linfeng wears a big red flower on her chest. Riding on a tall horse looks even more majestic.

 Behind him were a group of brothers who were welcoming the bride, all of whom were his friends in the military. A large group of people headed to Duanmu Mansion in a mighty manner. Ji Yushu gave Yin Zheng a few words to take Ji Hua with him and follow the group.

On the street, there are many adults and children waiting for sweets, especially children.

 The wedding team walked slowly because there were too many children and they were afraid of accidents. I didn’t want to, but it showed up anyway.

A child was jumping around in the middle of the road. Somehow, he fell down before Ji Linfeng's horse could reach him. A woman suddenly rushed out crying and making a fuss.

 “It’s murder, the Ji family’s horse scared my son to death!”

Today is a happy event for the Ji family. This woman doesn't know what's going on, so she starts shouting that the Ji family will kill someone.

 The woman stood in the front, so the wedding procession had to stop.

 “What happened?” the uninformed person behind asked in confusion.

    What happened? Why did it stop? Brother, hurry up, let's go and have a look in front. 】

  The servants from the Ji Mansion in front hurried forward to check if the child was okay. After checking, it was found that the person was really dead. (End of chapter)

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