Duanmuyi may not have heard it, but Ji Hua had already figured it out. The voice of the man in black was Liang Ruer.

Did Liang Ruer act on her own initiative or did the third prince order the kidnapping today? She didn't know.

Liang Ruer was smart. When she arrived at the crossroads of Wulipo, she arranged for three carriages to run wildly in three directions. To confuse the pursuers behind.

Ji Linfeng was the first to catch up, and he followed the right direction based on his intuition. Ji Houye and Ji Yushu, who came up from behind, divided their forces into three groups to catch up.

Ji Linfeng chased for ten miles in one breath and finally saw a fast-moving carriage not far ahead. "The carriage in front stopped." He didn't know if Duanmuyi and Jihua were inside, but he didn't want to miss any of them.

At this time, he was very anxious because he didn't hear Jihua's voice. He was afraid that Jihua had been poisoned.

 The carriage did not stop because of Ji Linfeng's roar, but instead ran faster. Liang Ruer opened the curtain and deliberately let Ji Linfeng see Duanmuyi who was **** inside.

"Linfeng, Linfeng, Hua'er has been drugged, and she hasn't woken up yet." Duanmuyi had tears in his eyes, Ji Hua is too young, how can she bear the drug, what if, what if

 She was really scared and didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Seeing the worry on Ji Linfeng's face, Duanmu was filled with murderous intent and slammed into Liang Ru'er. She is still a little girl after all. There is no match for Liang Ruer who has learned martial arts.

Liang Ruer easily knocked Duanmuyi to the ground with just one hand knife.

 “Yi’er.” Ji Linfeng tightened his grip on the horse’s belly and wanted to charge forward.

Liang Ruer smiled contemptuously: "If Mr. Ji is not afraid of hurting Miss Ji and Miss Duanmu, feel free to do it." Liang Ruer opened the curtain wider so that Ji Linfeng could see the two people inside clearly.

In Liang Ruer's view, the evil star of the Ji family is Ji Linfeng. Because after she went to Ji's house to look for him, she was struck by lightning when she came back. If he is not the evil star, who is the evil star?

Her purpose today is to lure Ji Linfeng out and then get rid of this evil star. Ji Linfeng's martial arts was very high and he couldn't be touched easily, but that was not necessarily the case for that person.

Duanmuyi fell sideways on the carriage, blocking Ji Hua’s body from behind.

Ji Hua glanced at Liang Ruer with empty eyes, but what she saw was Duanmuyi's back. This makes it easier for her to do things.

Ji Hua smiled cunningly, and quickly opened the mall with her little chubby hand to redeem the explosive charm.

  【Hmph, you want to hit the second sister-in-law, right? I will blow you up in a moment. Regardless of whether this matter has anything to do with the third prince and the imperial master, I have to prepare an explosion talisman for each of them. If this matter can catch all the three princes, the fate of their Ji family will be completely changed. 】

 In the end, Ji Hua spent more than 2,000 yuan and exchanged for 30 pieces. You can return whatever you can't use up. Don't be afraid of wasting talismans. Just prepare a lot of them just in case you are unprepared!

After doing this, Ji Hua exchanged a chapter of the Temporary Amnesia Talisman for Duanmu Yi. She was afraid that it would be difficult to explain after blowing up those people. Just let her forget.

Hearing the sound of horse hooves outside, Ji Hua anxiously shouted to Ji Linfeng.

  【Second brother, please go back and call someone. Liang Ruer most likely wants to take us to see the third prince. Then we can catch them all. Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen to your second sister-in-law. 】

It's a pity that Ji Linfeng couldn't hear these words, so Ji Hua could only worry.

Unknown to him, Ji Linfeng was overjoyed when he heard Ji Hua's heartfelt voice. Great, great, my little sister is fine.

So Ji Linfeng wanted to turn around and call someone. However, Liang Ruer's goal was him, so how could she let him go.

“Ji Linfeng, do you want to abandon your wife and sister?” Liang Ruer picked up a water bag from the carriage, unscrewed the bottle, and poured all the water on Duanmuyi’s head. Forcing her to wake up forcefully. "Stop it." Ji Linfeng was so angry that he couldn't help but want to take action. When Ji Hua heard Liang Ruer's wild laughter, she couldn't help but want to take action, but she still endured it.

  【Second sister-in-law, please be patient, as long as Liang Ruer brings us to the third prince, I can find a way to kill him. 】

After hearing this, Ji Linfeng suppressed the anger in his heart. Liang Ruer laughed loudly and said to Duanmu Yi who woke up: "Look, Miss Duanmu, your wishful husband just wanted to abandon you."

Liang Ruer wanted to create a rift between the two, but what she didn't know was that they had a friendship that spanned two generations. How could Duanmuyi believe her lies?

Ji Linfeng was afraid that Duanmu Yi would misunderstand him, and he was even more afraid that Ji Hua would not be able to deal with the three people facing him. I had to continue to follow.

 The carriage was not slow. Ji Linfeng followed him all the way but did not dare to make a move. If Liang Ruer really wants to take her to find the third prince, there will be a strange national advisor, and the chance of victory will be unpredictable.

Just when Ji Linfeng was about to take action, the voice of the national master suddenly appeared in front of him.


“Miss, the Imperial Master is here.” The groom reminded Liang Ruer.

Ji Hua was immediately excited when she heard this. The Imperial Master is here, is the Third Prince also here? But soon, Ji Hua thought of a problem.

                                   ifier will the second brother regard such a strange scene as a monster? I can let my second sister-in-law who is close to me hug me, but what about my second brother who is far away? Oops, it looks like this isn't going to work. 】

Ji Linfeng wanted to say: Little sister, no matter how bold you are to explode, whatever you do is reasonable.

At this moment, Ji Linfeng really wanted Ji Hua to hear his voice, but it backfired.

Liang Ruer’s eyes lit up. "Stop it quickly." After the carriage stopped, Liang Ru'er jumped off the carriage and said excitedly to the Imperial Master: "Sir, I brought Ji Linfeng here. This person must be the evil star in your mouth."

The Imperial Master frowned and scolded Liang Ruer angrily: "You actually took the initiative to bring the Ji family here. It is obvious that doing so will ruin the master's important affairs."

However, Liang Ru'er felt that she was helping the third prince. She said happily: "Didn't you say that as long as the evil star of the Ji family is dealt with, everything can be reversed? This person must be the evil star of the Ji family." In Liang Ru'er's view, Ji Linfeng is the evil star of the Ji family. There is no doubt that evil star.

“Are you saying that Ji Linfeng is the evil star of the Ji family?” A strange color flashed in the eyes of the national master that was difficult to detect. "Why so sure?"

"Because I went to Ji's house three months ago, and when I came back, I was struck by lightning. The lightning seemed to have locked onto me. No matter where I ran, it followed closely. This incident was so weird that it cannot be explained. . Later, I heard from the Imperial Master that there was a evil star in the Ji family, so I thought about it and I was sure that this person must be Ji Linfeng."

Liang Ruer was extremely excited when she spoke.

If it was doubtful before, now, the National Preceptor is certain that the evil star of the Ji family is actually the youngest member of the Ji family. The child who was just half a year old.

Most of the lightning strikes that Liang Ruer encountered were caused by this little girl.

 Suddenly, the Imperial Master learned something from the body’s memory. That was more than eight months ago, Mrs. Ji went to Huguo Temple to have her fortune told. At that time, Master Cifeng said that there would be a great disaster in the Ji family in two months. Two months later, the youngest member of the Ji family was born.

Now it seems that the catastrophe has been resolved with the birth of the Ji family's little one. Then think of the weirdness of the little guy. This evil star is undoubtedly the youngest member of the Ji family.

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