The news that the youngest member of the Ji family had been found safely spread quickly throughout Shengjing, and everyone who cared about Ji Hua breathed a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Ji paced back and forth at the door, the handkerchief in her hand getting wrinkled. Until I heard the servant anxiously reporting: "Madam, the master and the young masters have found the young lady. The young lady is fine. The second young lady was frightened and fainted."

Hearing this, Mrs. Ji held back the unshed tears and finally rolled down her face. "Come on, where have you been?"

 “It’s Qingtian Street.” The servants all cried with joy. God protects me. As long as everything is fine, it will be fine.

In about the time it took for a stick of incense to be burned, Lord Ji drove his carriage and stopped at the gate of Ji Mansion. Everyone got off their horses and protected the people on the carriage.

Mrs. Ji was supported by her servants and stepped forward to take Ji Hua from Ji Yushu's hand, who was spitting out water and bubbles.

   Mother, mother, don’t cry, don’t cry, nothing will happen to your daughter, only others will. My daughter is amazing! 】

Hearing this, Mrs. Ji shed more tears.

 Her daughter is different, but also troubled.

  【Why is my mother crying even more fiercely? Are you too worried about me? Wow, seeing my mother cry makes me want to cry too. 】


Mrs. Ji hugged Ji Hua tightly and coaxed softly: "Don't cry, don't cry, my daughter must be frightened."

Turning around, he saw Ji Linfeng getting out of the carriage holding the unconscious Duanmu Yi, so he asked, "Is there something wrong with Yi'er?"

“It’s okay, mom, I was just frightened. Just wake up and you’ll be fine.”

Mrs. Ji nodded and walked towards the house with the person in her arms.

 Prince Xian and Gu Yishan bowed their hands towards Mr. Ji and left.

The family walked into the back room. Mrs. Ji followed Ji Linfeng to his room and took Duanmuyi's pulse. She was relieved to find that he had fainted due to surprise.

Duanmuyi's cheeks were a little swollen, so Mrs. Ji prescribed some medicine and asked Ji Linfeng to apply it on her, and the swelling disappeared quickly.

Seeing that Mrs. Ji was about to stop talking, Ji Yushu said: "Mother, let the second brother rest with the younger siblings while we go outside to talk."

Mrs. Ji nodded, and then they walked out. Sitting at the stone table outside the courtyard. Ji Yushu told the story in detail, and Ji Hua filled in the blanks with her heart.

  【Liang Ruer probably planned all this early because her second sister-in-law was going to return to her parents' home today. Liang Ruer's real purpose was to lure her second brother there. She suspected that all the failures of the third prince were due to the presence of evil stars in the Ji family that were detrimental to him. After much thought, I realized that this evil star was my second brother. Only then did he want to lure people out. 】

  【Then let the national master kill the second brother. And my second sister-in-law and I naturally didn’t want to stay because we were from the Ji family. Getting rid of the three people at once was a very painful blow to the Ji family. 】

【After what happened last time, I guess the national master figured out that I was the evil star of the Ji family, so he immediately wanted to kill me. They didn't expect that I was a fake Chinese medicine. Then he unexpectedly gave the Imperial Master a holding amulet. 】

  【What makes me puzzled is that the Imperial Preceptor did not seem to inform the third prince and Liang Ruer about this matter. If not for Liang Ruer, she would not have suspected that the evil star was the second brother. What is the purpose of the national teacher doing this? He acted like he was sincerely helping the third prince, but in fact he had a backup plan. 】

  【The third prince is really stupid. He was fooled around by the imperial master without even realizing it. But these are not things we have to worry about. The only thing to worry about right now is the Imperial Preceptor. After he figured out that I was the evil star of the Ji family, he would definitely find a way to deal with me. I'm still only six months old, so if I'm close, I'll be fine, but if I'm not close, I'm no match. What should I do if he attacks other members of the Ji family? 】

The three people who heard this had serious expressions on their faces.

 The day's nerves were tense, and Jihua was a child, so she couldn't hold on and fell into a deep sleep soon.

Not long after Ji Hua fell asleep, the housekeeper hurriedly came to report. "Mrs. Marquis, it's not good. When the prince learned that the lady was missing, he ran out to look for her despite the objections of his family. She has not come back yet." "What?" The three of them sat up in shock.

“Quickly, gather the troops and search the whole city.” Lord Ji immediately spoke.

 This night, the entire palace was brightly lit, and there were even more torches inside and outside Shengjing. After searching for several hours, there was still no sign of Bei Hengjin.

 Later in the middle of the night, Ji Hua suddenly woke up from her dream and heard that Bei Hengjin had not come back yet in order to find her.

 That dream just now, that dream was in a cave. There is a huge sarcophagus in the cave. When she was about to get closer to take a look, the sarcophagus suddenly closed. She didn't even see what was going on inside?

  【Is it possible that Bei Hengjin was sealed in a sarcophagus? what to do? what to do? You have to tell your father and mother about this dream. 】

Mrs. Ji, who was guarding the bedside, felt panic in her heart and hurriedly got up and walked out.

At this time, there were rapid footsteps outside. It was Duanmuyi who came with Ji Linfeng.

“Mom, are Hua’er okay?”

As soon as Duanmuyi woke up, he remembered Ji Hua and hurried over. Mrs. Ji's face was full of anxiety because of Bei Hengjin's matter.

 “It’s okay, it’s just”

"Mom, don't worry. I'll ask Linfeng to look for her together. The prince has his own destiny, and he will be fine." Duanmu Yi knew that her words of comfort would not have any effect.

Who is Bei Hengjin? He is someone that the entire Beiheng family is reluctant to touch, because something happened to the youngest member of the Ji family. One can imagine what consequences the Ji family will bear in the future. Even if there is no investigation, everyone in the Ji family will live in pain for the rest of their lives.

Ji Linfeng was so angry that he punched the table, shocking Ji Hua.

Mrs. Ji pulled Ji Linfeng out and scolded: "Why are you so crazy? You scared my sister."

"Mom, I didn't mean it. I'm really angry with the third prince. He even wants to take advantage of me." The voices of the two became quieter and quieter.

Mrs. Ji then whispered to Ji Linfeng: "Take people to the cave to look for it. Do not miss any nearby caves. If you see a sarcophagus inside, be sure to open it and take a look."

Ji Linfeng looked surprised: "Did the little sister say that?"

"Yes, take someone with you quickly, and tell your father and elder brother about this and ask them to search for it in the cave. Be quick."

"Okay, kid, let's go now." Ji Linfeng turned around and left. After taking two steps, he felt that it was too slow, so he started using Qinggong.

Mrs. Ji looked anxious. She calmed down after entering the house and said, "I asked Feng'er to look for her too. I was wondering if the prince hid in a cave because it was dark and it was difficult to travel."

“It’s possible, mother, there are wild beasts out in the suburbs at night, so hiding in a cave is the best option.”

  【Great, it's good that Mom can think of this. The sarcophagus can be found in the cave soon, and then Bei Hengjin can be found. I just hope it is faster and not suffocated inside. 】

Mrs. Ji was really worried about Bei Hengjin.

 Ji Hua couldn't sleep because she was worried about Bei Hengjin. This wait lasted all night.

 Every second day, after dinner, there was still no news. Not even everyone in the Ji family who went out to look for someone came back. I also heard that Princess Xian fainted from crying several times.

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