The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 51 Kill the bear with one shot


The roar of the angry bear echoed in the cave, getting louder and louder.

A big black-brown bear head poked out from the stone cave, its small eyes full of anger.

The bear's head tilted to the left, and his right shoulder was brought out; the bear's head tilted to the left again, and his left shoulder was also exposed outside the stone cave.

Then watch it move its right shoulder, and its right forearm appeared outside the hole. It pushed it onto the snow, pushed its left shoulder upward and to the right, and its left arm also came out!

This process takes a lot of words to describe, but in fact it is very fast, hardly more than five seconds.

But for Zhou Chengguo, five seconds was enough for him to kill the brown bear two or three times.

However, he did not take action.

Because if you kill the bear now, the dead brown bear will be stuck at the entrance of the cave.

Although it is easy for it to get out of the hole on its own, if it doesn't move and only people have to pull it, it will probably take a dozen people to work together.

Not to mention there aren't that many people. Even if Zhou Chengguo goes back to the village to call for people, what will be left when he comes back?

Why did he take the risk to hunt the bear?

Not for the excitement, but for the bile.

But to pick bear bile, the sooner the bear dies, the better. Otherwise, the bile in the bear bile will be absorbed by the liver, and the bear bile without bile will be worthless.

So, facing the big brown bear coming out of the cave. Zhou Chengguo was still holding the gun, aiming forward, and stood there without moving at all.

"Hang! Hang..."

The big brown-black bear leaned out of the cave and had already stretched out most of its body.


At this time, the gun rang!

The shot landed half a meter in front of the big brown bear, and a puff of snow smoke erupted on the snow.

"Hang! Hang!"

The brown bear roared angrily, put his two front paws together, lifted his whole body up, and kicked off his hind legs, he was completely out of the cave!

But at this time, Zhou Chengguo stopped shooting!

Because the shot just now was not to kill the bear, but to anger the brown bear and make it come out of the hole quickly.

Therefore, the gun only hit open areas, but never hurt the bear.

At this time, the big brown bear had completely appeared outside the stone cave. Its body of 700 kilograms was as big as a hill. It roared and rushed towards Zhou Chengguo.

Wherever it passes, snow and smoke billow!

Zhou Chengguo stood where he was and still did not take a step back.

The angry brown bear was extremely fast and instantly reached within 200 meters in front of Zhou Chengguo.


A gunshot!

A blood arrow shot out from the back of the brown bear's head.

The brown bear's momentum came to an abrupt halt, and its mountain-like body collapsed and plunged into the snow.


The moment the brown bear fell to the ground, another bullet penetrated its head.

The brown bear's head shook violently, and then smashed down again.


Another shot!

Still one shot in the head!

This time, the brown bear didn't move at all, and its huge head was almost smashed.

Zhou Chengguo pulled the bolt of the gun and ejected the four bullets from the chamber.

I had just reloaded a full series of ten bullets, three for Cangzi and three for Bear, and now there were four left.

Zhou Chengguo put away these four bullets, took out a whole pack of ten bullets from his pocket, put them into the chamber of the gun, and closed the gun in his hand.

Zhou Chengguo raised his gun high again and fired again in front of the stone cave.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three shots were fired in front of the cave, but there was no movement in the cave.

Zhou Chengguo stood there with his gun in hand, waited for more than a minute, and then fired three more shots.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three more shots were fired, but there was still no sound in the stone cave.

But Zhou Chengguo still did not let down his guard and continued to wait for about a minute with his gun in hand.

Then, he put the gun away and slung it over his shoulder.

Zhou Chengguo has been in the mountains for many years, relying on more than just his marksmanship.

It is true that he is a talented artist and bold, but as a soldier, there are some mistakes he will never make.

The calamity he suffered today was definitely not due to the carelessness Li Baoyu said.

This is a problem that people who hunt bears in the mountains will pay careful attention to when killing bears in Cangzi.

That is, there are several bears in the barn.

Although most bear barns only have one bear living in them, there are also some that live with two bears at the same time.

It is possible to live with three at the same time.

Bears, no husband and wife live together. But the mother bear will give birth to her babies in the winter, and then she will take the cubs with her and live with them for three years.

After three years, when the cub becomes sexually mature, mother and child will be separated.

Therefore, it is very likely that there is a den of bears living in the bear barn you want to kill.

In addition, there is another possibility. This situation often exists in underground warehouses. A bear originally lived in this cave.

After winter came and the bear fell into a deep sleep, another bear came one day, and this bear also got in and became a neighbor with the original bear.

Therefore, hunters pay special attention when killing Xiongcangzi, but killing one does not mean everything will be fine.

Otherwise, as long as you don't pay careful attention, another bear appears in the barn and it may kill the hunter.

Zhou Chengguo was not unprepared, he didn't mind it either. He had fired a total of eighteen shots before and after. In his opinion, if there was a bear in the cave, it would have woken up anyway.

But after hearing that there was no movement in the cave, Zhou Chengguo felt relieved. At this time, he finally moved his steps.

Ever since Zhou Chengguo stood in front of the bear, whether he was shooting to call the bear or shooting the bear, he never moved a step.

The same was true even when the brown bear was no more than 200 meters away from him!

But when he saw him, he put the gun on his back, took out a knife from the back of his waist, found a green poplar tree nearby that was thicker than his forearm, cut the tree off and took out its main trunk.

Then she put away the knife, came in front of the brown bear with a tree stick, and slowly pried the brown bear up with the tree stick.

This brown bear weighed nearly 800 pounds. It was lying on the ground when it died. If you want to get the bear bile, you have to open it from the chest, and you have to turn the bear over.

With a weight of nearly 800 kilograms, it would be impossible to pull it by force alone. Zhou Chengguo spent a lot of effort and finally turned the brown bear onto its side.

He then cut the tree stick into several sections, used the stick to support the brown bear, and then slowly pushed it down, so that he could easily open the bear's bile.

This workload is really not easy for one person to handle.

By the time he stuffed the bear gallbladder into his cotton-padded coat, Zhou Chengguo was already sweating profusely. He simply sat down on the snow, ready to take a rest.

At the same time, he took off the gun from his shoulder and stuck it in the snow in front of him.

In this knee-deep snow, the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle can stand upright when inserted into it, making it easier for Zhou Chengguo to handle the gun easily when something unexpected happens.

This is the innate vigilance of a top hunter, who must always be prepared to deal with any danger.

But just when Zhou Chengguo was calm, a huge body emerged from the stone hole.

When its eyes fell on Zhou Chengguo, it didn't make any sound from its mouth and nose, but it quickly ran towards Zhou Chengguo.

It's too late, but it's soon.

It jumped up and came behind Zhou Chengguo. At this time, Zhou Chengguo heard the sound, and he subconsciously reached out to grab the gun.

But at this moment, Zhou Chengguo felt the light above his head dim.

Then his head felt cold, and a warm current flowed down from the top of his head and onto his face.

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