Another brown bear!

It was not as big as the one that Zhou Chengguo beat to death, but it still weighed over five hundred kilograms.

These two brown bears were not mother and son. The one that Zhou Chengguo killed earlier was a hunchback.

And this one is from a land-based household.

This brown bear has been hiding in this stone hole since the beginning of winter.

As for the hunchbacked zongzi bear, it found this stone cave yesterday. As soon as it got into the cave, it smelled the scent of its own kind, so it wisely did not go down.

The bear below has a pretty good personality, mainly because he is fast asleep and unwilling to move.

Therefore, the two brown bears did not interfere with each other and were safe and sound.

When Zhou Chengguo killed the first bear, the brown bear heard it from below, but it did not make any noise or call, and the bird crawled out quietly.

When it climbed out of the hole, it happened to see Zhou Chengguo sitting with his back to it.

The brown bear came up behind Zhou Chengguo in a few steps. When Zhou Chengguo heard the sound, he felt a black shadow pressing down and covering his entire body.

"Not good!" Zhou Chengguo knew something was wrong. Before he could grab the gun standing in front of him, he felt a chill on his head, and then a stream of heat flowed down the top of his head.

It turned out that the brown bear knocked off Zhou Chengguo's dog-skin hat with one palm.

It wasn't over yet. The bear's paw fell, and with one scratch, one pick, and one stroke, the entire scalp on Zhou Chengguo's head was lifted.

Then, the brown bear stretched out its claws, pulled Zhou Chengguo over and stuffed it under his butt.

As for Zhou Chengguo, he was a soldier after all. When he was in danger, he remained calm in the face of danger. He lay on the snow, reached back with his right hand, lifted his right knee, and grabbed the leg crotch tied to his right calf with his right hand.

When Zhou Chengguo grabbed the fork in his hand, the brown bear was just about to sit down.

If he sat down firmly, the weight of more than five hundred kilograms would be enough for Zhou Chengguo to choke.

In order to avoid being bitten by the brown bear, Zhou Chengguo did not move the rest of his body. He twisted his right arm upwards, turned his right hand up, and inserted the fork into the brown bear's butt.

Just hearing the "scream" of the brown bear, he jumped up and ran away.

The pressure on Zhou Chengguo's body relaxed, and he threw the fork to the side. He put his hands on the ground and tried to get up. But as soon as he raised his upper body, his whole body seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and he hit the snow hard.

The snow is knee-high and it is very difficult for people to walk in the snow, let alone carrying a person?

Fortunately, after coming down the slope, Zhao Jun was about to walk towards the main road, because he felt that Zhou Chengguo could not hold on for long.

Based on Zhou Chengguo's current situation, if he was carried to the village, he would probably die before he got there.

Lao Zhangtou's shack is quite close, but even if you carry it there, it's useless.

The only option was to go up the main road and wait on Jichai Road to see if there were passing cars that could save Zhou Chengguo.

Don't tell me, Zhou Chengguo is really destined this week. As soon as Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu carried him onto the firewood road, they heard the sound of a car horn.

"You're lucky!" Zhao Jun said silently as he looked at Zhou Chengguo, who was lying on a stretcher with no idea of ​​his life or death.

In this life, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu saved him. But in his previous life, Zhou Chengguo froze to death on the mountain.

Lao Zhangtou, who had been waiting for him in the shack all night, was already frozen when he went up the mountain to find Zhou Chengguo the next day.

There is a saying in mountain villages that people who die violently cannot enter the villages, so Zhou Chengguo's funeral was not held at home.

Since being tricked by Minister Li and Li Erchen, Zhao Jun has thought a lot about himself in the past month.

The past life and this life are different, and the ending will not be the same. Things in this life may not be the same as in the previous life, and the people in this life may not be the same as in the previous life.

It also made him reflect for a long time. After experiencing an incredible rebirth, his whole person did have a different spirit, as if the poor and lonely Zhao Jun in his previous life would never appear again.

But judging from some recent events, he is still so immature, which also makes Zhao Jun wary.

Rebirth doesn't mean anything. Although there is a chance to start over, he still needs to grasp whether it is good or bad in the end.

You can't drift or wave. You should still be down-to-earth in life and work.

The more he thought about it, the more Zhao Jun discovered that his father's drunken words that day were actually right, do what you should do and don't do what you shouldn't.

For example, Zhao Jun had long known about Chengguo's disaster this week, but he couldn't remember the specific day.

Until he met Lao Zhangtou, Zhao Jun knew that Zhou Chengguo was seriously injured by a brown bear today and lost his life.

However, Zhao Jun was not related to Zhou Chengguo, so it was definitely impossible for him to risk his life to save Zhou Chengguo.

However, calculating the time, Zhao Jun knew that if he rushed over, there would be no danger, and he might be able to save Zhou Chengguo's life.

That's why he brought Li Baoyu here.

As for why he wanted to save Zhou Chengguo, one was to accumulate virtue and do good deeds, and the other was that he believed that Zhou Chengguo would not suffer any loss from him after being rescued.

"Second brother?" When the truck got closer, Zhao Jun saw clearly that the driver was none other than Lin Xiangshun.

At this time, Lin Xiangshun also saw Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu. When he saw them carrying a stretcher and there were people on the stretcher, Lin Xiangshun stepped on the accelerator.

Stopping in front of Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu, Lin Xiangshun hurriedly opened the car door and jumped out, "Jun, this is... Zhou Chengguo?"

"Second brother, he was scalped by Blind Bear. Send him down the mountain quickly!"

"Get in the car!" Listening to Zhao Jun's words, Lin Xiangshun jumped on the carriage first and spread the sacks piled in the corner on several layers in the carriage.

Then the three of them worked together to get Zhou Chengguo into the carriage, and then covered Zhou Chengguo with sacks layer by layer.

It must be cold in an open-top truck, especially after it starts driving, and the wind is still pouring into the compartment. If Zhou Chengguo is not covered with more layers, he may not be able to make it to the hospital.

There is nothing that can be done about it. This car only has one driver and one passenger. With Zhou Chengguo's current situation, it is definitely not possible to sit in the passenger seat.

"Baoyu, I'll go with my second brother, and you can take care of Gou Jing back."

After Zhao Jun ordered Li Baoyu, he also got into the trunk. He could sit in the passenger seat, but in Zhou Chengguo's current situation, he probably couldn't do it without someone to look after him.

At this time, Lin Xiangshun also told Li Baoyu: "Baoyu, go back to the Tunbu and ask Zhao Guofeng to call Yongshengtun and ask Zhou Chengguo and his family to rush to the town hospital."

After saying that, Lin Xiangshun didn't wait for Li Baoyu to answer, got into the cab, started the car and drove away in the dust.

The car was bumpy all the way and drove for more than two hours before we arrived at the town hospital. On the way, Zhou Chengguo started to have a fever and his whole face turned red.

When he arrived at the hospital, Zhou Chengguo breathed his last.

Seeing the hospital, Zhao Jun and Lin Xiangshun lifted Zhou Chengguo out of the car. When they were about to enter the hospital, Zhao Jun suddenly stopped Lin Xiangshun.

Under Lin Xiangshun's puzzled gaze, Zhao Jun untied Zhou Chengguo's cotton-padded jacket and pulled out a cloth bag from the inner pocket of Zhou Chengguo's cotton-padded jacket. The cloth bag contained a large bear bile.

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