The Whole World Does Not Believe That I Am the Director

Chapter 105: "Manslaughter" finished

   The last big shot of "Manslaughter" is also the most exciting part of the movie.

  Because of this, the most unexpected and shocking reversal will occur.

   The original movie was shot at the ancestral grave, and there were blood stains on the back of the coffin cover and other places that were criticized.

   So when Xu Mu filmed this scene, he modified the details a bit.

  The shooting location was chosen in the open space next to the cemetery, and Xu Mu, the obvious loophole in the coffin lid, was replaced with a sack.

   Of course, some lines and scenes in the movie script were modified by Xu Mu before shooting, such as the various movie titles mentioned by Li Weijie.

   "All departments are preparing, the next shooting may be a bit hard, everyone bear with it for the time being. And try not to make mistakes, so that we can pass the scene quickly."

  Because the next shooting environment was rainy, the crew needed artificial rainfall, and everyone was exposed to the rain to shoot.

   If there is something wrong, this part of the scene needs to be repeatedly filmed, so the actors may be very hard.

   After the explanation, the filming officially started.

   After the youngest daughter confessed, Li Weijie's family was escorted to the cemetery next to his backyard by a group of police officers, preparing to find the burial site and dig out the corpse.

   As long as the corpse is dug up, the evidence is conclusive and the Li Weijie family will be sentenced.

   However, because of the previous news and the belief of neighbors in the neighborhood, many people came to watch and want to help Li Weijie's family this time.

   The scene is very tense and may get out of control at any time.

   After the artificial rain, everyone quickly entered the state and began to perform.


   "Ka, Teacher Cheng, your micro movements can be more obvious."

   "Ka, those group actors, you can be a little more angry when you rush up."

   "Children, you can be louder and exaggerate when you think."

   "Crack, everyone do it again."

   "Kah, it's better this time, but let's take another one."

   "Crack, ok, that’s over. Thanks for your hard work, everyone, today’s filming is over, everyone has a good rest."

   Finally, after I don’t know how many times NG, the most important scene of the movie finally passed.

   Xu Mu, also relieved, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   There are not many scenes in the following, it should not take a few days before the filming is over, and then I return to China.

   To be honest, filming is better at home, at least I feel comfortable.

   I have been filming abroad for a long time, and I always feel that something is wrong.

   Of course, one more happy thing at the end of the shooting is to stop spending.

  Really, filming abroad really burns money. Xu Mu's filming here costs about 1.2 million yuan a day.

   200,000 days more than the previous budget.

   But fortunately, the shooting time has been shortened a bit, otherwise Xu Mu will have to exceed the investment budget.

   On July 12, the filming of "Manslaughter" finally ended and officially came to an end.

   In Mandu, Xu Mu held a grand finale banquet.

   The finale banquet was held in Tyrande, and some of the staff were mainly from Tyrande.

   After the finale banquet was over, Xu Mu returned to China with everyone in the crew, not one was missing.

   After the filming of the film is finished, it is the post-production and publicity work.

   Xu Mu is already familiar with this matter, and he knew what to do.

Of course. After the post-production of the film is completed, Xu Mu also plans to spend 5 million to experience the special effects of the system.

   After all, special effects have appeared, and he always wants to experience it.


   "The Lost Track" crew.

   "Director Chen, I heard that Xu Mu and the others came back from filming abroad."

   "Oh, yes. The movie will be finished in less than a month?"

   "Yes, someone took pictures of them all coming out of the airport on the Internet, it should be correct."

   "It looks like the movie is really good, but if it is shot so fast, I don't know how the quality of the movie is."

   "I guess, it should not be too good, after all, I haven't used it for a month."

   "Don't care about it, we just need to make our own. By the way, since Xu Mu has returned, then he must start planning how to promote the movie. Then, you go..."

   The news of Xu Mu's return to China reached Chen Ya's ears immediately, and the news did surprise Chen Ya a little.

   After all, Xu Mu's movie was shot too fast, it didn't arrive in a month, and his Chen Ya movie is estimated to be ten and a half days away.

   But Chen Ya is not worried at all, because he expects Xu Mu's movie will not be released during the summer vacation.

   Between them, there is still a chance to compete.

   However, Chen Ya is well aware of Xu Mu's strategy for operating the movie, and he is ready to make a good layout this time.

   In the movie promotion, Xu Mu must be held back.

   After all, the box office cake is so big, and the other party's publicity is a little bit higher, so relatively speaking, his movie will be less exposed.

   Therefore, he must be better than Xu Mu in this promotion.


   After Xu Mu returned to China, he hurried back to Hengcheng as soon as possible.

   Not to mention, since the moment he returned to China, Xu Mu felt a lot more relaxed and comfortable all over.

   Maybe, this is the sense of belonging.

   After returning to Hengcheng, Xu Mu lay down immediately when he arrived home, and didn't want to do other things at all.

   The post-production of the film has also been handed over to the professional team, and he only needs to give some opinions in the follow-up.

   Therefore, what Xu Mu has to worry about is the issue of movie promotion.

   But film post-production and review, this takes a certain amount of time.

   At least, Xu Mu will not be able to show movies this summer.

   Even if the movie was released by the end of summer vacation, Xu Mu felt a little reluctant.

   Therefore, he plans to release the movie on the Mid-Autumn Festival, just in time for the National Day.

   During the double festival, the box office of the movie will definitely be better.

   Everything was planned perfectly.


   July 15, the day after Xu Mu returned to China.

   After a day's rest at home yesterday, his spirit and internationality have been restored.

   took the time to go home in a low-key manner, visited his parents, and took a look at the supermarket at home.

   Xu Mu arranged all this before leaving the country, and after returning, the supermarket had already opened.

   And, it looks pretty good. Every day a group of people gather at the door to chat, play cards and chess.

   Anyway, it is very lively.

After    went home, Xu Mu went to the film post-production company to check again.

  Everything, there is no problem.

   For a while, Xu Mu felt a little bored.

   After all, there are still two months before the movie is scheduled to be released.

   If it were to promote the movie now, it seems a bit early.

  Really, Xu Mu had never fought such a wealthy battle before, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

   Since he announced the filming of a suspenseful reasoning movie, there seems to be a lot less news about him in the martial arts community.

   This makes Xu Mu also more free.

   After salting fish at home for half a month, on July 31st, Xu Mu suddenly received a call from the Academy Award working group.

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