"Hello, is this Mr. Xu Muxu, the director of "Ip Man 3"? I am from the Academy Awards working group."

   "Yes, I am, hello, hello."

   The first time I received a call from the Academy Awards program group, Xu Mu was a little surprised.

   The other party called me, did my movie get nominated for the Academy Awards?

   And the other party's next words also confirmed Xu Mu's conjecture.

"Hello Mr. Xu, your movie "Ip Man 3" has won multiple nominations for our Golden Statue Awards. Here, you are invited to attend the Golden Statue Awards Ceremony on August 10th. I hope you can attend this time. Awards ceremony."

   After confirming Xu Mu's identity, the other party also directly explained the purpose of the call.

   That’s right, Xu Mu’s previous "Ip Man 3" was nominated for the Academy Awards, and now he is calling to invite him to the award ceremony.

   "Well, okay." Without hesitation, Xu Mu directly agreed.

   After all, the Golden Image Award is also one of the best film awards in China. It is a pretty good achievement to be nominated.

   If it wins, it will be even more remarkable.

   Of course, this is also a good opportunity to increase your popularity and promote the film.

   Therefore, Xu Mu immediately agreed after hearing the invitation.

   "Okay, here is awaiting your arrival, please provide the address later, the invitation letter for the award ceremony will be delivered to you as soon as possible. And if you are not sure, you can also check the relevant information online."

   "Okay, thank you."

   "You're welcome, goodbye Mr. Xu."


   toot toot...

   hung up the phone, Xu Mu sent his delivery address to the other party.

   Immediately, he searched the Internet for this year's nomination list for the Academy Awards, and it was published on the Internet today.

   Xu Mu took a closer look and found that his film has actually received five nominations, namely the best action design nominations, best screenplay nominations, best actor nominations, best supporting actor nominations and best director nominations.

   Seeing these, Xu Mu couldn't help but stunned.

   Good guy, nominated for best director, is that amazing?


The    Golden Image Award is a well-known film award in China, and its annual holding will naturally attract the attention of many people.

   After the release of the nomination list for this year's Golden Image Awards, netizens also quickly came to watch.

   After all, this is a major event in the entertainment industry, how could they miss it?

   "Wow, the competition for the Academy Awards this year is fierce, and many veteran actresses have been nominated again."

   "Yes, I don't know who will win the movie queen this time, I really look forward to it!"

   "Hey, "Ip Man 3" has also been nominated for the Academy Awards, and there are still five nominations, awesome!"

   "Really, you see, Xu Mu actually won the nomination for best director of the Academy Award, my God, this is too amazing!"

   "It’s really surprising. Although I think the best director nomination is very good, have you seen the best action design nomination? I think this is very interesting."

   "Haha, I think this award is tailored for Xu Mu. The best motion design award, hahahaha."

   "Master Wing Chun won the Best Action Design Award, is this all right?"

   "Nothing wrong, I am looking forward to whether Xu Mu can win this award in the end."


After the announcement of the nomination list for the Golden Image Awards, many netizens discussed the nomination of various films.

   When everyone saw that Xu Mu was nominated for the Best Director Award, they were suddenly surprised.

   After all, Xu Mu is a new director who has just made his debut. It is a bit surprising to get this nomination.

   However, when everyone saw that Xu Mu was nominated for the best action design, they didn't know why, and there was a sense of joy inexplicably.

  If Grandmaster Wing Chun wins this award, what would it be like?

   Regarding this, netizens are very much looking forward to whether Xu Mu can win this award in the end.

   Even the expectation value exceeds whether he can win the best director award.


   On July 31st, the filming of Chen Ya’s new movie "Lost" was finally finished.

   This time, he was half a month behind Xu Mu.

   However, Chen Ya didn't feel anything wrong, instead he felt that only by slow work can you get a good job.

   After the filming is finished, the post-production will be produced by the company's professional team, and he doesn't need to worry about this at all.

   This is the strength of large companies.

   After the filming was finished, Chen Ya planned to take a few days off, adjust his state, and then plan the film promotion work.

   This time, he must promote the movie well and must make the movie box office explode.

   He must prove his Chen Ya's strength like everyone else!

   Just when Chen Ya was about to greet everyone to clean up, and then go to the movie finale banquet together, he received a call.

   This call, like the one Xu Mu received before, was also from the Golden Image Award working group.

  Chen Ya’s upper film "Happy Detective 2" has also won multiple nominations for the Academy Awards.

   "Okay, thank you, I will definitely go then."

   toot toot...

   Hanging up, Chen Ya looked very excited.

The    Golden Image Award is very attractive to any director in China.

  Although it is almost compared to the international awards such as Oscars and Golden Bear Awards, it is still one of the best in China.

   If he can win the Golden Image Award, then his directorship will be more valuable and famous.

   Besides, participating in this kind of large-scale awards ceremony is actually a good channel for publicity.

   For whatever reason~www.readwn.com~Chen Ya will go to participate no matter what.

   After the call, he immediately checked the list of nominations for the award-related awards on the Internet.

   Sure enough, he found the name of his movie in several awards.

   Chen Ya was even happier seeing this, he couldn't help but smile.

   But when he looked at the nomination list carefully, his smile instantly solidified.

  Because he saw Xu Mu and "Ip Man 3".

   Has he also been nominated?

   In Chen Ya's impression, although the other party's movie box office is not bad, but the other party has just made his debut in such a short time and has been nominated for the Academy Award. This is too much.

   The key is that he also saw Xu Mu being nominated for best director.

   This Nima is simply outrageous!

   Xu Mu, why can he be nominated for Best Director at the Academy Awards?

   And the most important thing is that he Chen Ya did not get the nomination for best director.

   Where is the reason to go here! ?

   Why is he?

  No, he must crush Xu Mu at the box office of the new movie.

   Otherwise, it's hard to calm his depression.


   Xu Mu, within two days, I received something from the Academy Award working group.

   And on August 9th, Xu Mu and Lu Ming flew to Hong Kong Island together.

  Because Lu Ming has not received a new drama for the time being, and he has also been nominated for Best Supporting Actor.

   So this time, he happened to go to the Academy Awards ceremony with Xu Mu.

   And for Lu Ming, participating in the Golden Image Awards is also an effective way to restore his popularity.

   I don’t know how many awards he and Xu Mu will win in the end.

  Ps: ask for monthly pass

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