The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 204 204. Several battles in actual combat training

"Come down, Fred."

Scott waved to Fred, who was frowning, and then said to George, Eddie and Milton, "Which of you will challenge Cedric next?"


George rushed forward quickly.

"You must avenge me, brother!" Fred pretended to cry.

"Of course." George raised his wand, "Just go ahead with peace of mind, brother."

"Oh..." Fred immediately stopped pretending to cry, "You'd better lose, brother."


Scott once again serves as referee.

"One! Two! Three! Start!"



With the lesson just learned, George and Cedric staggered their steps and avoided each other's first spell.

"Petrified them all!" George cast a petrifying spell first.

Cedric chose the transformation spell while moving and dodging, turning a stool into a hound.

"There are many obstacles!"

George quickly cast a spell to slow down the hound.

At the same time, Cedric transformed into a second hound.

However, he could only control two hounds. Even while controlling the hounds to fight, the frequency of his use of magic spells also slowed down.

"Sure enough, not everyone can fight like you."

Fred said happily to Scott.

"George has a chance to win!"

Scott nodded.

George was very smart and did not choose to destroy the two hounds. Instead, he kept using obstacle spells to slow down the hounds and used other spells to harass Cedric himself.

The transfiguration products controlled by Cedric are far less flexible than those controlled by Scott.

In this way, George's choice instead involved most of Cedric's energy.

Coupled with the restrictions of the venue, after a long time, Cedric began to be tired of dealing with it.

"All petrified!"

George's Petrification Curse hit Cedric, ending the battle.

Without Cedric's command and control, the two hounds immediately began to circle in circles, chasing their own tails, having a great time on their own.

"How about it, brother." George said proudly to Fred, "I avenged you."

"Well done, brother!" Fred gave a thumbs up.

Scott waved his magic wand, turning the two hounds back into stools, and lifted the spell for Cedric, who was deliberately ignored by George.

"You should have given up on a hound decisively just now." He said to Cedric, "That way you would have some remaining strength and you would be much more flexible in fighting."

"Thank you, Scott, it seems I'm still too inexperienced in fighting." Cedric said.

"It's okay. It will get better if you train a few more times." Scott said.

Cedric nodded and walked to the edge of the classroom.

"Next..." Scott looked at Eddie and Milton.

"Just you." He pointed at Milton, "Milton, you come and fight George. After all, Eddie is in the third grade."

"Okay." Milton walked across from George and began to take a deep breath.

"Pay attention to the rhythm." Scott reminded Milton in words he could understand.

Milton nodded.

George protested, "Mr. Referee, are you favoring your roommate?"

"Of course not." Scott smiled at him, "I said pay attention to the rhythm, and you can hear it, Mr. Weasley."


George also imitated Lockhart and waved his wand a few times in a flashy manner.

"Even if you are partial, I will not lose."

He began to recite the lines like a stage play, pointing the wand at Milton.

"Let your roommate's failure make you taste disappointment!"


Scott didn't want to talk.

This shows that although George is more stable than Fred, he is also extremely limited.

"Get ready." Scott raised his hand.

At this time, Roger opened the door and walked in.

Scott winked at him and made him stand on the edge of the classroom, and continued to yell at the two people on the field: "One! Two! Three! Start!"


"All petrified!"


The battle between Milton and George begins.

The first spell, the two avoided each other.

At the beginning of the second spell, Milton started a beat slower.

George's disarming spell almost hit him. He didn't have time to cast his second spell while dodging. George's third and fourth spells had already come on him.



Milton was hit by a dance spell, and then his wand was knocked away, and he lost the battle while tap dancing.

"Haha, it's very easy!" George was already very proud.

Roger picked up Milton's wand and waved his own wand to relieve Milton from the spell.

"Let me deal with you, Fred!" He strode forward and handed Milton his wand back.

"I'm George!" George hooked his fingers at Roger, "Come on, Roger, whether it's Quidditch or a duel, I will win."

George looked swollen.

"Whether it's Fred or George, it's the same anyway." Roger was not to be outdone, "I am Davis from Ravenclaw!"


What is the title of Davis in Ravenclaw?

Scott was confused.

Ignoring the two drama queens, he turned to look at Milton who was walking over.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"It's okay." Milton had obviously expected his failure.

"I'm too unfamiliar with fighting." He said, "I know what to do, but although my brain can keep up, my hands and feet can't keep up at all."

"Practice more." Scott could only give such advice.

Although Milton's magic power has increased significantly after the trade with Medea.

But obviously, he can't convert the increased magic power into combat power.

Combat also requires talent.

This is a different talent from magic talent.

Scott knows that with Milton's physical condition, even if he works harder, he can't become a wizard who is good at fighting.

However, it's good to have progress.

"Mr. Referee!"

George shouted loudly.

Seeing that he and Roger had stopped talking trash, Scott raised his right arm again.

"Ready... One! Two! Three! Start!"

The battle between George and Roger was much more exciting than the last one Milton participated in.

At least, both of them are Quidditch players with excellent physical fitness and reaction speed.

The two of them exchanged spells, and it was hard to tell who was better.

The two of them fought with all their might, and Fred and Eddie cheered for their respective supporters. The two of them shouted out the momentum of a whole cheerleading team.

This battle took the longest time among the previous battles.

Five minutes later, George was hit by Roger's disarming spell and lost his wand.

But since George had fought two battles before and Roger was in good condition, George had a reason to lose this battle.

Despite this, Roger and Eddie were still very happy, and they winked at the Weasley twins triumphantly.

At this time, Scott waved at Eddie.

"You're the only one left, Eddie." He said, "Come up."

"Really? You're the only one left, Eddie." Roger immediately showed a malicious smile.

Eddie took out his wand and walked forward, "Don't think you can win just because you are one grade higher than me, Roger."

Just like that, the two people who had originally united in front of each other immediately parted ways.

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