The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 205 205. Practical training ends

"One! Two! Three! Start!"

As Scott swung his right hand, the battle between Roger and Eddie began.


Roger took the lead in swinging his wand to attack.

But Eddie ran sideways at the beginning and dodged Roger's stun spell in advance.

At the moment when the red beam of the stun spell hit the wall behind the classroom, he waved his wand.

"Petrify all!"

"Very cunning." Roger staggered his steps, dodged the petrification spell, and pointed his wand at the same time.

"The desk is flying."

A desk behind Eddie flew rapidly towards Roger, and Eddie was standing between them.

Seeing that the desk was about to hit his back, Eddie turned around and waved his wand backwards.


The blue beam hit the desk, and the fast-moving desk immediately stopped completely as if frozen.

"Petrify all."

At the same time, Roger's voice sounded, and a beam of petrifying spell hit Eddie's back, and his body was stilled like the desk.

"How is it, little Eddie?"

Roger shook his hair pretending to be handsome, and walked forward to remove the spell on Eddie.

Eddie said stubbornly: "Oh, Roger, if you want to convince me, you shouldn't use the spell that you will learn in the fourth grade."

"Even if you do that, you can't win, Eddie." Scott said with a smile, "After all, I am one year older than you, and I am stronger than you in terms of magic."

"This battle is over."

Scott applauded.

"Roger's clever use of the flying spell deserves praise!"

Roger shook his hair again and said proudly: "Don't be too surprised, this little trick is not worth mentioning."

"Eddie, you can go down, it's my turn now!"

Fred waved to Eddie and walked forward.


Roger's face changed slightly, and he turned to Scott and said, "Referee, I need to rest. The fight with George just now consumed too much energy."

After that, he ran behind Scott.

Fred immediately raised his head with pride and looked down on Roger, then hooked his finger at Cedric.

"Come on, Cedric, I won't lose to you this time."

"Okay, Fred."

Cedric smiled good-temperedly and walked forward.

Scott shouted for them to start, and sat back on the desk at the edge of the classroom, watching the second fight between the two.

"I may break up with Caccini." Roger said suddenly.

Scott's eyes were retracted from the fight between Fred and Cedric, and he glanced at Roger.

"I thought you met true love this time." He said, "After all, your love this time lasted much longer than any other time before."

"Yeah, I thought so too." Roger shook his head.

Scott knew why he said that, "Because of conflicting ideas?"

Roger frowned, "I can't change her mind, she seems to live in a fairy tale."

"You should have known this a long time ago." Scott said, "This time you didn't break up as decisively as before, which means you still can't bear to let her go?"

"Maybe." Roger said softly, "But if this goes on, we will break up one day, I have foreseen it."

Scott didn't say anything else, turned his head and looked at the battle on the field.

He didn't want to get involved in other people's emotional problems.

At this time, the battle between Fred and Cedric had entered a stalemate.

Cedric accepted Scott's advice, and his fighting style became much more flexible when he only controlled one hound to assist in the battle.

Fred also became serious.

In fact, the Weasley twins' Transfiguration is not weak.

Cedric's hound was detransformed by Fred several times with the Restoration Spell, forcing Cedric to use the Transfiguration Spell again.

In addition, since it was training, neither of them used some spells that would hurt each other, such as the Cutting Spell and the Crushing Spell, which made their means of attack very limited.

In short, after both of them got serious, they were really evenly matched in a short period of time.

But Fred still lost the battle.

The reason was that George kept giving him advice loudly.

Maybe it was because of conditioned reflex, Fred would always subconsciously think about George's suggestions, which actually disrupted his fighting rhythm.

Fred, who lost the battle, rushed over aggressively and started to fight with his twin brother.

Scott ignored the twins rolling on the ground and chose to let Milton go up and fight Cedric.

This actual combat training lasted until the curfew time.

Except for Scott, everyone present had experienced several battles.

Except for Eddie and Milton who always lost, everyone else had wins and losses.

Scott did not play, but just gave his friends some of his personal advice.

After the training, he felt that everyone had improved, even Eddie and Milton, who had made obvious progress after several battles.

On the way back to the dormitory, Roger said excitedly: "It seems that such practical training is useful. My thoughts on combat are much clearer now."

"Such activities can be organized regularly." Eddie seemed to be unsatisfied, "What do you think, Scott?"

Milton also nodded in agreement.

The three of them looked at Scott.

Scott said, "Of course I'm willing to help if I'm free."

When he said the first half of the sentence, his roommates all showed joyful expressions, but when he said the second half, their faces changed immediately.

Eddie sighed, "Alas, it seems that such training may be difficult to have again."

Roger and Milton both nodded in agreement with him.

"Why do you say that?"

Scott knew that he was usually very busy, but...

"You can also organize such training by yourself, without my presence, right?" He said to the three of them.

Roger shrugged, "You know, practice alone is not enough, we may need some advice."

"You can ask senior students for help." Scott suggested, "Or simply let the Weasley twins find the seniors of Gryffindor College who are good at fighting and set up a new duel club."

Eddie's eyes lit up, "Maybe this is a good idea."

"We can try to promote it." Roger nodded.

Milton also agreed with this method, "Gryffindor, it is indeed possible to succeed."

They all agreed to put the idea of ​​forming a fighting club on the seniors of Gryffindor College.

After all, the students of Ravenclaw are not that enthusiastic.

Especially the senior students.

In Ravenclaw, generally speaking, students above the sixth grade have basically found their future direction.

They are the most self-centered group of people in the self-centered Ravenclaw.

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