The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 206 206. May News Good Friends

Unconsciously, May has arrived.

The climate in the Scottish Highlands has entered the most comfortable and pleasant period of the year.

The students of Hogwarts finally got rid of their heavy warm-keeping equipment and changed into light clothes.

The whole castle seemed to have completely awakened from the long silence. The girls became more youthful and beautiful, and their laughter seemed to be much more beautiful.

Under the bright sunshine, Scott leaned against a big tree and sat on the grass beside the forbidden forest.

He held an old book in his hand and read leisurely.

With a fluttering sound, a huge raven fell from the sky and landed beside him.

It was agile, with shining wings, and was particularly majestic.

The raven's mouth kept opening and closing, as if it was saying something, and Scott opened his mouth to respond from time to time.

The sound of the conversation between one person and one raven seemed to be imprisoned a few steps away, and it did not leak out at all.

After a while, Scott smiled and waved gently.

The raven flapped its wings and soared into the sky again, and then flew up into the sky like an arrow.


As if in response, countless black shadows soared into the sky from the dense Forbidden Forest, following behind the raven.

Scott stood up and watched the huge flock of crows go away.

During this period of time, Rimbaud had subdued all the crows he encountered, becoming the overlord of the Forbidden Forest, the real crow king.

Crows are highly intelligent animals, even ordinary crows without magic are much smarter than ordinary animals.

After Rimbaud accepted a large group of men, it was much easier for Scott to find out any news.

For example, the Yaxley family, which had long been on his blacklist, the Carrow family where Elijah Carrow was, and even the Azkaban prison where the only remaining Travers was, all had crows responsible for monitoring and providing information to Scott.

Just now, Rimbaud brought the latest news about Elijah Carrow.

Three days ago, the Slytherin student who attacked him in the Forbidden Forest with Brendon Yaxley had quietly come out of the Ministry of Magic dungeon and even returned to the Carrow family safely.

Although he had expected this scene, Scott still felt a little ironic.

It is an indisputable fact that the British magic world is controlled by pure-blood families.

You know, during the time when the incident happened, the newspapers were investigating Dumbledore's dereliction of duty and denying Medea's true identity.

But there was no report that mentioned the pure-blood wizards attacking Hogwarts professors and students.

Scott and Professor Flitwick, as victims of the attack, never even got any explanation.

The wizard who attacked Professor Flitwick at least disguised himself and could shirk responsibility and not find the murderer.

But the two people who attacked Scott were seen by Dumbledore himself.

Even Elijah Carrow was sent to the Ministry of Magic by Dumbledore himself.

But what was the result?

Elijah Carrow was only imprisoned for a few months in the Ministry of Magic's safe dungeon, which was far less secure than Azkaban, and was released quietly.

The greatest punishment he endured was expulsion from Hogwarts.

Such a punishment was of no consequence to a pure-blood wizard like Elijah Carrow.

Because Rumple told Scott that within just three days after being released from prison, Elijah Carrow had completed the procedures for admission to Durmstrang School of Magic and Wizardry, along with his cousin Caitlin Rowe, who had already dropped out of Hogwarts.

Durmstrang in Northern Europe, Beauxbatons in France, and Hogwarts in the UK are known as the three major magic schools in Europe.

Unlike Hogwarts, Durmstrang only admits pure-blood students and takes a permissive attitude towards dark magic.

Grindelwald, a famous dark wizard who once stirred up the entire European and American magic world, also studied at this school.

Dumbledore once told Scott that he would give him an explanation about the attack.

Now it seems that the old headmaster is also powerless to deal with this matter.

After all, there are too many things that the headmaster needs to worry about now.

Unlike the "original book", Dumbledore now probably not only has to worry about Voldemort and the "savior", but also has to be wary of Medea who may come out to cause trouble at any time...

When the dark flock of crows completely disappeared in the sky, Scott took a deep breath.

Suppressing his somewhat complicated thoughts, he turned and walked towards the castle.

He has made up his mind not to let his enemies grow up in Durmstrang.

For Scott, Elijah Carrow is not an ordinary enemy.

Because he once really wanted to take Scott's life.

So he became an enemy that Scott could not tolerate.

At his request, Rimbaud has sent a lot of crows to investigate the location of Durmstrang School of Magic.

Yes, Scott wanted to take Elijah Carrow's life, but he was not prepared to let him die in Britain.

Because there is no better way to get rid of Scott's suspicion than the enemy dying in a foreign country.

Under the premise of being able to indirectly control a large group of crows, it is not that difficult for him to kill the enemy.


The shout in the distance attracted Scott's attention.

He turned his head and saw the Weasley twins running over.

Fred and George soon came to Scott.

"Oh, Mr. Trollope." Fred glanced at the book in Scott's hand, "You are really leisurely."

Scott stretched and said to him with a smile: "Today's sunshine is so warm, it's just right for a leisurely weekend."

"Listen!" George said loudly, "Mr. Trollope really knows how to enjoy life!"

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Weasley."

Scott gave him a fake smile.

He looked at the faces of the two carefully, and said with concern: "Oh, you should pay more attention to your health. Look, you have dark circles on your face."

"We are researching new products."

"I was busy until 3 am last night!"

The twins stared at him with dark circles under their eyes.

"You two... why are you running so fast."

At this time, Eddie ran over panting.

"Here, Scott." He handed Scott a purse, "This is your share of last month's dividends."


Scott took the purse, shook it with his hand, and said with a smile: "It seems that you are working hard, not bad, not bad."

Eddie was immediately choked by his capitalist face.

"Vampire!" He muttered, in a tone that Scott could hear.

Scott didn't care, shaking the money bag in his hand, with a bright smile on his face.

Being a successful hands-off boss is so cool.

"Eddie, Fred, George, you have worked hard." He said in a gratified tone, "I was right, you are really my best friends!"

Hearing this, the faces of the three good friends in front of him became even uglier.

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