The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 213 213. Maintain a free attitude

Medea's sudden forced contact made Scott a little flustered just now, but he did calm down.

So, Scott did not refute Medea's compliment.

He chose to ask directly, "Is there something you suddenly contacted me about, Medea?"

"Nothing serious." Medea said in a chatty tone, "You should behave more gracefully, boy, such as greeting me politely as an old woman from time to time."


Scott was choked by her "left-behind elderly" tone and did not respond for a while.

Relying on the fact that the other party could not see, he rolled his eyes rudely.

Medea did not wait for his response and continued, "The students at Hogwarts have already known about the changes in the exam content this year."

"Are you referring to the new wizard duel in the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam?" Scott asked calmly.

He had thought it through.

It turned out that the sudden change in the exam content of this course was not decided by the professors, but was related to Medea.

Then, Medea also said directly, "Yes, this is a gift I gave to the little wizards."

"You? Gift?" Scott pretended to be suspicious.

Although this matter was not too unexpected, he was really surprised in his heart.

It seems...

Medea's power has expanded rapidly, and has even quietly triggered changes in the teaching content of Hogwarts.

This means that the influence of Medea, the person behind the scenes, in the Ministry of Magic cannot be underestimated.

Although such a change is just a test, just an adjustment of the content of a subject exam, it also allows Scott to see the direction of Medea's actions clearly.

Scott has a hunch that she will not stop there.

"Yes, a gift." Medea answered his doubts, "The peaceful teaching philosophy of Hogwarts today cannot cultivate real wizards."

I can't see that you are so concerned about the country and the people...

Scott complained again.

However, Medea did confront Dumbledore on this issue.

She believes that wizards are training the next generation of wolves into sheep.

Scott asked tentatively, "What do you think a real wizard should be like?"

Medea did not answer this question in detail, but casually said: "I don't know, all kinds of things, but at least they are determined to walk on the path they choose."

She took the initiative to talk about the students of Hogwarts.

"Students should not be muddle-headed in school and learn some simple household magic. Such guys will only wave their wands at the stove at home after graduation."

Scott realized that if Medea's actions went smoothly, the changes in Hogwarts were just beginning.

"Tell me, boy."

Medea said again.

"What are the students' reactions to the changes in the exam content?"

Although he didn't think Medea needed to ask him this question specifically, Scott chose to tell the truth.

"Most students accept it well."

"That's good." Medea's tone seemed a little relieved.

She said mercilessly: "As for the few people, they will be eliminated. The best way out for those boys is to be store clerks, and the best way out for girls is to be housewives."

Scott smiled, "These jobs always need people to do them."

"Heh." Medea sneered, "For the magic world, the value they create will not be more than a squib."


Scott was silent again.

"I know you think the same as me on this point, boy." Medea laughed again.

"I don't think so, ma'am." Scott retorted.

"Really? Then just treat it as nothing." Medea said indifferently.

Then, she suddenly changed her tone, "As a student at school, I hope you can make some reasonable suggestions for Hogwarts' teaching, Scott."

"Suggestions?" Scott raised his eyebrows.

Listen to the tone of this lady, if you don't know, you might think she is the principal.

Medea said without question: "Yes, I need some advice, in writing. Anyway, please pass it to me through the small fireplace after you write it."

After that, she casually said goodbye and disconnected the link of the Floo Network.


Scott picked up the small fireplace helplessly and put it back into his leather bag.

He stood up, cleared the spells he had set around, and turned to walk out of the Forbidden Forest.

He walked slowly and thought at the same time.

Although it is true, it is hard to imagine that Medea has already reached out to Hogwarts in a short time.

Scott could never guess her thoughts and purpose.

In theory, her primary goal at present should be her own complete recovery.

But since the attack on the Merlin Sir Group's residence, she has been completely silent.

She has never made any big noise again, but began to hide behind the scenes and weave an invisible big network.

This time, she promoted the reform of Hogwarts' teaching content. Is it for the next generation of the magic world, or to cultivate people who are capable of being used by her?

For Hogwarts, such a change is actually a bit abrupt.

You know, the teaching content of this magic school has not changed for many years.

It is hard to believe that Dumbledore, as the headmaster, did not notice anything.

And, the most important point for Scott himself...

Why did Medea specifically tell him this?

Scott didn't believe that Medea was just trying to get his advice.

"This feeling is really unpleasant." Scott muttered.

He quickened his pace and walked from the darkness of the Forbidden Forest into the sunlight outside the Forbidden Forest.

Looking up at the exceptionally clear blue sky, Scott took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

At this moment, he remembered the cafe outside London Heathrow Airport and the bold words he had said to Professor Flitwick.

"Ravenclaw is like an eagle perched in the sky and on the top of the tower. It can not participate in the battle on the ground, but its keen vision can see everything from a high place."

Scott repeated in a soft tone.

"Not participating is just because I don't want to. I want no one to influence my position and actions. I want to be the freest wizard."

The sunlight made Scott narrow his eyes.

After repeating two paragraphs that only he could hear, he took another step.

No matter what happened, his goal has never changed.

He wants to be the freest wizard!

Such a goal is not just talk.

No matter what Medea wants to do, it is obvious that she wants to involve Scott.

However, this is contrary to Scott's own pursuit.

It must be said that every time he communicates with Medea, Scott will feel a strong sense of urgency.

He knows that he must become stronger.

Only a powerful wizard can maintain a free posture.

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