The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 214 214. Unexpected grand scene

The passage of time does not follow people's will.

Although many Hogwarts students prayed to Merlin, hoping to have more time to review, June still came in their resistance.

This means that the year-end exams that last for a week every year are also coming.

For exams, Ravenclaws are the most calm among the students of the four colleges.

There are even many Ravenclaw students who like exams.

Of course, this is also the most incomprehensible part of Ravenclaw for students from the other three colleges.

The first exam for the fourth grade is the spells class.

After the written exam, it is the actual operation.

Scott and two roommates of the same grade are waiting at the door of the spells classroom.

"I wonder what spells Professor Flitwick will let us use for the exam?" Milton looked at the first student who walked into the classroom.

The commentator of the Quidditch game, Lee Jordan from Gryffindor College.

Scott leaned against the wall of the corridor, "I remember that you have mastered all the spells learned this school year?"

Milton took a few deep breaths and smiled embarrassedly, "I didn't expect that I would still be a little nervous when I was on the spot."

"It seems that your change is still not thorough enough." Roger said with a smile.

"But it's much better than before." Scott also smiled, "The day before the end-of-year exam last year, Milton was so nervous that he didn't sleep all night."

They chatted casually, and soon, Lee Jordan walked out of the classroom.

The Gryffindor students immediately surrounded him.

"It's the repair spell!"

Scott heard Lee Jordan say to his classmates at the speed of commenting on a football game.

"Professor Flitwick asked me to use the repair spell to repair a damaged grandfather clock... Oh, I have to say that the grandfather clock is a bit too complicated... After I repaired it, the position of its hour and minute hands was reversed..."

Repair spell?

Scott had a clue in his mind.

This is a very basic spell, and even first-year wizards can use it to repair some simple things.

But if the object to be repaired is a grandfather clock with a complex structure, then it is still very difficult.

The students who got the keywords immediately dispersed and discussed on their own. Only Fred and George were still there listening to Lee Jordan's excitement.

"I suddenly feel that..." Scott said to Roger and Milton, "Maybe Eddie can take over Jordan's commentator position in the future, what do you think?"

"He's a good candidate..." Roger hesitated, "I just hope that these two people don't commentate together."

"That would definitely be a disaster." Scott couldn't help laughing.

Not long after, it was Scott's turn to take the exam.

Hearing Professor Flitwick calling his name, Scott hurried into the classroom.

"Good afternoon, Professor Flitwick."

Scott walked to the front of the podium.

"Oh, good afternoon, Scott."

Professor Flitwick looked up at him and pointed to the dilapidated floor clock next to the podium.

"I think you already know the content of the exam. Of course, this shouldn't be difficult for you. Let's start."

Scott nodded and looked over.

This floor clock was really badly damaged.

The wooden shell was peeling and cracking, the glass on the clock face was broken, and even the hands fell off.

Not to mention the invisible complex structure inside the grandfather clock, it is obvious that the situation is a mess.

But Scott did not hesitate.

He took out his wand and waved it neatly.


The light of the spell enveloped the dilapidated grandfather clock.

In an instant, as if time had gone back, this broken clock gradually turned towards its best state.

Soon, an almost brand new grandfather clock appeared in front of Scott.

Click, click.

The sound rang out, and the second hand on the clock face began to move.

"Oh! Perfect! Scott!" Professor Flitwick said happily, "You not only repaired its appearance, but also made it work again!"

"This is also thanks to your teaching, professor." Scott gave Professor Flitwick a wizard salute.

Hearing him say this, Professor Flitwick was obviously very happy.

The mustache on his upper lip twitched, "Oh, you're welcome, Scott, your excellence is beyond doubt."

In the next few days, Scott successfully completed the written exams for Transfiguration, Potions, Astronomy, Herbs, History of Magic, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Finally, it was Friday.

The wizard duel for all students in the school was scheduled on this day.

After breakfast that day, students from the four colleges, led by their respective deans, came to the Quidditch field outside the castle.

"Does it need to be so grand?"

"Oh, who remembers that this is just part of the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam!"

"Maybe starting next school year, the school will offer a dueling class?"

"I've decided to hate this subject from now on."

Sitting in the Ravenclaw stand, Scott listened to his classmates' complaints.

He didn't expect the school to create such a scene, which was much more grand than the duel club organized by Lockhart last semester.

"Hey! Look!"

Eddie, who was sitting next to him, suddenly pointed in the direction of the main stand and exclaimed.

Scott turned his head and saw Dumbledore leading a group of people to the stands and sitting down.

Eddie said again: "Look at the fat man next to Dumbledore, that's the Minister of Magic!"

"... This is true."

Scott glanced and saw that there was not only the Minister of Magic, but also some other officials and parents of students.

Of course, most of them were parents of pure-blood families.

"Oh... my dad is here too." Scott heard Milton's somewhat unhappy voice.

He squinted and looked carefully in the crowd over there.

Sure enough, Mr. Graves was over there, holding hands with a witch who looked like a noble lady.

Is that Mrs. Zabini?

Scott, who was a little curious, took out a monocular telescope from his leather bag and looked over there again.

Through the telescope, Scott could see more clearly.

Compared with the last meeting at Platform 9 3/4, Mr. Graves's state was completely different.

The last time Scott saw him, he was gloomy and depressed, but now he was full of vigor and vitality.

And Mrs. Zabini, who was holding hands with him, was indeed a famous witch in the magic world. She looked mature, plump and radiant.

Scott, whose curiosity was satisfied, quickly retracted his gaze and handed the monocular in his hand to Milton.

Milton just shook his head, "No need."

He took a deep breath.

"The important thing is the exam in front of us, isn't it."

He seemed to be convincing himself.

"Everything else is unimportant."

Scott took back the monocular and handed it to Eddie beside him.

He didn't say anything, but silently patted Milton on the shoulder to express his support.

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