The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 216 216. Little Mushrooms on the Court

As Professor Flitwick swung his right hand down, the court immediately became lively.


"It's hot and spicy!"

"All petrified!"

"Grin and hula!"

The first-year wizards immediately shouted out their spells and waved their wands to hit their opponents.

For a time, magic spells of various colors were moving back and forth on the court.

However, the battles of most first-year wizards are extremely ugly.

To use the "terminology" of Scott's previous life, most first-year students can only "stand and output."

They serve as each other's fixed targets, and usually the one with the better spell accuracy wins easily, or both lose.

What's more, many unlucky ones were hit from behind by the ill-aimed spells of other groups of young wizards.

At the edge of the pitch, Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape waved their wands and moved the fallen wizards to the edge of the pitch, where Madam Pomfrey was waiting with a sullen expression.

As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer little wizards staying on the court and still fighting.

The few little wizards Scott was paying attention to were still on the field.

Except for Morgan Avery.

She had defeated the Hufflepuff boy relatively easily and was walking towards the side of the court with her chin held high.

Scott sat on the platform and looked in all directions.

Luna and Ginny's duel seemed evenly matched.

Luna moved deftly, Ginny attacked sharply, and the two were evenly matched for a while.

Of course, "dexterity" and "sharpness" are only relative to other first-year wizards.

Jacob's fighting style is solid.

His movements are unhurried but very methodical, and the combination of magic spells is also very thoughtful.

Although his opponent, the Gryffindor girl, attacked quickly and fiercely, he was able to neutralize them one by one.

Without using any spells beyond a first-grade textbook, Jacob was steadily on his way to victory.

Scott began to focus on Savannah, who had a druid heritage.

At this time, Savannah was a little embarrassed.

Her opponent, the arrogant-looking Slytherin boy, had firmly gained the upper hand.

Savannah seems to have never used her inherited magic.

She just relied on the magic spell that was not as good as her opponent's to deal with it. Gradually, her performance became more and more powerless.

But she still did not lose.

In other words, her opponent did not let her lose.

Scott reached out and took the monocular from Eddie's hand and put it in front of his eyes. His field of vision immediately became closer.

The Slytherin boy had a teasing smile on his face.

He waved his magic wand from time to time, but his spell always missed Savannah.

It was clear that he was toying with his opponent.

Savanna seemed to want to raise her hands and admit defeat, but the boy directly swung a magic spell and hit her in the face.

Judging from the shape of his mouth, the incantation he recited was "fire, heat, heat".

If one is hit by this poisonous spell, large and ugly boils will immediately appear on the skin.

In an instant, the expression on Savannah's face changed.

She suddenly leaned over to avoid the spell and threw away the wand in her hand.

Then, she got down on all fours, opened her mouth and shouted something.

In the Slytherin boy's shocked eyes, two vines emerged from the lawn at his feet, wrapping him tightly like a giant python.

Immediately afterwards, Savannah's long, silky hair suddenly exploded as she was lying on all fours.

Like a wolf, she ran up to the boy on all fours.

Jump up and punch.

The shimmering fist hit the boy hard on the face.

At the same time, the vines wrapped around the boy retracted to the ground.

The boy's body immediately flew out and landed on the ground.

He fell into a coma.

The Quidditch pitch fell into silence.

Except for the other little wizards who were still fighting, everyone else looked at this scene in stunned silence.

A few seconds later, there were sounds of exclamation and gasps.



"So...that's our Ravenclaw girl?"


"Oh! Well done, Ravenclaw girl!" Eddie beside Scott began to lead the cheers and applause.

Then all the students except Slytherin started cheering and clapping.

On the court, Savannah's hair became smooth again after she stood up again.

She looked around blankly at the cheering students in the stands.

The moment she saw Scott, she suddenly screamed, covered her face with her hands and squatted on the ground.

She buried her face deeply between her knees, growing there like a mushroom.

"What is that! What is that!"

Eddie called excitedly into Scott's ear.

"What magic did that girl use? You know what, Scott!"

"Of course I don't know."

Scott shook his head with a blank expression on his face.

Eddie still refused to give up, "Did you see it, she used wandless spells! It's incredible! She is indeed our Ravenclaw girl!"

"Oh...then...that's Savannah?"

Milton, who was in the classical music club with Savannah, seemed to have just come back to his senses, and his tone was still a little confused.

At this time, many students were no longer interested in watching other people's duels and began to discuss Savannah's performance enthusiastically.

Especially her performance of summoning vines without a wand just now shocked everyone.

However, at this time, the person involved, Savannah, was still squatting on the ground like a mushroom.

Or, like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand.

The desire to escape from reality was very obvious.

At this time, the other first-year wizards had already finished their duels.

Among the people Scott was paying attention to, Jacob and Ginny had already won.

Luna seemed to be attracted by Savannah's matter, and when she couldn't help but look back, she was hit by Ginny's petrification spell.

When everyone left the court, Savannah was still squatting there without moving.

"Miss Doherty! Miss Doherty!" Professor McGonagall reminded her loudly, "You should go back!"

But the girl seemed to have completely entered the role of a mushroom, turning a deaf ear to it and not moving.

In the end, Professor Flitwick walked onto the court and took her off.

As she walked off the court, she kept covering her face with both hands.

In the expectation of the Ravenclaw students, Savannah did not return to the stands.

She ran back to the castle like a gust of wind.

"Oh, why did she leave? I wanted to talk to her about her punch." Eddie said regretfully.

Roger smiled and said, "I should remind you, Eddie, if you talk about that punch in front of her, I'm afraid you will be the one to be beaten next time."

At this time, Professor McGonagall announced that the second-year wizards began to play.

As the "boy who survived a disaster", Harry became the focus of the whole court as soon as he walked onto the court.

Although the ideas and eyes were different.

But there was no doubt that everyone present was looking at him and paying attention to him.

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