The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 217 217. The second-year duel ends

Although Harry could normally participate in Quidditch matches under the gaze of the crowd, he seemed particularly nervous today.

He kept his head down under the gaze of the crowd.

It was not until the tall Ron blocked the gaze from the main stand for him that the "boy who survived" seemed to relax a little.

Under the command of Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick summoned the flock of birds again.

There was another round of chaos, and the second-year wizards finally found their opponents.

Milton suddenly whispered to Scott: "Potter's opponent is Blaise Zabini."

Mrs. Zabini's son?

Milton's stepbrother?

Scott raised the telescope and looked over.

It was a tall boy.

He had high cheekbones, dark skin, and narrow, slightly slanted brown eyes.

"Like a weird fox." Scott said to Milton.

There were only so many people in the school, and after matching the number, Scott still had some impression of the boy.

Among the Slytherin students, Blaise Zabini seemed to be a loner.

At this time, Scott saw Malfoy running to Blaise Zabini's side and talking to him.

Seeing Malfoy's performance of provoking Harry from time to time, Scott guessed that he should want to exchange opponents with Zabini.

After all, everyone knew that he had said harsh words to Harry a few days ago.

However, Zabini didn't seem to want to pay attention to him.

Malfoy talked for a long time, but Zabini was unmoved, and even lacked an expression.

Malfoy's face became more and more ugly, until he realized that Snape was staring at him, he shrank away.

Of course, he suffered Harry's ruthless ridicule when he left.

Soon, all the students stood in place.

Under the command of Professor Flitwick, the second-year duel exam began.

For a while, various colored spells flew again.

The performance of the second-year students was stronger than that of the first-year students, but it was also limited.

Scott first focused on Neville's battle.

After all, Neville represented the result of his attempt.

If Neville performed well, Scott would still feel very accomplished.

Coincidentally, Neville's duel opponent was one of Malfoy's followers.

Even Scott knew that Malfoy and his followers used to bully Neville at school.

Of course, Scott couldn't remember the names of the two big followers who looked similar, and couldn't tell who was who.

In short, Scott still hoped that Neville could avenge his previous shame.

The bullied boy suddenly grew up and defeated the person who had bullied him. Isn't this a very cool show?

The battle has begun.

But... Neville still seems to be unable to let go and is a little timid.

In Scott's opinion, the big guy looks aggressive, but he is very reckless in battle and is actually easy to target.

However, although Neville's performance at this time is a bit unqualified, he did not lose.

If he wants to win, it depends on whether he can be brave.

"Potter! Potter! Potter..."

At this time, a uniform cheering sounded in the Gryffindor stands.

"Zabini! Zabini! Zabini..."

The Slytherins were not to be outdone and immediately followed.

Scott couldn't help but look at the place where Harry and Zabini were fighting.

At this time, Harry and Zabini were both wandering around the duel area.

Although the spells they cast were not coherent, they were able to dodge and move in a proper manner.

It seems that Harry has made progress because of the existence of the duel club.

When the duel club was first established, Scott also participated.

At that time, Harry was still "standing still and attacking".

When he fought, there was only one word that stood out - recklessness.

Now his performance looks much better.

Sure enough, combat ability must grow in battle.

However, Harry's opponent Zabini did not seem to be a good person either.

Zabini, who was born as a pureblood, could use more spells than Harry.

It can be seen that he also has ideas on the use and combination of spells.

Harry, however, frequently and repeatedly used the disarming spell, and only occasionally used a few stunning spells or petrifying spells.

However, perhaps due to his talent, Harry used the disarming spell very well.

Scott thought he used it better than many senior students.

The fight between the two became more and more intense.

One used relatively rich means to deal with it, and the other used a stronger disarming spell to resist.

The collision of two different fighting styles was very interesting.

Scott watched with great interest.

He had shifted his focus of observation and only took the time to pay attention to Neville's duel on the other side.

Harry waved his wand again, but Zabini had already responded.

A red beam of light unique to the disarming spell passed by him.

At the same time, the wand in his hand was already pointed at Harry.

Harry rolled directly on the grass and avoided the opponent's attack.

As you go back and forth, the fight between the two became more and more stalemate.

Scott then looked to the other side.

At this time, Neville's performance suddenly made Scott's eyes light up.

He first cast the expansion spell to make the grass under the opponent's feet grow wildly, instantly destroying the opponent's balance.

Then he took the opportunity to use the stun spell to end the duel.

As time passed, more and more second-year wizards began to leave.

At the end, the duel between Harry and Zabini was still undecided.

Harry was panting heavily.

His clothes were covered with grass debris, and he was in a mess while crawling and rolling.

Zabini looked much better than Harry.

Although he was also out of breath, at least his clothes were still clean.

Scott noticed that Harry hadn't cast a spell for a long time.

He seemed to have exhausted his magic and physical strength, and only relied on his tenacious will to stumble and dodge his opponent's attacks.

Of course, Zabini's condition was not much better.

His attack frequency was much lower.

This was also the reason why Harry had been able to hold on.

At this time, the cheers from the stands of Gryffindor and Slytherin had stopped, and everyone was quietly watching this difficult duel.

However, not many people were optimistic about Harry.

After all, if he was really too tired to cast a spell, it meant that he had already lost.

But at this moment, Harry suddenly took a step forward and rushed forward.

Zabini thought Harry wanted to fight him, so he quickly dodged with a look of disgust.

However, at this moment, Harry waved his wand.

A faint red light hit Zabini, and the wand in his hand flew out of his hand.

Harry won.

Deafening cheers rang out from the Gryffindor stands.

At the same time, the students of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were also applauding.

"Very cunning, Potter." Eddie said loudly, "You fooled Zabini by pretending that you couldn't cast spells!"

Scott patted him on the shoulder and reminded him, "Next is the third grade, it's your turn."

The fifth update is finally completed!

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