The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 230 230. The Mouse Who Lived for 12 Years

After saying goodbye to Savannah, the three continued to walk along the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Soon, they saw Harry and his two friends coming out of Hagrid's hut.

"Good evening, Harry, Ron, Hermione."

Scott took the initiative to greet them as the trio approached.

"This is Roger, this is Eddie."

He pointed to his two roommates.

Harry and the other two also stopped to greet them.

"Did you go to see Hagrid?"

Scott asked casually, but his eyes were fixed on the mouse sleeping soundly in Ron's hands.

Ron replied, "Oh, yes, Hagrid has been in a bad mood since those damn spiders finally died."

"Hey! Ron! Don't say that, that's Hagrid's friend, he's already sad enough." Hermione couldn't help but scold him.

"Yeah." Ron shook his head and said, "Hagrid's cannibal friends."

Harry patted Ron on the shoulder and sighed, "I really hope Hagrid can make some normal friends."

This time, even Hermione couldn't help but nod in agreement.

But when Ron turned to look at her, she raised her chin proudly again.

Scott was complaining in his heart.

As far as he knew, Professor Kettleburn of the Care of Magical Creatures class would retire at the end of this semester.

If nothing unexpected happened, Hagrid would take over next semester.

With his hobbies, the Care of Magical Creatures class next semester would probably be in chaos.

But right now Scott was more interested in the rat in Ron's hand.

"Is this your pet?" he said to Ron, "It doesn't look good."

"Oh... yes, this is Scabbers." Ron lowered his head and touched the gray rat, saying a little embarrassedly, "It's very old, useless, and sleeps all day long."

"This is a magical mouse. It has been in Ron's house for almost 12 years. It used to be Percy's pet."

Harry saw that Scott seemed interested in the mouse, so he helped introduce it.

"It usually sleeps in the dormitory. Ron wants Hagrid to help check if it is dying."

"This is normal, isn't it?" Ron said sadly. "I mean, it's old and dying. This is something that can't be changed."

As he said this, he touched the ugly fur on the mouse lovingly.

Hermione comforted Ron, "Scabbers is already very strong. I have never heard of an ordinary mouse living so long."

"12 years? Maybe it has the blood of some magical animal." Eddie couldn't help but get close to Ron to take a closer look at the mouse.

"No, it's just an ordinary mouse." Ron frowned and said, "Its only advantage is that it lives longer than other mice."

"Can I take a look?" Scott pretended to be very interested.

"Oh." Ron stretched out his hand, "It's no big deal. It's just a mouse."

Scott stretched out his hand and touched the mouse's back.

"Indeed." He nodded, "I can't sense any magic in it."

Ron took his hand back and sighed, "I hope it can survive this summer vacation, otherwise, my parents won't have the money to buy me a new pet."

At this time, Roger said, "It's too troublesome to keep a pet. Scott and I don't have one."

"I remember you have a raven?" Harry looked at Scott, "Oh, I remember it defeated Malfoy."

As he said that, he couldn't help laughing.

"I used Transfiguration to make it." Scott said softly, and made a "hush" gesture.

"Okay, I won't tell it." Harry was a little gloating, "Malfoy never knew whose raven pecked him."

After that, they chatted for a few more words and then separated.

After Harry and the others walked away, Roger immediately said, "Scott, is there something wrong with that mouse?"

"I think so too." Eddie also looked at Scott.

"Why do you say that?" Scott asked.

Roger smiled, "Oh, you are not the kind of person who is interested in mice, even if the mouse lives abnormally longer."

Eddie continued: "Not to mention touching it with your hands."

"Okay." Scott shrugged, "You really know me very well."

"Tell me quickly." Eddie was very interested and asked eagerly, "What's going on?"

Scott said directly: "I suspect that the mouse is the Animagus of a wizard."


Roger and Eddie both widened their eyes and exclaimed loudly at the same time.

"Although I'm not 100% sure, I think there is a high possibility." Scott said.

"Impossible!" Eddie said, "Which wizard is willing to turn into a mouse for a long time? And it's a long 12 years!"

Roger nodded, "Indeed, turning into a mouse for 12 years? Just thinking about it will make people crazy."

Scott smiled, "Maybe it has a reason to hide?"

Eddie still didn't believe it, "There are many places to hide in this world, you don't have to turn into a mouse to be kept as a pet by a little wizard!"

"My judgment is not based on the fact that the mouse lived for 12 years." Scott said, "It has hidden magic, the kind of magic that is extremely difficult to perceive."

Perhaps unless there is a perception talent like him, ordinary wizards will never notice anything wrong.

"Maybe this is why it can live for 12 years?" Eddie said.

"No, I can sense traces of Transfiguration." Scott said affirmatively.

He turned to face the castle.

"Let's go, let's go find Professor McGonagall."

Now that he had encountered it and had a reason, there was no reason for Scott not to solve this matter in advance.

He didn't want to have close contact with Dementors in the next semester like in the "original book".

Moreover, the holiday was about to start.

This meant that even if this matter was exposed now, it would not affect the students who were about to leave the college.

"Oh! I must follow and see!" Eddie chased after him.

Scott walked quickly to the outside of Professor McGonagall's office on the second floor of the castle.

Roger and Eddie stopped at the other end of the corridor.

Scott raised his hand and knocked gently on the office door.

"Come in."

The office door opened.

"Good evening, Professor McGonagall."

Scott walked into the office alone and found that the painting he gave to Professor McGonagall was now hanging on the wall.

Professor McGonagall, who was sitting behind the desk, looked up and found that the person who came was Scott. She was a little surprised.

"Good evening, Mr. Trollope," she said. "What can I do for you?"

"There's something I need to tell you, Professor McGonagall."

Scott closed the door and walked to Professor McGonagall's desk.

"Have you seen Ron's pet mouse?"

"Mr. Weasley's pet?" Professor McGonagall pushed her glasses on her face and looked at Scott. "I haven't paid attention to students' pets, so is there something wrong with Mr. Weasley's mouse?"

"I suspect that mouse is the Animagus of a certain wizard." Scott said directly.

Professor McGonagall paused.

"Are you sure?" She looked at Scott in surprise.

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