The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 231 231. Professor McGonagall catches a mouse

Scott said to Professor McGonagall, "Of course I wouldn't come over here to play a joke on you, Professor."

Professor McGonagall put down the quill in her hand and stood up.

"Tell me the details, Mr. Trollope."

She walked out from behind her desk.

Scott nodded, "I also saw the mouse for the first time today. Ron wanted Hagrid to help him take a look. He thought the mouse was dying..."

Under Professor McGonagall's gaze, he quickly got to the point, "I didn't care until Harry told me that the mouse had been in Weasley for almost 12 years."

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips a little tighter, which deepened the wrinkles on her face and the seriousness.

No matter who it was, it would be strange that an ordinary mouse could not live that long.

Scott continued, "I talked to Ron and then came into close contact with the mouse... Under the magical perception, I was sure that it was the wizard's Animagus."

"Can you sense Animagus?" Professor McGonagall was obviously very curious about this.

But she walked straight out of the office.

"Although I am very interested in how you did it, I decided to believe you... or, for the safety of the students, I must confirm the truth of this matter. In short, let's solve this matter first."

"Of course, you are right, professor."

Scott followed her out of the office.

He waved gently to Roger and Eddie on the other side of the corridor.

Professor McGonagall stood in front of a portrait in the corridor for a while, as if asking about Ron's whereabouts.

When Roger and Eddie walked to Scott's side, she was already walking towards the spiral staircase without stopping.

"Follow me, Mr. Trollope." She said as she walked, "If the rat escapes in a while, maybe your ability can help."

"Okay, professor." Scott responded and quickly followed.

The group soon came to the spiral staircase.

Professor McGonagall waved the wand in her hand.

"I'm going to the eighth floor." She said in a commanding tone.

The constantly changing stairs immediately built a fastest path to the eighth floor in front of her, and then stopped changing.

Professor McGonagall couldn't help but smile, "I've wanted to try this function for a long time, of course, there is..."

At this point, she suddenly stopped talking and quickly climbed up the stairs.

Scott looked up at the armor and statues on the surrounding walls.

The sudden change of the spiral staircase certainly attracted the attention of many students, and they began to talk about it.

When they saw Professor McGonagall, they immediately stopped discussing.

When Professor McGonagall and her group walked by, many students followed them unconsciously.

The desire to watch the fun was very obvious.

Not long after, Professor McGonagall stood at the door of the Gryffindor common room.

"Stand back."

She said to the students who followed behind to watch the fun.

Then she said to Scott, "Of course, don't go in with me for the time being. If what you said is true, it may alert the rat."

Scott nodded, "I will stay here, professor."

Professor McGonagall looked at the huge portrait again.

The portrait shows the caretaker of the Gryffindor common room, the Fat Lady.

The Fat Lady in the painting saluted Professor McGonagall outside the painting, "Good evening, Professor McGonagall."

"Good evening, ma'am. The password is Lion's Mane." Professor McGonagall said.

The Fat Lady smiled and nodded, and the whole painting moved away, revealing the entrance to the Gryffindor common room.

Or it would be more appropriate to say it was a hole, because the entrance was really small, and the little wizards had to bend down to enter and exit.

It was even more difficult for Professor McGonagall.

It was hard to imagine that Professor McGonagall would crawl in with her butt sticking out in front of so many students.

Scott noticed that many people around him had stretched their necks.

Especially Eddie.

But how could Professor McGonagall embarrass herself in front of the students.

She quickly turned into a tabby cat and walked gracefully into the hole of the common room.

Scott heard many students sigh in disappointment.

These guys...

He couldn't help shaking his head.

How much they wanted to see the professor embarrassed!

At this time, the portrait of the Fat Lady covered the entrance again.

"Do you want to go in?" She said to the students somewhat unhappily, "If you don't have anything to do, don't gather here!"

But the students were unmoved.

They were very curious about what happened.

Especially the Gryffindor students who came with them.

It was already unusual for Professor McGonagall to go to the Gryffindor common room, and she even brought three Ravenclaws with her!

During the waiting time, students asked Scott and the other two from time to time, trying to find out something.

But the three kept their mouths shut.

Even Eddie, who was usually a big mouth, kept silent.

Students who knew him immediately thought that something big might have happened.

Infected by them, everyone became serious and nervous.


Scott, who was annoyed by the questions just now, didn't expect that these guys would "self-attack" like this.

Thanks Eddie.

Is this another magical use of the big mouth?

Everyone didn't wait for long.

Soon, the portrait of the Fat Lady was moved away again.

The tabby cat transformed by Professor McGonagall walked out with an elegant step.

Immediately afterwards, three little wizards filed out.

It was Harry and his two friends.

Then, the body of the tabby cat stretched, and Professor McGonagall reappeared in front of everyone.

"Well done, Miss Granger."

Professor McGonagall took a cage from Hermione, who had a serious face and a pursed mouth expression exactly like hers.

The gray mouse squeaked anxiously and kept circling around in the cage.

And Ron's expression at this time vividly explained what it means to dare to be angry but not to speak out.

He glared at Hermione from time to time, and when he saw Scott, his expression became even darker.

"Let's all spread out."

Professor McGonagall said to the students.

At this time, several other members of the Weasley family also crawled out of the common room door.

Fred and George kept winking at Scott, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Mr. Trollope."

Professor McGonagall glanced at Scott.

Then, she looked past Ginny and towards the four Weasley boys.

"Four Mr. Weasleys, come with me."

After saying that, she turned around and strode towards the other side of the corridor.

Scott and the others immediately followed her.

"Hey, what happened?" Fred asked in a low voice impatiently.

George then asked, "Why did Professor McGonagall turn the stool where Scabbers was sleeping into a cage as soon as she entered the common room?"

"Although it's funny how Scabbers suddenly becomes energetic."

"But we'd love to know what happened."

The two of them kept asking questions.

At this time, Ron said angrily: "I'm the one who wants to know the most!"

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