The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 232 232. Peter Pettigrew appears

Feeling the intense gazes of the four Weasley brothers, Scott walked forward indifferently.

"You'll find out soon enough," he said.

The Weasleys looked even more dissatisfied.

Especially Ron.

Scott felt like he wanted to punch himself in the face.

But he didn't dare.

"Ron." Scott reminded kindly, "I hope you won't spit it out later."

"What do you mean?" Ron asked angrily.

Scott just looked at him sympathetically and closed his mouth again.

Poor kid, he had been sleeping in bed with a wretched man for two years without knowing it.

Since many people still have the habit of confiding in their pets, Scott reasonably suspected that the wretched man knew many of Ron's little secrets.

As long as he thought of this, Scott had infinite tolerance for Ron's angry eyes at the moment.

After all, this kid has lost enough.

And, of course, Percy.

What an evil rat, he ruined the youth of the two Weasley boys...

Scott shook his head and sighed.

Under the increasingly weird looks from the Weasleys, he still walked forward calmly.

They followed Professor McGonagall through the winding corridors and came to a hidden door.

It was where Scott had been under Dumbledore's leadership before. The principal's office was located at the entrance to the eighth floor.

Dumbledore seemed to already know what was happening. When Professor McGonagall stood in front of the door, the door opened automatically.

Professor McGonagall walked in carrying the mousetrap, followed by Scott and the others.

The Weasleys seemed a little nervous when they discovered that this was actually the principal's office.

Especially Ron.

He has never looked so much like a younger brother, huddled behind his three older brothers.

"Professor Dumbledore." Percy couldn't help but say, "What happened? Scabbers..."

"I just found out about this, the portrait told me."

Dumbledore smiled reassuringly at several students.

"Take it easy, kids, sit down, maybe you could use a cup of hot chocolate?"


Professor McGonagall coughed and placed the mousetrap he was holding on Dumbledore's desk.

"Albus, can you tell anything?"

Dumbledore leaned his head outside the mousetrap and looked carefully at the gray-furred mouse trembling with fear inside.

Very close, his crooked nose seemed to have touched the cage.

The mouse suddenly became motionless, as if it was frightened to death.

At this time, Ron, who was hiding behind, couldn't help but sob.

Everyone turned to look at him.

I saw him looking at the motionless mouse in the cage with red eyes, looking sad.

Dumbledore said with a smile: "Oh, don't be sad, kid, it's still alive."

"Really?" Ron looked at the gray-haired mouse as if he were looking at a lost treasure.

Scott couldn't bear to look at him.

This child may actually vomit it later.

It's too awful.

Dumbledore looked at Percy again, "Percy, can you tell me the origin of this mouse in detail?"

"Okay, Professor."

Percy took a step forward, straightened his back, and began to answer the questions in a serious manner.

"This rat came into my house on its own when I was little."

he said as he recalled.

"At that time, I was far from the age of going to school. My parents originally wanted to get rid of it, but I regarded it as my own pet."

Dumbledore nodded and asked another question, "Then do you know how the missing toe on its front paw was lost?"

Percy shook his head, "That's what it was like when it showed up at my house."

Dumbledore adjusted his glasses that were sliding up and down the bridge of his nose.

"I really didn't expect it..." he muttered, "Maybe I shouldn't think this way... I really hope the truth is not what I thought..."

As he spoke, he opened the door of the mousetrap.


Surprisingly, the mouse didn't run away.

It allowed Dumbledore to grab it out and point the Elder Wand at it.


Several Weasleys were startled by Dumbledore's actions.

Dumbledore didn't explain. He raised the wand in his hand and the mouse floated up, suspended in the air in front of the desk.

Dumbledore's wand emits blue-white light.

The light enveloped Banban, and it squeaked and twisted wildly while hanging in mid-air.

Ron couldn't help shouting and pleading, "Professor Dumbledore...poor Scabbers..."

At this time, the blue-white light disappeared, and Banban suddenly fell to the floor.

There was another blinding flash, and then the mouse's body suddenly swelled.

"Please let it go, my Madara..."

Seeing all this, Ron's voice stopped abruptly.

A head popped up and limbs stretched out.

Under the stunned gazes of the Weasley brothers, a man stood where Scabbers had been, rubbing his hands obscenely.

This is a very short adult wizard, even shorter than Ron.

His thin, light hair was unkempt and he had a large bald patch on the top of his head.

His appearance is that of an obese person who has lost a lot of weight in a short period of time.

The skin is very loose, like a Shar Pei dog.

His face was dirty and his clothes were dirty, almost like Scabbers' fur.

His pointed nose and watery little eyes even have mouse features.

He looked up at Dumbledore.

"Oh me……"

It seemed that he had been a mouse for so long that he had forgotten how to speak and stuttered when he spoke.

"Peter!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed, "You are Peter! I can't believe you are still alive!"

"Good evening...Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore." Peter stumbled to greet the two professors.

Just then, Ron screamed in the office, "'s not a mouse?"

"Oh Merlin's stinky socks!"

"He's a hidden animagus!"

"He actually stayed in my house for 12 years as a mouse!"

"Luckily we're not interested in rats."

"Otherwise we'll be sleeping with him like Percy and Ron."

Fred and George sang along with disgust on their faces.


Both Percy and Ron couldn't help but retched.

Especially Ron.


He sat down on the ground, covering his mouth while retching and crying, his face wrinkled into a ball.

Don't mention how miserable it is.

At this time, Dumbledore spoke.

"Peter, I didn't expect you to be alive, right under our noses."

He said in an exclamatory tone.

"Of course, we never knew you were an Animagus, and we never paid attention to the students' pets."

"Since you are still alive, why are you hiding?" Professor McGonagall asked sternly, "Don't you know? How sad was your mother when the news of your death came?"


Peter still rubbed his hands, blinked his little eyes, and shed tears.

"I'm sorry, Professor, I have no choice but to do this. I'm so scared... I can't harm my mother."

he said tremblingly.

"You-Know-Who's supporters won't let me go... because... because... I got one of the most evil of them all to go to Azkaban... that spy, Sirius Black!"

Sorry, I came back late today, there are only two updates left.

There will be four more updates tomorrow to compensate.

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