The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 249 249. We will never meet again

Seeing the visitor, both Scott and Ramiro put away the pistols in their hands.

Scott used a very fast speed to cast a memory spell on each of the gangsters, modifying their memories.

At the same time, he quickly whispered to Ramiro: "Don't mention the fact that I am a wizard to anyone."

Ramiro nodded.

"Gentlemen, are you okay?" The driver responsible for driving Scott today rushed to them with sweat profusely.

"We're fine, Jaime," Ramiro said.

He obviously knew the driver.

"It's okay." The driver looked at the two boys and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the two unconscious gangsters on the ground, and his eyes instantly became fierce, "Are they the ones! You subdued them? Well done, boys!"

Benita and the park staff also ran over at this time.

Scott was impatient to negotiate with the staff, so he gave Ramiro a look that handed him over and stood quietly aside.

Benita walked up to Scott.

"Great, you're okay!" The girl was obviously frightened, there were still tears in her eyes, and the makeup on her face was all gone.

"Sorry for scaring you." Scott apologized to her, "And thank you, Benita, you are really brave."

"I'm fine." Benita shook her head gently.

At this time, there was a step away between her and Scott.

Scott has been keenly aware that the girl's attitude towards him has changed.

The girl was probably frightened by his sudden action of pulling out a gun. She no longer had the enthusiasm and boldness before, but became a little afraid of him.

Scott suddenly felt dull.

He knew that Benita's reaction was normal.

After all, this girl is only a 16-year-old junior high school graduate, and it is impossible for her to have experienced such a dangerous thing.

It's normal for her to subconsciously want to stay away from Scott.

It's already amazing that she can bring someone back after escaping.

When they first met, Benita could use a teasing tone to say that Scott was "mysterious and dangerous", but when the "mystery" disappeared and the "danger" was presented straightforwardly, I'm afraid all the romantic moments in the girl's mind were shattered. .

Scott understood this very well and was not surprised.

He just strengthened his idea——

I'm afraid it's really difficult to find a suitable girlfriend.

It has nothing to do with whether the other person is a Muggle or a wizard.

Even if they are both wizards, ordinary little witches may not be able to accept some of his ways of doing things.

Does he have to disguise himself in front of his love partner?

It was too tiring to think about it like that, and he didn't bother to do that.

Although Scott was thinking about this in his mind, he still comforted Benita politely, "Don't worry, everything is fine here, I think my uncle will send someone to deal with it, and you can go home soon. "

"Yes." Benita nodded, lowering her eyes so as not to meet his gaze.

At this time, Ramiro had finished negotiating with the staff, and most of the staff had dispersed to look for Candela, who did not know where he was unconscious.

Scott couldn't care about Benita for the time being.

He pulled Ramiro aside and whispered to him: "It's best to block the news of this matter and don't let what happened to us today spread. Can Uncle Caleb do this?"

Ramiro frowned, "It's difficult... but it should be possible."

Just then, the phone in his hand rang.

"It's dad calling."

Ramiro quickly answered the phone, "Dad, yes... we are fine... the thing is... yes... Jaime is taking care of it... Scott is here."

He handed the phone to Scott, "You come and talk to Dad."

Scott took the phone and said, "Uncle."

"Are you okay, Scott?" Caleb's voice came, "Thank you for saving Ramiro, and don't worry about your affairs being known to others."

Scott said: "There is a mastermind behind this matter. You'd better block the news completely to avoid alerting the other party. We may be able to fish out the mastermind."

"Are you sure?" Caleb asked solemnly.

"If the news blocking is successful, I will be sure." Scott answered affirmatively.

"Okay, I will do this." Caleb said decisively, "You wait there, I will let Ramos pick you up!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

"Ramos will pick us up." Scott handed the phone to Ramiro.

Ramiro immediately said with a grimace: "Oh, what a pity, Ramos is going to be verbose again!"

At this time, the staff finally found Candela lying in the corner of the "maze".

"Great, she's fine! She's just in a coma!" the staff member said happily.

Candela was quickly taken to the park's infirmary.

"Aren't you going to see your girlfriend?" Scott asked Ramiro, who was still standing in front of him.

"Girlfriend?" Ramiro shook his head, "No, Candela is not my girlfriend. We just had a good time together last night."


Scott had nothing to say about it.

Caleb and Ramos were fast, and it wasn't long before Ramos arrived on the scene with a team of plainclothes officers.

The two unconscious robbers were arrested. Scott, Ramiro, and Benita simply recorded statements at the scene and left the park under the leadership of Ramos.

In the car as they left, Ramos said calmly: "Leave it to Jaime, he will take care of everything."

Neither Scott nor Ramiro commented on this.

They sent Benita home first.

At the door of Hernandez's house, Scott got out of the car and said goodbye to Benita.

"Sorry, Benita." Scott apologized again, "You shouldn't have gone through this."

Benita shook her head.

At this time, she finally raised her head and looked at Scott.

"Sorry, Scott."

She hugged Scott gently and said with a crying voice.

"You are really a charming boy, but I was scared..."

"It's okay, I said, you shouldn't have gone through this."

Scott said gently, and patted her back gently.

Benita withdrew from his arms, looked up at him, as if to remember him in her heart.

After a long time, she whispered: "Goodbye, Scott."

"Goodbye, Benita." Scott kept smiling at her.

Benita looked at him deeply again, and then walked into the house without looking back.

Scott stood there, watching her back in a red dress as she walked into the house.

He knew that they might not meet again.

In fact, he admired Benita very much. She was a rational girl.

She knew clearly what she wanted and knew how to stop losses in time.

Scott thought this was a quality worth admiring.


After Scott got back into the car, he found that Ramiro had been hesitant to speak.

At this time, the cousin looked at him with guilt.

"Sorry, it's all my fault." He wailed, "I ruined your first love!"


Scott was choked by his words, looked at him unhappily, and didn't want to pay attention to him.

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