The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 250 250. Scott is refused participation

In the car, Ramiro kept chattering. He felt guilty for ruining his cousin's first love.

Scott listened to his apologies with a wooden face, wondering how the younger cousin could say that his older cousin Ramos was nagging?

He endured it again and again, but he couldn't bear it anymore.

He said to Ramiro directly, "It's okay. Benita and I were only planning to have a summer-limited relationship, and now it's just a premature end."

"Is that so?" Ramiro immediately smiled knowingly, showing an expression that he understood everything, and stopped his chattering apology.

Scott was about to breathe a sigh of relief, and Ramos, who was driving, spoke again, "Very good, are you done?"

Ramiro's face changed, as if he wanted to say something.

But Ramos didn't mean to stop talking. He first seriously criticized Ramiro for "no vigilance", and then criticized Scott for "boldness and recklessness".

After the two admitted their mistakes, he did not restrain himself, but began to criticize Ramiro's bad living habits at length, and ruthlessly criticized him from head to toe from all directions.

Looking at Ramiro's constipated expression, Scott, who was not within the attack range, could not help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, Ramiro really did not lie.

Cousin Ramos obviously looked serious and unsmiling, but once he started talking, he could not stop.

When they finally arrived at their uncle's house, Scott, who was not the focus of criticism, felt as if he was in another world, and Ramiro, who was the focus of Ramos, had no desire to live.

Uncle Caleb had not returned at this time, but Michael and Emilia had already arrived at their uncle's house and were waiting for them with Aunt Flora.

Ramos sent them home and left in a hurry. Caleb wanted to block the news of the incident according to Scott's suggestion, and he had to help.

Ramiro and Scott were left to face the elders' inquiries.

Michael and Emilia didn't seem to be too worried, but they were relieved after seeing Scott and Ramiro arrive home safely.

Aunt Flora came up anxiously, she ruthlessly passed Ramiro standing in front of Scott, rushed up and hugged Scott tightly.

"Oh God! Honey, I'm so glad you're okay!"

Then she began to look Scott up and down, nervously asking if he was injured.

Scott could only let her look at him, emphasizing that he was fine.

"I'm fine, Aunt Flora."

"Oh my poor child, you must be scared!"

Flora held Scott's hand and kept comforting him. She seemed to think her nephew was still a baby.

Scott couldn't bear this enthusiasm, so he could only look at Emilia for help.

But Emilia seemed to care more about her son's "girlfriend". After confirming that her son was really okay, she asked about Benita.

She told Scott, "That girl must be scared, you should comfort her well."

Scott was helpless.

He wanted to tell his mother that not every girl could easily accept such a thing as she did when she was surrounded by her grandfather who was a former gang boss.

Michael seemed to see something from Scott's expression and helped to change the subject.

While Scott was talking with his parents, Flora also began to criticize Ramiro.

Scott looked at Ramiro with sympathy, and whispered to Michael and Emilia: "The bandits came for the Reis map. There is a hidden instigator behind them. We must find that person."

Hearing his words, Michael and Emilia's expressions immediately became serious.

Michael thought about it, and finally said helplessly: "We Trollopes can't do anything in Spain. We can only discuss this matter after your uncle comes back."

Emilia also nodded in agreement.

Scott told them what he had done, "I used magic to modify the memories of the two gangsters. They and the police will only think that this is an ordinary kidnapping case."

"That's the best." Michael looked at him with appreciation, "We don't have to worry about more people knowing about the Reis map."

Scott also expressed his thoughts, "The mastermind and the gangsters agreed on a signal. If the female gangster dyes her hair red, it means that the action will be fruitful. I think we can find someone to pretend to be a robber to lure the mastermind."


Amelia glanced at Michael and said to Scott, "You can tell your uncle what you think."

Scott nodded.

During dinner, cousin Adelina appeared and comforted him again.

And Caleb and Ramos didn't return home until after 9 o'clock in the evening.

"The news has been blocked. This matter will not be on the newspapers or TV news." Caleb announced when he entered the door.

Seeing that Caleb really did such a thing, Scott also had a new understanding of the power he possessed.

But according to Caleb, this was also thanks to the maze in the park where the incident occurred, there were few visitors, and there were no witnesses at the scene.

Before leaving the Hill family, Scott and Caleb had a private conversation.

"Since you said you were sure on the phone, then tell me your plan." Caleb said directly to Scott.

Scott nodded, and he first described the incident in detail, and then expressed his thoughts.

"Can you even modify memory?" Mr. Caleb looked at Scott in surprise.

Scott could only tell him that the Memory Charm was not a very advanced spell.

Of course, one premise he did not say was that using the Memory Charm on Muggles was many times simpler than using it on wizards.

Caleb was only surprised for a moment and then started talking about Scott's plan.

He nodded, "Pretend to be the two gangsters and lure the mastermind to come out according to their agreement with the mastermind? It's almost the same as I thought. I will arrange someone to do it."

"Uncle, I think it's best for me to participate in this matter." Scott said, "We can't rule out the possibility that the mastermind behind the scenes is a wizard."

Scott was very enthusiastic about participating in this matter.

Although he always advocated avoiding troubles if possible in other matters, this matter was different.

This matter has already affected the safety of his family, and Scott must not avoid it.

Caleb glanced at him, but shook his head decisively to reject his proposal.

Scott added: "I can provide a potion that can turn a person into another person. No one can see through this disguise, including wizards."

"No, you don't need to participate, and there is no need for potions."

Caleb said decisively.

"Although we can't be sure whether there is a wizard like you who did this, we can't expose you, so we should just not show any traces of magic first."

Scott didn't agree with this approach, "If the other party is a wizard, it would be easy to find out that I am a wizard."

Caleb said in a deep voice: "That's just a British wizard."

Scott wanted to persuade him again, but Caleb raised his hand to stop him.

"Don't think that wizards are superior, kid."

The middle-aged man's momentum suddenly changed, and his face was fierce.

"Who do you think I am? Ordinary people also have ordinary people's practices. In short, I will make those guys pay enough."

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